Transcript Slide 1

The Cold War Heats Up
Section 2 and 3
The unsuccessful United Nations
• The international community looked to the
United Nations to protect
• Because the Soviet Union was on the
Security Council they used their veto
power to dismiss postwar problems
• St. Laurent- was the Canadian Foreign
Minister who proposed creating an
organization to protect against Soviet
• North Atlantic Treaty Organization was
developed, based on collective security,
“an attack on one is an attack on all.”
• Canada, US, Italy, France, Britain etc.
• In response to NATO, the Soviet Union will
create the Warsaw Pact, a military alliance
with its satellite nations
Fear of Communism Grows
• Two events heightened our fear:
• Truman made the announcement that the Soviet
Union had an atomic bomb
• Communist take over China
Problems in China
• China’s civil war between the Nationalists and
the Communists had been an ongoing battle but
was stopped in order to fend off Japan in WW II
• Now, Communist leader Mao Zedong and
Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek
• The US at first helped the Nationalist but
realized it was a lost battle and focused more on
supporting Europe from communism
Communism at Home
• During the Great Depression many
Americans joined the communist party
because of disbelief in the American
• During Stalin’s reign, people started to
question and distrust the communists
• In America, those people that were
communist were disregarded and their 1st
amendment rights were attacked
Anxiety Spreads
• Americans saw the spread of communism
as a threat
• China, most of Europe etc. had fallen to
this opposite form of government
• There were many professionals, rumors of
politicians and spies who were
• House Un-American Activities Committee,
developed in 1938 to investigate disloyalty
but now was used to probe out
Communists in the government
• HUAC will pinpoint Hollywood because
they power to influence the public
The Hollywood Ten
• 1947, HUAC called a number of
Hollywood big dogs to testify
• The Hollywood figures had little chance to
defend themselves against flimsy
evidence that they were communists
• When they tried to speak they were told to
shut up, they refused to testify, held in
contempt and served jail time
• People were outraged by the behavior of
the Hollywood big stars and created a
Blacklist of people who should not be hired
• Films stopped dealing with social issues
such as racism and anti-Semitism
McCarran Walter Act
• Senator McCarran was convinced that disloyal
Americans came from other countries or
• McCarran Walter Act reaffirmed the quota
system and discriminated against Asian and
Southern and Central European immigrants
• Truman refused to sign, said it was “ the most
un-American thing he has ever seen” but was
passed over the president’s veto
Can’t Trust Your Neighbors
• There were
• 2 spy cases that really causes people to
• 1. Alger Hiss- State department official was
accused of being a communist by Whittaker
Chambers, a communist and former Time editor
• Hiss sued Whittaker but was accused of lying to
a jury, and he went to jail, many felt unrightfully
• Just a few months after Alger’s conviction Julius
and Ethel Rosenberg, who were communists
were blamed for giving out secrets to the atomic
• They were found guilty of espionage and
executed in 1953
• Later, after investigation of secret documents,
Hiss and Rosenberg were found to guilty, Ethel
was said to have known a bit but was not guilty
of espionage
The Korean War, America’s
Forgotten War
• There had been continuous tension between
China and communists and Japan
• Their was a massacre between the Chinese
Nationalists and Communists
• Nationalists lost support because of their harsh
treatment, high taxes, and corruption
• Mao promised equality and the Nationalists
retreated to Taiwan
Dividing Korea
• Korea was under the harsh rule of Japan during
• They hoped that after the war ended their nation
would be restored but careful plans for
independence were at the end of everyone’s list
• The agreement for the time was that Soviet
troops took control of the north of the 38th
parellel and the US allies to the South
What Changed????
• Because of US and Soviet presence, the
North and the South became communist
and pro-American
• Our forces and Soviet withdrew in 1948
and 49
• 1950 Northern troops stormed across the
38th parallel determined to reunite Korea
by force
The Fight
• The US was shocked and blamed the
Soviets, wrongly, they were up to it
• Now the US was scared because China
was communist and now Korea
• Truman felt that through the US new policy
they had to act to meet the challenger and
help the weak
The disagreement at the UN
• The US refused to vote China into the UN,
the Soviet walked out in anger, they were
not there to veto the conversation on North
• Everyone agreed to help the South and
send in troops
• Truman sent the 17th fleet to Taiwan and
air, naval and later ground troops to South
Another War
• The US will provide 80% of the fire power
for this war
• Douglas MacArthur led US forces in Korea
• He was responsible for establishing a new
government in Japan and most strategy in
the Pacific
• Rhee, the brutal president of Korea was
supported by the United States
• MacArthur was successful in pushing back
the North Koreans by attacking at Inchon
behind enemy supply lines
• North Koreans went back behind the 38th
parallel and there was talk of UNITED
Korea but the Chinese communists feared
a western take over
• They will warn the UN not to come over
the border but MacArthur does not listen
• The Chinese troops enforced with North Korean
troops pushed UN forces past the Yalu river
• A stalemate occurred, and MacArthur wanted to
open a second front
• Truman opposed the strategy fearing it would
lead to wide spread war
• MacArthur will publicly attack the President’s
strategy and Truman will fire him
Effects of the Korean War
US frustration
54,000 were killed and for what?
103,000 were wounded
First war in which the whites served with blacks
Now we had permanent mobilization
Created a military-industrial complex combining
military and science employing 3.5 million
McCarthy’s Rise
• Senator McCarthy had the idea that 205
communists were in the government
• Sparked a communist scare in the US
• McCarthyism- baseless claims and
bullying by McCarthy of supposed
• Lost creditability when went against the
army televised
The years of Eisenhower
• Eisenhower will continue containment without
the risk of war with the Soviets
• Stalin died suddenly in March of 53 and more
moderate leaders came to power
• There were also problems in the Middle EastJews sought refuge in Palestine controlled by
• Disputes between Arabs and Jews, each wanted
their own state
• Israel was Jewish and Arabs attacked
Nuclear Weapons
• The US and the Soviet Union were in an
arms race- the struggle to gain military
• Deterrence- US made their military so
strong that no enemy would dare to attack
• One of our tests was 750 times stronger
than the bombs dropped on Japan
• Brinkmanship-if you are afraid to go to the
brink you are lost
Soviets Push Ahead
• We were having problems launching the
nuclear bombs
• The Soviet launched the Sputnik, the
rocket used to launch it into space could
launch bombs to American shores
Postwar Economy
• US gross national product jumped
• Per capita income- the average annual income
per person increased 1,223 to 2,219
• Industry focused again on consumer goods
• Businesses developed conglomerates a
corporation made up of three or more unrelated
businesses, because of fear of what happened
during the depression
• Franchises also opened- first one McDonald’s
because of new machinery
New Technology
• Television- technology had been
developed in 1920’s but was halted
because of war (Mickey Mouse Club,
American Bandstand)
• Computers became big
• Nuclear power was on the rise Walt
Disney will explain to children
• Advances in medicine- polio, penicillin,
heart defects
Baby Boom
• With people making more money and living
better the birth rate will skyrocket in the mid1940’s
• Growing families needed more room to live, so
the GI Bill of Rights gave low interest mortgages
to purchase new homes and educational
stipends for college
• Growth of suburbs caused auto makers to
change designs and highways to be built
The End
Hand out review
Test on Thursday
A bit about Vietnam and Civil Rights
Monday and Tuesday Final Review sheet
(extra credit)
• Add up skips for points
• Finals