Transcript Leadership

How do you develop leadership in schools to promote a healthy school
culture and influence student engagement and achievement ?
 Who: How do you encourage the right people to take on leadership
roles and lead teams ?
 How are professional development plans organized ?
 When: How do you roll it out ?
 How do you package it ?
 How do you monitor it and how to keep teachers interested ?
 What: What does the data tells us ?
 Discussion with Principal , Deputy Principal and staff ;
 Classroom and school visits ;
 Education Quality And Accountability Office - Student Data ;
Collection for Heritage Glen Elementary School and their school
 Halton district schools have the same complexities and ask the
same questions as our own counterparts in NSW ;
 They use student achievement data to inform instruction;
 They use the data from their Educational Quality and
Accountability office to set aspirational goals to improve student
learning and to develop a school plan for school improvement.
 As with NSW schools and their community of schools, Halton
District School board has a network of 5 schools. They work together
on a project from December to May and have a learning fair in May
or June to celebrate their joint achievement and partnership.
 One difference between two our systems is their Principal's Qualification
Program and the leadership process;
Admission Requirements for PQP Part 1 include having the following:
 Undergraduate degree, teachers certificate, 5 years of teaching experience
certified by a superintendent, qualification in three divisions (one must be
intermediate), completed a masters degree or two specialist qualifications or
one specialist plus half a masters.
Admission requirements for PQP Part 2:
 Successful completion of PQP Part 1;
 Successful completion of the practicum proposal;
 The Principal's Qualification Program is organized into 12 modules of
equal length.
 They are employed from a pool of administrators and it is up to the
Superintendent to choose the school or district they are appointed;
 Once appointed as administrators they do not belong to a union and
therefore cannot be assigned a class whereas in our system a D.P. may be
assigned a teaching load.
 There are no Assistant Principal positions in the Canadian Education
 Teachers are encouraged to be "Lead Teachers". In the Halton Board
teachers receive no additional payment for taking on added roles . This
can cause a challenge when teachers are not interested in becoming
administrators and have no financial incentive to take on lead roles.
“ Real and lasting Improvement ”
 “ Ontario schools are required to have a culture of collaborative professionalism, in
which educators work together to use evidence to improve practice and students
learning. The creation of thousands of such schools is a call for high quality leadership
throughout the system. In addition, development of school and district leadership can
improve the ability of leaders to act together within and across districts to implement
the three core priorities and provide the supporting conditions for learning.”
 B. Pervin, M.J. Gallagher, G. Clarke, J Grieve, A. Davis and R. Theberge
Assistant Deputy Ministers, Ministry's Leadership Implementation Team.
 The primary purpose of the Board Leadership Development Strategy
is to encourage a systematic approach to fostering high quality leadership
throughout the organization. In doing so, the system encourages staff to
further build leadership skills in their current role and supports their
preparation should they wish to consider other leadership positions.
'There is considerable evidence indicating that:
 School leaders are second only to teachers classroom instruction as
an influence on student learning;
 There is not a single documented case of a school successfully turning
around its student achievement trajectory in the absence of talented
leadership ;
'There is considerable evidence indicating that:
 Widely distributed school leadership has a greater influence on
schools and students;
 System leaders can positively influence student achievement;
 Effective system practices are necessary to sustain successful schools.
 An organizations most effective leaders are not just acquired, they are
grown - in fact an organization has more potential leaders, than it often
realizes. Great leaders have a tremendous capacity to learn and need to be
challenged in order to continuously grow.
 Leaders are powerful levers for improvement at the school system
level. The presence of strong leaders throughout the system results in an
improvement and achievement driven culture, supporting staff to ensure
the success of all students ;
 “ The best way to increase student learning is to invest in adult
learning.” Board Leadership Strategy
 I visited Pineview a small elementary school in Georgetown;
 The Principal used 'Growing Success' with her staff and asked the
following questions:
 'What's new in this document for us ?
 'I don't want you to miss out’.
Using the above document the staff brainstormed
 'Where are we ?
 'Where do we want to move to ?
 'How do we know ?
 'How will we get there ?
 'What will it look like ?
 After answering the above questions the whole staff collaboratively
planned their Professional Development Days.
 The Principal had introduced the books ‘ The Daily 5 ’ & ‘ The Cafe
Book ’
 The question was proposed ‘ How do the above literature connect to
Teaching and Learning Critical Pathways (T.L.C.P)’ ?
 T.L.C.P. and the E.Q.A.O. (Education Quality And Accountability Office);
 The Principal chose one or two teachers to trial it in their classrooms with
the hope that other teachers would come on board at a later date.
 At Heritage Glen a larger elementary school in a middle class suburb uses
a different approach;
 Here they use team leaders to help plan, lead and foster professional
 In literacy the Vice Principal has the team leaders for each division give
teachers a book around the literacy block (see literature review). The teachers
read, share and trial ideas in their classroom and then analyse their findings in
monthly meetings.
 The Principal and vice Principal look at their data from E.Q.A.O and
collaboratively set aspirational goals to improve student learning. This
plan is then taken to divisional meetings and teachers examine their data
with a grade buddy and generate their own questions ;
 They look at pre data and implement a six week program. They then
examine post data with their partner to see what progress has been made
in literacy and/or math.
 A cycle is in place for all schools to have a visit from the district
review team. This team spends an entire day talking to teachers, students
and parents to view evidence of the plan in action. They return two
weeks later with their recommendations which are discussed with both
the Principal and Vice Principal. The plan is modified accordingly after
feedback for strengths and weaknesses.
 During my fortnight in The Halton District School Board
I realized the incredible similarities between our systems;
 the day to day challenges of managing student behaviour;
 handling parenting concerns ;
 implementing state wide board initiatives ;
 in order to accomplish these initiatives we need to encourage the right
people and sustain the right people to leadership positions.
 I return as Acting Principal at Dapto Public School energized and
ready to continue to build a healthy culture through distributed leadership
drawing on my positive experiences in Canada.
Transforming School Culture.
How to overcome Staff Division
Anthony Muhammad
Growing Success
Assessment , Evaluation
Reporting In Ontario Schools
First Edition,
Covering Grades 1 to 12
Ministry of Education
What’s worth fighting for in the Principleship
Michael Fullen
The Cafe Book
Engaging All Students
Daily Literacy Assessment
Gail Boushey & Joan Moser
“ The Sisters ”
Stenhouse Publishers
Portland Maine 2006
The Daily 5
Fostering Literacy Independence
The Elementary Grades
Gail Boushey & Joan Moser
“The Sisters”
Stenhouse Publishers
Portland Maine 2006
Differentiated Assessment Strategies
One Tool Doesn't Fit All
Carolyn Chapman & Rita King
Corwin Press, Inc. 2005
I Read It,
I Don’t Get It
Comprehension Strategies
Adolescent Readers
Cris Tovani Stenhouse Publishers
Portland Maine 2000
Driven Dialogue
A Facilitator's Guide
Collaborative Inquiry
Bruce Wellman &Lauren Lipton
New Horizons for Learning 2003
Y In The Work Place
Managing The "Me First" Generation
Nicole A Lipkin & April J Perrymore
Career Press 2009