Transcript Slide 1

Applied Physics, PT-1 at ENHS
 Determine what physics governs and
Explain why physics is considered a building
block for all the sciences.
Identify areas in your life that will be
impacted by studying physics.
Differentiate between laws and theories.
Provide reasons why problem-solving
techniques are vital in the study of physics.
Why study physics?
 Physics – branch of science that describes
motion and energy of all matter throughout
the universe.
 Foundation for other sciences.
 Biology
 Chemistry
 Geology
 Astronomy
 Why study physics?
 Physicist
 Theoretical – research previous theories
and mathematical models to form new
 Ancient Greek philosophers
 Plato (c. 428-347 BC)
 Aristotle (384-322 BC) – believed there were
two types of motion: natural and violent.
 Experimental – perform experiments to
develop and confirm physical theories.
 Archimedes (287-212 BC)
Physics and Its Role in
 Science
 Hypotheses
 Technology
Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
 Examples of technologies improved by
advancements in science.
 Robotics
 Bridges
 Historical Event
 Superconductors
tActive noise cancellation
 Magnetic Levitation
 Gyroscope
Physics and Its Connection
to Other Fields and Science
 Prior to 1800’s Plato, Aristotle, Copernicus,
and Galileo were considered natural
philosophers; after the field of physics was
recognized as a science.
 18 subdivisions of physics:
 Mechanics –forces, motion and energy
Physics and Its Connection
to Other Fields and Science
 Thermodynamics – heat energy transfer
 Cryogenics – matter at extremely low
 Plasma physics – electrically charged, ionized gas
Physics and Its Connection
to Other Fields and Science
 Solid state (or condensed matter) physics –
physical properties of solids
Geophysics – forces and energy found within the
Astrophysics – forces and energy between
interstellar objects
Acoustics – creation and transmission of sound
Optics – behavior of light under various conditions
Electromagnetism – relationship between
electricity and magnetism
Fluid dynamics – movement of liquids and gases
Physics and Its Connection
to Other Fields and Science
 Mathematical physics
 Statistical physics – develop statistical models
that simulate the system composed of many
Physics and Its Connection
to Other Fields and Science
 High-energy physics – fundamental, subatomic
particles using high-energy machines that collide
Atomic physics – study of structure of atom based
on knowledge from high-energy studies
Molecular physics – structure of molecules based
on the knowledge from atomic physics
Nuclear physics – nuclear interactions
Quantum physics – small particles and their
Theories, Laws, and ProblemSolving Method
 Scientific Theory – scientific conclusion that
explains natural occurrences.
 Supported by observations and /or much
 Example: Atomic Theory, Cell Theory
 Scientific Law - verbal or mathematical
statement of a relation that always applies under
the same conditions; no attempt to explain.
 Example: Gas Law PV = nRT
 Scientific Principle – same as law
 Scientific method –
orderly procedure for
collecting, organizing,
and analyzing new
information to test
 Problem-solving
method – orderly
procedure that aids in
questions and solving