Transcript Slide 1

1803 James Monroe – went to France
He was instructed to explore the
possibility of buying the port (city) of
Monroe was surprised when France
offered the entire region for $15 Million
Size of America had greatly increased
People that would move into the new
region tended to be Anti-Federalist
Ruled that the act passed by
Congress was unconstitutional
Established the power of the
Supreme Court to declare an act
of Congress unconstitutional
Search the Louisiana Territory for a
water route to the Pacific
Set of from St. Louis – Missouri River –
January 1803
Crossed the Rocky Mountains – Pacific
Ocean 1805 November
Contact with animals, new lands, and
Opened the lands for further
exploration and settlement
North African States – Tangiers,
Algiers, Tripoli
Pirates attacked American
commercial ships
Fleet of Marines sent
American ship captured and
crew ransomed off / 1805 Treaty
Vice President for Jefferson
July 11, 1804 – the Vice
President shot and Killed the
former Secretary of Treasury
Later planned an invasion of
Spanish Colonies
America had their eyes on the rich
lands- Canada
American troops advanced to Canada
American navy was effective and held
up against the British Navy (Strongest
Navy in the World)
British forces attacked and burned
Battle of Baltimore / Battle of New
September 13-14, 1814
Andrew Jackson in charge of
British ships fired on American
January 8, 1815 – British
American flag flew high
launched a frontal attack
Francis Scott Key – Star Spangled
American were victorious
Battle fought after war was over
Battle of ___?
Peace with England / ended war of
Both sides agreed to stop fighting
England refused to discuss
At home the war was viewed as a
America had stood up to the most
powerful military in the world
Barbary States
Lewis and Clark
War of 1812
Aaron Burr
Treaty of Ghent
Battle of New Orleans
Louisiana Purchase
Marbury vs. Madison
Died on July 4th 1826
Anniversary of the signing of the
Declaration of Independence
Florida became part of USA
Spain gave up its claim in the
Pacific Coast – north of
Agreed to new boundaries –
Belief held that the lands in
America from the Atlantic to the
Pacific – belonged to the
American people
364 miles – connecting Hudson
River / Great Lakes
Lowered costs for transportation
Made New York a center of
Wheat became a main crop in
western states
New England – Sheep raising
Cotton “king” crop of the Deep
Cotton profits made the south
wealthy / northern states /factories
benefited from this crop
1815 – Most manufacturing was
done in homes /
Followed Madison as president
Era of Good feelings
Wanted to make friends with
Latin America for the benefit of
Court asked to rule if legislature of New
Hampshire had the right to convert
Dartmouth from a private college to
state university
Court stated that original charter was
binding – ruled against the state
Charters granted from the state to a
private corporation were protected by
the Constitution
Built a textile factory in
Employed young women who
lived on site
Manifest Destiny
Putting out system
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
Adam – Onis Treaty - 1819
Thomas Jefferson
and John Adams
Market Economy
Erie Canal
James Monroe as President
Francis Lowell
State of Maryland had taxed the
Bolstered the power of Congress
Baltimore branch of the bank
to regulate interstate commerce
Tax unconstitutional
Stated that states could not
Main issues were if Congress
interfere with the national
could establish a bank and If
government’s right to regulate
state could regulate and tax the
Defined as a direct rule of the people
In America there had been leveling
of classes
Self made man rose to prominence
In the Jacksonian Era this changed
Economic inequality increased the
gap between the rich and poor
He wrote Paul Revere’s Ride
1821 Congress stated their support for the
revolutions in Latin America
America also did not want European
powers to establish other colonies in Latin
Told European powers to stay away from
the Western Hemisphere – America would
control this sphere of influence
No real power to enforce this
He wrote Moby Dick
He wrote Scarlet Letter
He wrote Old Ironsides
He wrote Leaves of Grass
Monroe Doctrine
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Walt Whitman
Gibbons v. Ogden
Herman Melville
Oliver Wendell Holmes
McCulloch v. Maryland
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Election 1828 who won?
