11.1 Developing Strategic Plans

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Transcript 11.1 Developing Strategic Plans

Developing Strategic Plans
Types of Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning: Process of determining how to move to a desired future state.
Used by businesses to ensure all parts of the organization are heading in same direction
Evaluates the environment, identifies long term objectives, & develops the plans to reach those objectives.
Take a wide view of business
Tactical Planning: More narrowly focused
Takes a short-term view
The Difference Between Strategic & Tactical Planning:
Approaches to Planning
International marketers will either take a proactive or reactive strategic
Proactive: Recognize your product potential & pursue it before being forced
Reactive: Implement a change based on the environment
What is a proactive approach to getting into your dream college?
What is a reactive approach to not getting into your dream college?
Strategic Planning Process
Strategic Planning helps lower risks.
Look at what you can do well & minimizes things from happening that could prevent you from doing
Strategic Planning Follows a Six Step Process:
Develop a mission statement
Conduct a situational analysis or SWOT
Develop alternative goals & strategies
Develop the strategic plan
Specify action plans
Evaluate & Control the plans
Mission Statements
 A mission statement accomplishes the following:
Defines a market oriented purpose of an organization
Provides direction
Commits resources
Inspires individuals
Establishes a focus for activities
Step #2: Conduct a SWOT Analysis
A SWOT Analysis is an environmental assessment of the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, & threats that a business faces.
Provides the information necessary for developing global strategic plans.
Strengths and weaknesses have a internal focus on factors a business can
Opportunities and threats evaluate external factors that the environment
Strengths and opportunities are the positives
Weaknesses and threats are negative
Step #3: Develop Alternative Goals & Strategies
After developing a mission statement and conducting a SWOT analysis, a business must
develop a set of alternative goals and strategies.
Evaluate advantages and disadvantages
Focusing on just one alternative can increase risks
Alternatives may involve:
Pursuing a variety of products
Evaluating alternative markets
Possible abandonment of certain markets or products
Step #4: Develop a Strategic Plan
Step #5: Specify Action Plans
Step #6: Evaluate & Control
#4 & #5: The business must set specific action plans
Assign responsibilities
 Establish measurable goals
 Establish deadlines and due dates
 This helps insure the plan is actionable and will be followed
Step #6: Evaluate & Control
The plan needs on-going evaluation to monitor its progress.
Strategic Business Units (SBU’s)
SBUs(Strategic business unit) are established by parent companies to implement
strategic plans.
SBU: The smallest unit around which a business develops a strategy
Example Phillips has an European division, North American division and an Asian division.
Each of these are examples of SBUs and Phillips will develop country specific strategies for each of these
SBUs do the tactical planning but are ultimately controlled and strategically planned
by their parent units.
Ticket Out the Door
Individually, write 2 to 3 facts/ characteristics on each of the following:
strategic planning
tactical planning
strategic business unit
mission statement
SWOT analysis