Digital Message Making - In The Digital Sandbox

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Transcript Digital Message Making - In The Digital Sandbox

The Art Institute of California
 Learn
about infographics and how to design
 Begin Assignment #2 – Concept Generation
through Combination
An infographic (short for information graphic)
is a “graphic visual representation of
information, data or knowledge”.
--As defined by Wikipedia
Infographics is closely related to the field of
data visualization (the study of the visual
representation of data).
 Sometimes these terms are used
 For our purposes, we will look at infographics
that have an illustrative quality to them.
Data Visualization
combination of pictures, symbols, colors
and words can communicate complex
information more clearly than raw data
and dense text.
These often use charts to show relationships
between different things
These can also take the form of “fast facts”
(short lists of bite-size information)
These often use charts to show data over a
period of time
These usually take the form of maps to show
information about specific areas
These usually use diagrams to show the steps
involved in creating something
The information
(represented by text
and graphics)
Credits (attributing the
data sources)
If necessary, a brief description of
your infographic may be helpful
Also, if necessary, a key or legend
to explain what symbols mean
1. Come up with a Topic or Theme
You can’t do any research until you know what
you’re researching…
As you think about your topic, you need to ask
yourself Why am I choosing this topic?
The Why will help you consider what kind of
information you are going to gather
2. Research and Data Gathering
Find out what you can about your topic
Be sure to keep track of your sources
As you gather, think about how you will tell a
story with the information
A narrative is easier to follow than raw data without
3. Figure out a Color Scheme
Choose what colors will represent what
Create a Key/Legend
Consider color combination principles
Monochromatic colors
Analogous colors
Complimentary colors, etc…
4. Rough out a Design
Figure out how the information will flow on the
Figure out the eye path your audience will take
Western audiences traditionally read top-to-bottom,
5. Condense the Data into Graphics and
Simple Text
Boil down the information gathered into the most
interesting and essential facts
Convert the information into graphics and text
that are clear and easy to understand
Graphics should be direct (no ambiguous illustrations)
Text should be bite-size (simple phrases and
6. Putting the Pieces Together
Organize your graphics and text on the page
During this step, ask yourself…
Is the design visually engaging?
Is the infographic clear and easy to understand?
 On
the class blog, there are links to
additional resources:
Webpages and websites dedicated to
infographics/data visualization
Articles with tips on creating infographics
 Questions?