Whigs – Republicans
A forceful and domineering
Parties started to hold national
conventions to select their person to
Appointed people to
run for president
government jobs who supported
Parties disagreed with each other
and sometimes with themselves
When the president appointed
people to government jobs who
supported him
Indian Removal
Jackson supported the removal of Indians to
lands not settled by whites
Cherokee Nation owned lands in Georgia,
North Carolina, and Tennessee
Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi extended its
state laws over Cherokees
This defied US Constitution which gave the
Central government power in Indian affairs
1838 – Forced removal of Indians to
Oklahoma/ Many died
Southern states became fearful of federal
encroachment on state rights
South Carolina took up the issue of protective
Vice President Calhoun supported states rights
A feud developed between Jackson and
In 1832 South Carolina legislature voted to
nullify the tariff
Jackson told the secretary of war to prepare for
military action
South Carolina backed down
Kitchen Cabinet Close friends of Jackson
and his unofficial advisors
They advised Jackson to go against the
federal bank
Biddle sought a bill for re-charter for the
bank passed Congress
Jackson vetoed the bill
Congress attempts to override the veto
This issue angered many republicans
Supreme Court decision denied
the state the power to extend
jurisdiction over Indian lands
Georgia defied this order and
Jackson supported Georgia and
violated the US Constitution
Election 1840
New party- support came from
Whigs supported William Henry
republicans / against Jackson
Southern support for state rights Harrison – Associated with winning
the battle of Tippecanoe
Bank issue as a violation of
John Tyler –states’ rights advocate as
running mate
They referred to Jackson as
Harrison won
“King Andrew”
What was campaign slogan?
Spoils system
Nullification Crisis
“Tippecanoe and Tyler too”
Andrew Jackson
Old Hickory
Worcester v. Georgia
Trail of Tears
Bank War
Religious revivals swept through
the north 1830
New Evangelist movement
called on people to repent their
All classes responded to this
Inspired by the religious movement
(Second Great Awakening)
Groups wanted
Curb non-religious activities on
End - Gambling, Prostitution,
Drinking alcohol
End the consumption of alcohol
Started from religious movement
Women played an important part
Protect their homes from the effects
of alcohol
Consumption of hard liquor declined
50% -1830’s
Father of Education
1820-1850 expansion of public education
Most developed in New England
Establish the State Board of Education MA
Compulsory attendance laws / Alienated
working class
Three r’s (reading, riting, and rithmetic
Textbooks / Morality also taught
Piety, domesticity, purity and
While many women were in favor of the
women's movement, some were not. Some
of these believed in preserving the values
of "true womanhood": piety, domesticity,
purity and submissiveness. These
opponents of the women’s movement
referred to their ideas as the "Cult of True
Womanhood." Or?
Spurred by Second Great
Criminals, lunatics, and paupers
Institution established – for
those incapable of caring for
Prisons, ___, and poorhouses –
did not achieve their goals
They wanted to send Blacks
back to Africa
Many felt America would be a
better place without blacks
Liberia – West Africa – few
thousands blacks
Denied racial equality in
Anti-slavery movement
Published the Liberator
Founded the American AntiSlavery Society
Spoke against American
Colonization Society
Spoke for women to be able to
speak at abolitionist meetings
Anti-slavery movement
increased in the 1800’s
Religious leaders and women
created this movement
Free blacks still treated as
outcasts – racism
Movement Called?
Temperance Movement
Abolitionist Movement
Social Reform
Cult of Domesticity
William Lloyd Garrison
Second Great Awakening
Horace Mann
American Colonization Society
Women who supported antislavery movement
Started to speak about women’s
Lucretia Mott & Elizabeth Cady
Lucretia Mott & Elizabeth Cady
Stanton and others met here to
form the first women’s rights
Wrote Declaration of
Sentiments – 1848 – All men
and women were created equal
Millennial Church of the United
Mother Ann Lee – feminine
incarnation of Christ
Sexual equality / Minimized
contact with the outside world
Seneca Falls Declaration
Women’s Suffrage Movement