Transcript Slide 1

Central & Northern New Mexico
Combined Federal Campaign
Marketing Your Campaign
John Hernandez
USDA Forest Service ASC Budget & Finance
Job Description
• Ensure:
 100% Awareness
 100% Opportunity
 100% Follow-Up
• Effectively spread the word to EVERY employee
• Unleash the generosity inherent in others
• Make donating easy & irresistible to help
• Make people happy by telling them the difference they made
Why People Give
• People are naturally generous
• Hard-wired for empathy
• People want to help others
• When they help, it makes them feel good
Compelling Ask
• Engage someone
• Lead with emotion … follow with facts
• Treat potential donors like investors
 Show impact their money can make
 Give success stories
 Thank them for considering pledging
• Celebrate donors
• Demonstrate effectiveness and personalizing work of a charity
• Tell your personal story
• Find someone in the agency to tell their story
Compelling Ask
Doing good is contagious
Make people feel they are part of something positive
Develop a listening ear
Keep donors coming back … year after year
• #1 reason donors stop their support?
 way they were treated
 lack of gratitude
 no clear understanding on how their gift helped
Remember: You must awaken the heart
to arouse the mind (and wallet!).
Generation Y / Millennials (under 30 years old)
• Trust plays a large role in giving decisions
• Most likely to volunteer for charities if they have already
donated to them
• 57% gave to charities because of a personal ask
• 58% identified online giving as the method of choice
• 85% were motivated by a compelling mission or cause
• As ambassadors, millennials influence their peers
• Best way to engage
• Create a vested interest in CFC through joint “ownership”
• Recruit millennials to work on committees
• Recruit millennials to be an active partner in activities
Generation X (31-46 years old)
• When Xers have the money and info. about a charitable
organization, they give nearly twice as much as their Baby
Boomer counterparts
• More comfortable with online giving vehicles
• Hands-on approach to getting results
• Keen interest in measuring return on their investments
• Energetic & enthusiastic and willing to “get their hands
• Many Xers are busy building careers or raising families
• Appeal by telling Xers that even a contribution of $1 a pay
period can make a difference
Baby Boomers (47-65 years old)
• Think in advance about giving
• More concerned about administrative costs
• Engage through Effective Communication
 Compelling messages
 Clearly state needs being met
 Difference they can make
 How much money is needed
 How money will be used for the greatest impact
 Testimonials can convert undecided Boomers into donors
Create Excitement
Establish & Publicize Goals
Dollar Amount
Use Thermometer
Tell a Story
Share your story
As co-workers to share their story
Host a Kick-Off Event/Rally
Invite charities to set up tables
Invite charity to speak at a rally/CFC presentation
Create Excitement
Guerrilla Marketing Tactics
• Unexpected & Unconventional Methods
• Place posters and flyers in unusual places (inside restroom stall
doors, on cafeteria tables, car windshields, office doorknobs,
stairwells, etc.)
• Engage Agency head or executive staff to advertise in unusual
• Put a cookie in a baggie and staple it on a flyer for everyone
In-House Resources
Voice Mail
Electronic bulletin boards
Loud speakers
Contact agency’s communications/public relations office for ideas &
Create Excitement
Other Ideas
• Create a special campaign newsletter
• Publish a calendar of campaign events
• Announce last year’s successes – makes people feel
• Use social media
100% Ask
Post-It notes regarding online giving
Charity List
Pledge form
Encourage Payroll Deduction
Usually be up to six times larger than a cash gift.
100% Ask
Encourage Online Giving
Convenient – privacy and comfort of donor’s computer.
Searching is Easy – finding charities is easy. Donors can search, sort
and filter charities to find the ones that they feel deserve their dollars.
Math is Made Simple: donors enter the amount per pay period and
decide how much of their total annual donation goes to each charity.
Accessibility: donors can log into their account at any time to view,
print, or email information.
It’s Green: pledging online means fewer pledge cards and charity lists
need to be printed.
Efficient: with perfect math, legibility and charity designations for
current local charities, the CFC and payroll centers time to process
pledge forms is greatly reduced.
• Choice
 Donors direct pledges to the organizations that are closest to their
• Convenience
 Payroll deduction allows people to give more, while only having a
small amount deducted from each paycheck
 Giving online offers the added advantage of a simple & convenient
way to pledge
• Confidence
 All charities are screened by federal peers based on specific criteria
 Pledge is sent directly to the charities donors choose (minus
campaign expenses)
 Managing organization completes annual audit to insure accuracy
and accountability in processing pledges
General Catch Phrases
A little goes a long way
Help those in need
It’s easy – the work is done for you
Have you donated today?
Change someone’s life
Save a life
For donors that have taken a break from giving:
Welcome Back
We’d Love to Have You Back
Please Don’t Forget to Give This Year
We want to thank you for your previous contribution through CFC. No
matter what you gave, your gift mattered to someone. You matter to us
and we would love to have you back.
Effective Appeal
Have a great photo of a person (or animal) and a few words that
convey the emotional heart of your campaign
Make the “Ask” as tangible as possible
 Use materials available online regarding what “$X” provides
Include a tickler, thermometer, quote or comment(s) that show other
donors taking action
 Post thermometer posters in places of high visibility (like intranet, elevators, etc.) that
show how the campaign is progressing
Give a sense of urgency with a deadline or a goal. Inspire people to
act now
 Set dates for your campaign. Post the deadline and send out reminders to donate
before it is too late
Make sure your call to action is clear and easy to act upon
 Announce the kick-off of the campaign, what the agency goal is and how employees
can donate
 Send employees links to this year’s campaign video
 Remind employees that no gift is too small
Remember to say THANK YOU!!
Fun(d) Raising
• Pros
• Fun
• Can engage people
• Not “same old thing”
• Breaks up the campaign
• Increase awareness
• Create enthusiasm
• Team spirit
Fun(d) Raising
• Cons
 A lot of work
 “I participated in the event, so I don’t need to pledge”
 Participation through payroll deduction decrease
 Gaining permission
Fun(d) Raising
• Prohibited To
 Raise funds except through CFC
 Ask businesses to donate
 Require employee to purchase
 Cannot charge
 “Suggested Donation” only
• Required
 Get Agency leadership “buy-in” and approval
 Determine what agency guidelines are BEFORE beginning
Central & Northern New Mexico
Combined Federal Campaign
CFC Office: (505) 245-1730