UCD students May 5, 2011

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Transcript UCD students May 5, 2011

Dairy and the environment
Issues in NZ dairy farming
Why worry about the environment?
• A key marketing strategy is selling NZ dairy
products as being from a “clean, green
• As farmers we have a social responsibility to
protect the environment in which we live
• The rest of NZ society will not tolerate the
excesses of a few in the farming community
Fonterra’s Market Focused
1) Effluent Management
2) Water Management
3) Fertiliser Management
4) Waste Management
5) Soil Management
6) Chemical Management
1) Effluent management
• To have a treatment system for farm effluent
that complies with industry standards and meets
the requirement of the RMA
• Need to have regional council permit that
states how the effluent is handled, how spread
and over how many hectares—about 4 ha per
100 cows
2) Water management
• To control stock access to waterways so as
to avoid degradation of water quality
• To control stock access to significant wetlands to
prevent destruction of native flora and fauna
• To only modify or drain significant wetlands if in
compliance with regional/district plans
3) Fertilizer management
• To carry out an annual nutrient budget
• To ensure proper execution of the budget to
avoid unnecessary or excessive leaching
from the soil
• Budget should include: fertiliser inputs,
production sold or moved off of the farm, soil test
data—see overhead
Nitrogen Management
• Lysimeter research have shown that N fertilizers are not
a problem
• Each urine patch is equal to 1000 kg nitrogen per ha.
• About ¼ of the farm gets covered in urine on the LUDF
annually with a stocking rate of 4.2 cows/ha.
• Nitrification inhibitors reduce the amount of N leeched
during periods of high rainfall and low growth—can
reduce leeching by 60% and increase winter growth by
Two main nitrogen losses from agriculture
Nitrate leaching in
drainage water
causes pollution of
surface and
Nitrous oxide (N2O)
is given off by soil
and is a potent
greenhouse gas.
NZ agricultural greenhouse gases
Other (1.7%)
Results show most leeching from
How can we reduce N losses
Hope it doesn’t rain too much
Take stock off the property
House stock and collect urine
Apply Eco-N
– A nitrification inhibitor that effectively reduces
the leeching on N by reducing the activity of
nitrosomonas bacteria
N itrification inhibitor
N itrosom onas
A m m onium + oxygen
(N H 4 )
N itrobacter
N itrite + oxygen
N itrite
N itrous oxide gas loss
N itrate
(N O 3 )
N itrate leaching loss
4) Waste management
• To have human waste from dairy farms treated
at commercial facilities
• To ensure no human waste or industrial
wastewaters containing toxic contaminants are
applied to the surface of grazed dairy pasture
• To not feed dairy animals any supplements that
have been grown on land which has had human
or industrial waste containing toxic contaminants
• To ensure that the collection point of casualty
cattle is screened from the roadside
5) Soil management
• To implement management practices that
nurture and improve the soil qualities
– To minimize damage to soils through livestock
treading (pugging)
– To recognize the limitations of a soil type and
avoid erosion and compaction
– To maintain soil structure and fertility
6) Pesticide/Agrichemical
• To implement agrichemical management
programmes to minimise adverse impacts on
people or the environment
Must have proper storage facilities
Must have records of pesticide inventories
Must keep records of blanket applications
Keep records of operator training
Procedures for handling spills
Provide safety equipment
Clean Streams Accord
• Agreement between dairy industry, government and
interest groups to improve water quality (2003), includes:
Stock fenced from streams
Crossing points to have bridges
Effluent discharges to be compliant
Nutrient management plans
Wetlands to be fenced from stock