Transcript Document

Presentation 22
Presentation 22
In recent days a tremendous degree of uncertainty has been produced in
people’s lives by the fragility of the money markets.
Men and women have expressed concern about
the security of their jobs, their pensions, their
houses… and so the list goes on. Security is
often looked for in the wrong places and it
is this that makes the passage before us
so relevant.
Presentation 22
Security was the big issue facing men and women in the days after Noah.
The recent flood was constantly on their mind. Disasters of any kind on such
a colossal scale always prompt men and women to think
about their own safety. And in answer to the question,
‘How can we find a place of safety, and prevent a similar
disaster from striking our lives?'
They replied, ‘We’ll establish a building consortium
and in the Plain of Shinar, [present day Iraq] we
will build a great tower - the tallest building in
the world! If there is another flood we’ll run
up to the top and be safe’.
Presentation 22
The Tower Builders
This response indicates their failure to trust God’s promise to Noah that
mankind need never fear another universal flood. God gave his word but
after a few generations it was doubted. God had said, “Trust my covenant
promise.” They replied, “Not likely! We intend to produce our own scheme
to preserve us from danger and we will trust in that”. Clearly, these tower
builders were not men and women of faith despite being descendants of
Noah. But faith is not inherited. They may have inherited Noah’s nose, ears,
eyes etc. but not his faith. Faith is something that each new generation
must discover for itself. Someone has said, “God
has many children but no grandchildren”.
The children of Christians do not automatically
become Christians. They do not inherit faith.
They will either develop a personal faith in
God or like these tower builders look
elsewhere for their security.
Presentation 22
The Tower Builders
Each new generation must be persuaded that there are certain things only
God can do for them. The tower builder’s response indicated that they
didn't trust God’s promise to Noah that never again would a great flood to
cover the world. God had said, "trust my covenant promise."
"No”, was their reply, “our building scheme will
preserve us from danger, we will trust in that."
Presentation 22
The Tower Builders
Secondly, unbelief is not neural but a defiant rebellion against God. This
structure on the plains of Shinar was like a defiant clenched fist raised to
heaven that said to God, 'We can live independently of you.
We can establish our own place of safety'.
Not much has changed today. Men still think
they are expert shelter builders. They trust in
the building blocks of science, economics,
politics and technology. Men still say,
‘We can make ourselves safe’.
Presentation 22
The Tower Builders
Thirdly, unbelief is characterised by disobedience. In 9.1ff God commanded
Noah’s descendants to spread out over the earth. But they chose to crowd
into one place. Did they think there was safety in numbers! Often when
people say that they have difficulty with faith and believing, they really
mean they have difficulty with obedience. Bonhoeffer writes:
Only he who believes is obedient, and only he who is obedient believes…
When people complain that they find it hard to believe, it is a sign of
deliberate or unconscious obedience to the Devil who says,
"Keep on posing problems [of faith] and you will escape
the necessity of obedience."
Presentation 22
The Tower Builders
Fourthly, unbelief is often tied to ambition. We read in v4 that they wanted
to make a ‘name for themselves’. Ambition is not always bad. But these
people wanted to be remembered as those, who had solved the problem of
security without reference to God. Nothing was allowed to thwart that
ambition! There was no local stone to quarry. Did that discourage them? No!
They used baked bricks instead.
They built, what is thought to be the first ziggurat,
a pyramid shaped structure reaching up to
heaven from where they could give God
a defiant wave and say,
“We got here without your help”.
Presentation 22
God’s Inspection
How did God respond to the tower builders? He entered the construction site
and brought the work to a standstill. The reason given for confusing their
language is found in v7, "nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them".
What does that mean? If God did nothing to halt their overweening self
confidence, they would continue to build towers, which created an illusion of
safety. They would fool themselves into thinking they could do anything
without God.
God loves us too much to allow us to buy into
an illusion. His intervention is therefore one of
both judgement and mercy. Are there times
when you think God has dealt with you
severely, denying you a cherished ambition?
Has he put insurmountable barriers across
your path? Then you may have become
the object of God’s, “Severe Mercy”.
Presentation 22
God’s Inspection
Think back to Paul’s description of his early life. He was happily building his
little tower of human righteousness. God came down and stopped him on
the Damascus Road. His building work was brought to an end. His eyes were
opened and he saw human effort for the illusion that it was. Phil 3.7-9
“But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.
What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing
greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose
sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that
I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a
righteousness of my own that comes from the law,
but that which is through faith in Christ-the
righteousness that comes from God and is by faith”.
Paul is saying, ‘I walked away from that tower, not only
was it an illusion it was rubbish’.
Presentation 22
God’s Inspection
God’s judgement brought confusion to the work at Babel. "Babel" means
‘confusion’ in Hebrew but in the Babylonian tongue, it means, "the gate of
God". Interestingly, in scripture the word "Babylon" derived from ‘Babel’
became a symbol of the pride of man and his inevitable fall. Babylon says,
“We are the gate of God- a place of safety!" The Bible answers, "No! You are
confusion – an illusion of safety!" Babylon says, “The solution to human
insecurity is learning to trust in your own efforts.” The Bible answers, “No!
Real security comes from trusting in the promise and provision of God”.
It is no accident that immediately after the Babel narrative we are introduced
to Abram. Abram trusted in God for
eternal security and not in his own
efforts. God held before Abram
a shelter promise.
Presentation 22
A Call to Blessing
God's shelter-promise to Abram is framed in covenant language. Unlike
human covenants, like marriage, which involve two people making promises
to one another's advantage, God took upon himself the total responsibility of
the covenant. God does all the promising in 12v2-3, ‘I will.. I will... I will’.. All
Abram has to do is enter the covenant shelter by faith. The most important
part of the shelter promise is found in v3 'all the peoples of the earth will be
blessed through you'. What then is this unique blessing?
Peter on the day of Pentecost makes it quite clear cf. Acts 3.24ff
“Indeed, all the prophets …, as many as have spoken, have foretold
these days. And you are heirs of the prophets and of the
covenant God made with your fathers. He said to Abraham,
‘Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed.
When God raised up his servant [Jesus], he sent him first to
you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways.”
Presentation 22
A Call to Blessing
Peter teaches that the safe hiding place, promised to Abram has been
constructed as a result of Jesus’ death. Did Abram realise that God had
promised him such a shelter? Yes! He did! How do we know? Cf. Gal 3.6-8.
“Consider Abraham: “He believed God, and it was credited to him as
righteousness.” Understand, then, that those who believe are children of
Abraham. The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by
faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham:
“All nations will be blessed through you.”
Presentation 22
A Response to God’s Provision
We all face the same choice that faced Abram. Will we trust in human
accomplishment for our security [like the builders of Babel] or will we trust
in the promise of God. Abram pointed to the promise of God and said, 'I will
run in there! I will rest there' Where are you sheltering at present? Is it in a
shelter of your own construction or is in Christ’s atoning death?
Only God’s shelter provides safety.
Ah” you say, “I don’t know how to get
into that shelter”. It is not difficult!
Faith is the key!
Presentation 22
A Response to God’s Provision
We need to say to God, “All of my best efforts can never construct a safe
tower. I believe Christ’s death has constructed a place of safety. I thought
my sin would disqualify me from your blessing. But you are gracious. You do
not ask, if I am worthy, you ask me to turn my back on sin and to trust you
and with your help and empowering to obey you. I choose to enter into the
safe tower of Christ’s salvation”.
And when we do that then, like Abram, we will be
able to say, 'we have here no continuing city but
we seek one to come.’Heb.13.14
Presentation 22