Gilded Age Politics - Thomasville High School

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Gilded Age Politics
Essential Question?
 In what ways did the politics of the Gilded Era reflect
the laissez-faire attitude of the federal government?
 What events brought about the end of
1868 Election
 Democrats nominate Horatio Seymour
 Platform: End military reconstruction, circulate more money
 Republicans nominate General Ulysses Grant
 “Waved the bloody shirt”: ignited feelings of resent against
Democrats for Civil War
 3 southern states not allowed to vote
 Grant wins 214 to 80, largely thanks to vote from
1868 Election
President Grant’s Timeline
 1869: Wyoming grant’s
 1873: Panic of 1873
women suffrage
 1870: 15th Amendment
 1871: Tweed scandal in
 1872: Credit Mobilier
 1875: Whiskey Ring
 1876: Bell invents
 1877: Compromise of
President Ulysses Grant
 Serves 2 terms
 Not very political or
culturally intelligent
Rode success of military
strategy in Civil War into
White House
Very much a hands off
president, will lead to
corruption in cabinet and
Personal friend of Mark
Smoking and drinking will
lead him to an early death
Corruption Abounds
 Two entrepreneurs
nearly succeed in
monopolizing the gold
 Grant is involved, but
Congress doesn't
impeach, only call his
actions “stupid”
Political Machines
 Political machines are
organizations that use
corruption and
intimidation to secure
 Most common in cities
and states.
 Most infamous:
Tammany Hall in NYC,
led by Boss Tweed
 Tweed bilked $200
million out of NY tax
 When someone
questioned his tactics,
their taxes increased
 Tweed was finally
brought down by
Thomas Nast, a
cartoonist who bravely
stood up to Tweed
Nast’s Cartoons
Credit Mobilier Scandal
 Railroad company that
inflated their prices.
 Federal government
agrees to pay high prices
because Congress was
being bribed.
 Vice President also
accepted bribes.
Whiskey Ring Scandal
 Members of Grant’s own
cabinet created a scheme
to steal revenue from the
whiskey tax.
 Grant promised the
public that he would
“punish all”, in reality he
aided them in their
defense and exoneration.
 Other scandals polluted
the reputation of Grant.
1872 Election
 Republicans re-nominate
 Lots of mud-slinging and
 Liberal Republicans call
for changes
name calling
 Grant easily wins: 286 to
 Liberal Republicans fade
away, but Congress
completes their two
Amnesty to former
Reduction of tariffs
 Democrats nominate
Horace Greeley, a long
time Republican
1872 Election
Panic of 1873
 Railroad and factory production was moving too fast for
the economy
 When these ventures failed many banks also failed.
 Freedmen, whom had begun to exercise economic
independence were hit hard, many AA learn to distrust
 Real problem laid in the lack of money
Paper money was issued in the Civil War, but now that it was over
most wealthy individuals wanted to see it taken out of circulation and
replaced with gold.
Government adopts this policy, but only rich have gold, hence only
rich have $
Many begin to clamor for currency based on gold and silver
Gilded Age
 Name coined by Mark Twain: refers to the surface
of American looking calm and prosperous, while in
reality it was confusing and impoverished.
 Very few differences between the Democrat and
Republicans from 1876 to 1896.
 Patronage (Spoils System) ruled the day; winning
candidates would reward their supporters with jobs
they were often unqualified for.
Election of 1876
 Republicans nominate Rutherford Hayes, largely
because he had been gov. of Ohio, a politically
important state.
Democrats nominate Samuel Tilden.
The election was close, no candidate received a
Also, the returns from 4 states were contested, with
both Rep. and Dem. Claiming election fraud.
An extreme constitutional dilemma loomed; and the
Democrats controlled the House
Compromise of 1877
 To avoid partisan politics an electoral commission
was created with Senators, Representatives, and
Supreme Court Justices.
 This group secretly worked out a deal: Hayes (Rep)
would receive the votes from the 4 disputed states
and would become president.
 In return, the Democrats would get a withdrawal of
troops from the South, patronage positions, and a
southern transcontinental RR.
 Deal agreed upon on 3 days before the inaguration.
Compromise of 1877
President Rutherford Hayes
 1877
Reconstruction Ends
Railroad strike
 1879
Edison invents electric
Dumbbell Tenements
Birth of Jim Crow
 With the military and
Republicans gone from the
south, the Democrats could
regain control
 African Americans suffered
by loosing jobs, homes, and
 Freedmen were forced into
Sharecropping or
Tenant farming, often
for their old masters.
