Go from your country, to the land I will show you. I will

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Transcript Go from your country, to the land I will show you. I will

After a number of years more,
nothing has changed: no land,
no children.
Abram’s wife now has another
idea about how to “help” God’s
promise come true…
What do you think it is?
God’s Covenant with Abram
To describe the TERMS of
God’s Covenant with
To explain the SIGN of the
Covenant God makes with
To reflect onAbraham’s
Abram’s wife Sarai
offers her servant
Hagar to Abram, to
sleep with – so that
they could get a child
that way.
Ishmael is born.
Has Abram done the
right thing?
1. Explain what Sarai did.
2. Do you think this was a good thing to do?
3. Would it make God’s promise come true?
Why/ why not?
**What do you think will happen next?
Watch the clip..
God appears to
Abram twice. How?
From 1:40
What are the 2 different ways that God appears
to Abram?
2. God makes a Covenant with Abram. What does
God promise that is new?
3. What is the meaning of the changes in Abram
and Sarai names? What the name of the
promised son, “Isaac”, mean?
4. What must Abraham do, & all his male
descendants, to show they are in covenant with
**Who do you think are the 3 people to speak to
“So shall my Covenant be in your flesh, an
everlasting covenant.”
Write out the quote above.
Draw a Christian stick-person. Label
signs of God that most Christians
carry around in their flesh
Which ones do you “carry around” in
your flesh? Star them.
Do you think it is important to show
your commitment to God in physical
ways? Why/ why not?
Which of the following “signs of God”
do you have in your flesh” ?
Fasting for lent
Wearing a cross
Not eating meat on Fridays
Behaving in a Christian way
Being modestly (not
flaunting your body)
Kneeling in prayer
Being unmarried for God
Which of the following did Abraham promise
God in the covenant ?
1. To keep the 10 Commandments
2. To keep walking
3. To circumcise all males in his
4. To be blameless
1. Read Gen 22:1-18
2. Do a story board of the
story in 6-8 boxes, with
descriptions for each
3. Explain with PEE one
thing that you can learn
from this story about