Transcript Slide 1

Introduction to Journals
and Databases
What is a journal?
Why do I need to use journals?
Types of journal
Where can I find journals?
 Print Journals
 Electronic resources
 The different types of database
 How to access them
 Example product: Business Source Premier
 Article search
 Publication Search
 Hands-on session
What is a journal?
 A journal, or periodical, is:
 A publication which is produced on a continuing
basis, for example weekly, monthly, quarterly,
 A print, or electronic publication that is issued in
successive parts (issues) and is usually referred
to by volume or issue number, and by date
 e.g. Journal of Business & Management, 2010, Vol. 16
Issue 1
 A publication that usually contains articles by
many authors and is published by a society,
university, or publishing company
Why do I need to use journals?
 The information found in journals is useful
 It reflects research, academic discourse and opinion
 It may not be available in books or other publications
 Scholarly research is generally published in journals
first. This includes:
 technological and experimental breakthroughs
 case studies of groups, companies or activities
 reports on current events
 Referring to journal articles appropriately in your
work provides evidence both of broad reading and
your research work
Types of journal
 Magazines and newspapers
 Trade and Professional publications
 Academic or Scholarly journals
 Scholarly journal articles are an important source
because they:
 Reflect current research and knowledge
 Provide in-depth coverage
 Are written by subject specialists
 Cite references formally
 Are often peer-reviewed (reviewed before publication
by someone else who is an expert on the subject)
Where can I find journals?
 Print journals
 Search the Library Catalogue for the journal title
 Print journals located at Maritime Greenwich are
shelved in Room 005 (Ground floor, East)
 Electronic journals
 Search the Library Catalogue for a specific publication
 Search the electronic databases accessed through the
 Advantages:
 Enables you to search for articles on a specific topic
 Access from on campus, or from home
 A database is a collection of electronic records
that can be searched.
 Those ‘records’ may be various types of resource:
 Books
 Datasets: company accounts; time-series data (GDP;
BOP; unemployment; inflation; etc.)
 Journal articles
 Other more specialised types of document: market
research reports; industry profiles; conference papers;
 The Library Service currently subscribes to about
80 databases
 Augmented by School-specific resources (e.g. Stata)
Business Databases
 This is NOT an exhaustive list:
 Books
 MyiLibrary - multi-disciplinary
 Journals
 Emerald - 200 journals; management (strategic, HRM, etc)
 Business Source Premier – 2150 journals; everything!
 SwetsWise - cross-searches selected other journal databases
 Datasets
 Thomson One Banker - company accounts & sector data
 Datastream - worldwide equity & economic data
 Economic & Social Data Service International - worldwide
macroeconomic time-series data
Access: The University Portal
The Portal is a hub
that gives you access
to a wide range of
systems and services,
Library Catalogue
Library Databases
Login using your
Username and Password
Access problems?
Use the Help link
Portal: The ‘Library & IT’ Tab
Links to the library catalogue
Link to the electronic databases
Directory of Databases
Scroll down the list to find Business Source Premier
Click on the title to access it
Example Database : Business Source Premier
Select EBSCOhost Research Databases
Select Business/Economics Databases
Business Source Premier: Article Search
Enter search terms into
the search boxes
Advanced Search is the default interface,
which allows you to search for journal
articles on a specific Business topic
Entering Terms
 Truncation:
Use the star symbol (*) to represent one or more characters. For
 organi*ation retrieves organization and organisation.
 manag* retrieves management, managing, managerial, manager, etc.
 Search terms may be single words or phrases. Be aware:
 Entering diversity manag*, will retrieve articles on diversity management and
managing diversity.
 Enclosing search terms within double quotation marks ensures that the exact
phrase is searched, e.g. “diversity management”.
Combining Terms
 Multiple search terms are combined using Boolean
 AND: Each result contains all search terms.
 OR: Each result contains at least one search term.
 NOT: Results do not contain the specified terms.
Initial Search Results
Results are displayed in
the main panel
Total number of results
for the search
Refine your Results
Select to view only articles
available as full text
Select to view only articles from
Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals
Select to view articles from a
specific time period by using the
Publication Date filter
Update results
Refined Results Set
The refined results set
The Limiters applied are
shown and can be de-selected
Sort Results
Click for options to sort results. Sorting by Date Descending
gives you the most recently published articles first!
Viewing Results: Citation Page
Click to view Full Text
of the article as a PDF
Abstract: a brief description of
the article content
Bibliographic information needed
to reference the article
Viewing Results: Full Text
Print or Save the full
Email full text, or export
citation to a reference
manager such as Endnote
Navigate to sections of
the article
Business Source Premier: Publication Search
Select Business Source
Premier Publications
Search for a specific title
Browse titles alphabetically
Select a publication by clicking
on the title
Publication Search
Select the required year,
volume and issue
Publication Search
View the articles published
in the selected issue
Rachael Hartiss
020 8331 8133
[email protected]
Fraser Nicolaides
020 8331 8298
[email protected]
William Robley
020 8331 7881
[email protected]
OSCARS (Support for Remote Users)
Hands-On Session
 Log into the Portal
 Go to the Library & IT tab
 Click on the Electronic databases, electronic
journals and e-books link
 Select Business Source Premier from the
directory of databases
 Select EBSCOhost Research Databases
 Select Business/Economics Databases
 Complete the exercises on the sheet provided