Transcript Take One!

Take One!
January 28, 2009
How Do I Become A “Good” Teacher?
Five Core Propositions (NBPTS)
Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to
teach those subjects to students.
Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring
student learning.
Teachers think systematically about their practice and
learn from experience.
Teachers are members of learning communities.
What Makes an Accomplished Teacher?
Studying the Standards
Teaching Standards
What is valued?
What would you see in a classroom of a teacher who was
definitely meeting the standard?
What can you point to in your practice that is evidence
of this standard?
Architecture of Accomplished Teaching
Illustrates how effective learning occurs
NBPTS certification process is based upon this structure
Helix build upon each other (teacher and student)
Step 1: Know Students and Subject Area
Who are my students?
Where are they now?
What do they need?
In what order do they need it?
Where should I begin?
Step 2: Set Learning Goals
Set high, worthwhile goals appropriate for your students,
at this time, in this setting
Step 3: Implement Instruction to Achieve
What instructional strategies would be most effective for
meeting goals?
What materials, people, or places can I use to enhance
student learning?
How can I vary the learning experiences and teaching
strategies to meet the needs of learners?
Step 4: Evaluate Student Learning
Following instruction, evaluate student learning to see if
goals were met
Step 5: Reflect on Teaching Practice
What would I do differently?
What are my next steps?
Step 6: Set New Learning Goals
Based on your evaluation of student learning, set
appropriate goals for your students
Reflecting on Accomplished Teaching
Helix and Take One! Instructions work together
You will only be graded on how well you meet the
NBPTS not the state standards!
Take One! Activity Book and CD
Load CD
Click “Standards”
Click “Take One! Instructions”
In the middle of the “Take One! Overview” is the title of
your Entry and specific directions for your certificate area
Each certificate may have a different Entry number and
contains different requirements for the paper and video.
Entry Numbers
To complete the full National Board certification process,
teachers complete 4 entries and a content knowledge
The entry number for Take One! is simply the task
number if you were completing the entire certification.
The Entry # should match the Entry # on the blue label
in your Take One! box.
Entry ___: _____________________________
This is the focus of your video.
Each content area is different.
Example: Social Studies-History/Adolescence and Young
Adulthood is Entry 3: Promoting Social Understanding
The focus of the video is then explained in further detail
Below the Entry explanation is a list of standards. These
standards will be represented within your video and the
Some numbers are missing.You would only complete all
standards if you were completing full board certification.
What Will I Need To Do?
Requirements for paper and video
Maximum pages and minutes means exactly that
You will not be docked for writing a shorter paper.
Anything over the page/time limit will not be seen/read.
Each certificate area is different! Some papers are shorter
and some videos are longer.
How Will My Response Be Scored?
Review the standards for your area
How are you implementing these standards already?
Evidence based
4- clear, consistent, and convincing evidence
1- little evidence
Composing My Written Commentary
Organized into sections
Example: Instructional Context, Planning and Instruction,Video
Recording Analysis, Reflection
Answer the italicized questions under each section
Suggested page lengths
Developing Writing
Descriptive- retelling what happened in classroom
Analytical- reasons, motives, and interpretations of
actions in classroom
No judgments or justifications are made
Why, how, in what ways
See handout “Questions That Push A Candidate’s Analytical
Thinking” for more help
Reflective- evaluating performance and planning for
More examples of descriptive, analytical, reflective under
“Get Started” link on CD
Take One! Booklet
5 Stages
Blue box at the end of each “Stage” tells you where to
use the information in your commentary
Pg. 26: Instructional Context and Knowledge of your students
Pg. 39: Instructional Planning, Design, Assessment of Students
You do not submit your booklet to the NB so do NOT
put all of your efforts toward the exercises.
The exercises are there to help you analyze and reflect
upon your classroom practices.
Making Good Choices
Selecting a topic
Selecting a class
Selecting the video segment
Format Specifications
How do I write my paper?
Not a writing assessment
Use your “voice”
How do I record my video?
Instructional Materials
Reading, Worksheets, Rubrics, Etc.
Cover Sheets and Forms
Contextual Information Sheet- background of our school
and your classroom
Cannot all be the same
Add your voice
What do I send? What do I need to sign?
Copy everything
Tracking number
Key Elements in the Entry
Answers to all of the questions
Clear, consistent, and convincing evidence of student
Quality links between the evidence
#1 Answer All Questions
Are answers included in the commentary?
You do not have to answer questions in the order they
are written.
If you do not answer a question, this should raise a red
Address the missing information and explain why it is missing
#2 State Your Evidence
Evidence may be found anywhere.
Evidence must be stated to be scored by the assessors
Don’t assume anything.
The candidate (you) are the only person who should
decide what evidence should be included in the entry
#3 Connect the Links
There must be links among the different parts of the
Architecture of Accomplished Teaching
How Will My Response Be Scored
Test your paper and video against these requirements
Ready, Set, Go!
All entries are due (postmarked) April 15
Packing Party?
Defer= No Money
Questions? Materials?
NBCT list (Brinkman/Kitchenmaster)
Listserv (k-12 email interface- k12 listserv- General EducationNational Board Connection for SD Teachers)
Never email anyone your commentary or show anyone
your video that you do not personally know!
Getting Started
Review the Standards
Fill in “Entry Instructions Activity” (T-chart)
What is valued? (Page 1 of your Entry document- focus
and standards)
What do I need to do? (explain how you will represent
the focus/standard during your video and in your paper)
What areas do you need information or clarification?
Good Luck!