 This new system closely
resembled slavery: a poor
AA constantly found
themselves indebted to the
 Southern states passed
laws creating segregation
de jure, and also
disfranchised AA
through literacy tests,
poll taxes, and the
grandfather clause.
 AA also fall victim to
lynchings in growing
Plessy v. Ferguson
 1896
 Supreme Court fules
 Homer Plessy defies
against Plessy.
 Finds segregation
constitutional on the
basis of “separate, but
 Justifies years 60 more
years of legal(de jure)
state law by sitting in the
white section of a train.
 Case goes to the Supreme
Court, on the claim that
the 14th Amendment
(Equal protection) was
Great Railroad Strike
 1877 RR owners lowered
 Enraged workers
organized a nationwide
Transportation and
commerce halted.
President Hayes calls
federal troops to break
the strike.
Over 100 killed.
Nativism Returns
 Many Chinese men came
to US to work in gold
rush and railroad
 White workers feared
completion from
Chinese, most were
willing to work for lower
 Violent nativists often
assaulted and murdered
 1882: Chinese
Exclusion Act- 1st US
law to stop immigration
 - prohibited all new
immigrants from China
 Us v. Wong Kim Ark:
established the principle
of birth on US soil = US
 Principle has helped
countless immigrant
children become citizens.
1880 Election
 Republicans dump
Hayes, favor James
Garfield with VP
Chester Arthur.
 Duo defeat Dem
candidate Winfield
Hancock 214 to 155.
 Garfield is for civil
service reform
(ending Spoils
System), while Arthur is
against (Stalwart)
Assassination of Garfield
 Garfield refused to give
jobs to people that
supported him unless
they were qualified.
 A disappointed office
seeker shot Garfield,
several months later he
 Many believed that new
president Arthur would
continue with the Spoils
 Arthur and many others
saw the need to reform,
passed the Pendleton
Act which ended the
Spoils System.
 Ended patronage from
individuals, but laid the
groundwork for
corporate financing of
political campaigns.
Garfield Assassination
President Arthur Timeline
 1881
Garfield Assassination
Booker Washington heads
Tuskegee Institute
 1882
Chinese Exclusion Act
 1883
Pendleton Act
 1884
Twain publishes
Huckleberry Finn
1884 Election
 Rep nominate James
Blaine, but he was tied to
political scandals that
hurt his election.
 Dems nominate Grover
Cleveland, NY governor
 Campaign was perhaps
the dirtiest in history,
Rep uncovered the fact
that Cleveland had an
illegitimate son.
 Rather than lie,
Cleveland confessed.
 Election came down to a
group of Rep called
Mugwumps: they
supported Cleveland and
sought to extend reforms
throughout federal
 Cleveland won 219 to 182
 Only Dem pres elected
1860 to 1912
President Cleveland Timeline (1st Term)
 1886: Haymarket Square
Wabash v. Illinois
AFL founded
Statue of Liberty erected
 1887
Interstate Commerce Act
Dawes Severalty Act
Cleveland as President
 Favored laissez-faire
 Cleveland also attacked the
policies (“the government
should not support the
 Helped reunite the nation
by naming several former
Confederates to Cabinet.
 Said he favored civil
service, but fired many
Republicans and replaced
them with Dems.
high tariffs of the day.
 Knew that low tariffs = low
prices for consumers = less
$ for monopolies.
 Big business supported
higher tariffs, so they also
supported the Republican
1888 Election
 Dems nominate Cleveland
 Rep nominate Benjamin Harrison, grandson of
Pres. William Harrison.
 The issue of the tariff proved decisive, and Harrison
won 233 to 168.
President B. Harrison Timeline
 1889: Jane Addams
founds Hull House
Oklahoma Land Rush
 1890: Sherman Antitrust
Populist Party founded
Battle of Wounded Knee
 1892: Homestead Strike
Billion Dollar Congress
 Congress spent money
like never before.
 Passed a new tariff,
highest to that point in
 Tariff forced poor,
including farmers, to buy
high priced goods from
manufacturers, poor
suffered, especially
 Farmers’ Alliance
formed to fight for
farmer rights.
Rise of the Populists
 Backed by struggling
farmers, the Populist
Party was created.
 Omaha Platform
Income tax
Direct election of
Initiative and
Shorter workday
Immigration restrictions
 All of these measures
would eventually be
 The Populists were
hindered by constant
 1892: Homestead
Strike- Carnegie’s steel
plant, 10 dead; federal
troops called in.
 Eastern mill workers and
southern whites did not
support the Populist
because of calls for racial