Paul Mullen-MAPA 2011-2015 Transportation Improvement Program

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Transcript Paul Mullen-MAPA 2011-2015 Transportation Improvement Program

Paul F Mullen
August 26.2010
Transportation Improvement
Program (TIP)
 MAPA annually receives $16
 5 Year plan for transportation
million in STP-MAPA via the
Nebraska Department of Roads
improvement activities inside the
MAPA Transportation
Management Area (TMA)
The MAPA TMA includes Douglas and
Sarpy Counties in Nebraska and
urbanized Pottawattamie County, Iowa
 First 4 years must be fiscally
The programmed project costs cannot
exceed the available funding
 Federally funded projects are to be
listed in the TIP
Federal Formula Funding (STPMAPA)
Locally funded projects are not required
to be listed but have been shown in the
This funding is to be used by local
jurisdictions for projects on Federal
Functionally Classified (FFC) roads,
transportation planning, or transit projects
inside the MAPA TMA
The MAPA Transportation Technical
Advisory Committee (TTAC) selects the
projects that will receive STP-MAPA
Current Financial Picture
 Available STP-Funding 2011-2015:
$ 80 million
 Estimated STP Project Costs 20112015: $ 130,172,000
 STP Shortfall: $50,172,000
FY 2011-2015 TIP (Nebraska STP-MAPA Outlays)
Annual Obligation
Programmed Funds
FY 2011
FY 2012
FY 2013
FY 2014
FY 2015
The MAPA 2035 LRTP must be
fiscally constrained for the first
20 years of the plan
 Illustrative projects are placed in
the following 5 years or the plan
Projected revenue streams are
determined from sources that
are reasonably expected to be
Gas tax revenues
Wheel tax revenues
Local General Fund Transfers
Transfers from State and Federal
Revenues should be shown in
Year of Expenditure (YOE)
The LRTP also contains a list of
potential projects with
estimated costs
 Also shown in YOE dollars
Currently the MAPA 2035 LRTP
contains cost estimates for local
jurisdiction projects only
 No NDOR project cost estimates
Revenue Sources
 Local Sources
Wheel Tax Revenue
Property Tax Revenue
Bond Revenue
Sales Tax Revenue
 State Sources
▪ Fuel Tax Revenue
▪ Sales Tax Revenue
 Federal Sources
▪ Motor Vehicle Tax Revenue
LRTP Revenue Sources
Local Sources
State Sources
Federal Sources
Construction Costs
 $ 1,000,000.00 per lane
mile of new pavement
 $ 110.00 per ft2 of bridge
Engineering Costs
 Estimated at 20% of
Construction Costs
Right of Way Costs
 Estimated at 15% of
Construction Costs
Total Cost Estimates
Total Cost Estimates
Long Range PlanFinancial Summary
•Based upon current
project listings the LRTP
is not fiscally
• $ 80,471,000 Budget
Shortfall in 2011-2015
• $ 412,874,000
Budget Shortfall in
2016 -2025
Surplus in 2026-2035
•Total Budget Shortfall is
projected to be:
$ 296,683,000 from
Fiscal Constraint Summary
Estimated Revenue
Estimated Costs