Dewey Decimal System of Library Classification

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Dewey Decimal System of
Library Classification
How To Find a Book in the Library
By Christy Lightholder
MEDT 6463
What if……?
you had only 5 minutes to go into
your library and find a book on
you must search through 10,000 –
20,000 books.
Could you do it in just 5
Sure you could!
With a little help from Dewey…..
but you are thinking -“Who is this strange man and how
can he help me find a book on
• Who was Melvil Dewey?
• What do these terms mean?
The 3 C’s: Class, Call number and Catalog
• What are the 10 subject areas of classification?
Melvil Dewey
•Was born in 1851.
•Was a librarian who loved math.
•Developed the classification system used today in the
•Grouped books together, so you can browse by subject.
The Three C’s
Dewey made ten main classes or subject areas. Books are grouped on shelves
together by their subject for easy browsing.
The Three C’s
Call number
Books have a number on their spine that is similar to other books in their class so
that you can easily find them. This is located over the letters from the author’s last
What is the call number on this book?
The Three C’s
The Three C’s
Is a list of the books that can be found in the library. The catalog is usually located
on the computers in the library. What is the name of our school catalog?
The 10 Main Classes
Generalities – 000
Philosophy – 100
Religion – 200
Social Science – 300
Language – 400
Science & Math – 500
Technology – 600
The Arts – 700
Literature – 800
Geography & History - 900
Here we go!
100’s Philosophy
Books about us.
200’s Religion
Who made me?
300’s Social Science
Who is my neighbor?
400’s Language
How do I communicate with my
500’s Science and Math
What will I talk about? (natural sciences)
600’s Technology
What will I do with science? (applied
700’s The Arts
Time for a break! What will I do for FUN?
800’s Literature
Time to get serious again: Authors and
books that make me who I am.
900’s Geography & History
Who, what, where, when, why? How did
everything happen?
000’s Generalities
We didn’t forget this one! This is for
everything else with room to grow.
What about Fiction Books?
There are so many fiction
books that most of them
are classified together
alphabetically by the author’s
last name.
Celebrate Learning!
• Visit the Dewey Decimal Glog for a video and printable
• Order in the Library Online Game
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Alstrum, V. (n.d.). Order in the Library Game. Retrieved from
Branley, F. (1996). What Makes A Magnet? New York, NY: Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.
Breitsprecher, W. (2009). Doin’ Dewey With Mr. B. Retrieved from
Dicker, K. & De Silva, N. (2010). I Belong to the Buddhist Faith. New York, NY: Rosen Publishing
Donovan, S. (2010). Bob the Alien Discovers the Dewey Decimal System. Retrieved from
Hayes, S. (2008). Dewey Decimal Rap Video. Retrieved from
Jakubiak, D. (2010). A Smart Kid’s Guide to Doing Internet Research. New York, NY: Rosen Publishing
Loewen, N. (2003). We Live Here Too. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books
Loewen, N. (2007). If You Were a Presposition. Minneapolis, MN: Picture Window Books
Martin, P. (n.d.). Dewey Decimal System at Pete’s Power Point Station. Retrieved from
Murphy, F. (2005). Babe Ruth Saves Baseball. New York, NY: Random House
Murphy, P. (2004). Exploring Space With An Astronaut. Berkley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, Inc.
Prelutsky, J. (1993). The Dragons Are Singing Tonight. New York, NY: Greenwillow Books
Raatma, L. (2000). Character Education: Patience. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press