Transcript Topic:

Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement
and tilt of the Earth’s axis cause day/night
and the seasons?
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
Axis –imaginary vertical line that
cuts through the center of the
earth and around which the
earth spins.
The axis always points to the
North Star.
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
Rotation - spinning of Earth on its
axis, which causes day and
night; it takes 24 hours for Earth
to complete one rotation.
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
Revolution - the motion of Earth
around the Sun, which takes
about 365 1/4 days, or one
year, to complete.
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
The tilt of the Earth causes direct and
indirect sunlight.
The energy that hits the Earth by the
Sun changes over of the year.
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
The angle the Sun is above the horizon
determines how much heat and light
strike each square meter of ground.
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
Equinox “Equal Night”
Daytime lasts exactly as
long as nighttime on
the first day of autumn
and the first day of
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
Summer Solsticelongest day of
the year.
Days are longer
and nights are
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
Winter Solsticeshortest day of
the year.
Days are shorter
& nights are
longer during
Now take some time…
• Take 2 minutes to go over your notes and
highlight or underline the main ideas that
answer the essential question, you should not
highlight everything.
• How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the
• Share with your neighbor, did you highlight
the same thing?
Time to use the left hand column
• You will now write your own questions using
the question starters provided.
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
Write a
using one of
How is….?
What is…?
Axis –imaginary vertical line that
cuts through the center of the
earth and around which the
earth spins.
The axis always points to the
North Star.
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
Write a
using one of
How is….?
What is…?
Rotation - spinning of Earth on its
axis, which causes day and
night; it takes 24 hours for Earth
to complete one rotation.
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
Write a
using one of
How is….?
What is…?
Revolution - the motion of Earth
around the Sun, which takes
about 365 1/4 days, or one
year, to complete.
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
Write a
question using
one of these
How is….?
What is…?
What does…?
The tilt of the Earth causes direct and
indirect sunlight.
The energy that hits the Earth from the
Sun changes over the year.
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
Write a
question using
one of these
How is….?
What is…?
What does…?
The angle the Sun is above the
horizon determines how much heat
and light strike each square meter of
Topic: Seasons
Essential Question: How does the movement and tilt of the
Earth’s axis cause day/night and the seasons?
Write a
question using
one of these
How is….?
What is…?
What does…?
Equinox “Equal Night”
Daytime lasts exactly as long as nighttime on
the first day of autumn and the first day of
Summer Solstice- longest day of the year
Days are longer and nights are shorter.
Winter Solsticeshortest day of the year.
Days are shorter & nights are longer during
Now let’s write a summary
Look at each question you
wrote on your own, and
answer each question in a
complete sentence.