Super QAR for Test

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Super QAR
for Test-wise Students
In the Book
Right There:
A “detail” type of
question, where words
used to form the question
and words that answer the
question are often “right
there” in the same
Think & Search:
The answer is in the text,
but readers have to “think
& search” to find the
answer; sometimes within a
paragraph, across
paragraphs, or even
Right There
Definition: The answer is in the text;
usually a detail or fact. You can put your
finger on the answer.
 Strategy: Scan
 Information Source: Information in one
Think and Search:
Definition: The answer is in several different places
in the text. Involves more than one sentence.
Strategy: Identify what is being asked
Note key terms in the question
Identify main ideas and details
Compare and contrast
Identify text structure
Information Source: More than one sentence or
In My Head
Author and Me:
The information to
answer the question
comes from my
knowledge, but to even
make sense of the
question, I’d need to
have read and
understood the text.
On My Own:
The question relates to the text,
but I could probably answer
this one even if I had never read
the text. All the ideas and
information come from my
background knowledge.
Author and Me
Definition: The answer comes from the reader’s
background knowledge, but the reader also needs to
have read and understood the text.
Identify background knowledge
Make inferences
Make personal connections (Text to Self)
Make connections to other texts (Text to Text)
Make connections to the world (Text to Themes)
Information Source:
The text (author) and the reader
On My Own
Definition: The answer comes from the
reader’s own background knowledge on the
 Strategy: Think about your own feelings,
knowledge, and experiences dealing with the
 Information Source: Your background
The Reading Cycle
Before Reading: On My Own, Author and Me
(Text to Self)
During Reading: Right There, Think and
Search, Author and Me (Text to Self), Author
and Me (Text to Text)
After Reading: Think and Search, Author
and Me (Text to Themes)
Three Minute Retell: Cinderella
On My Own: Have you ever excluded
someone from hanging out with you? Why?
 Right There: How many stepsisters did
Cinderella have?
 Think and Search: What things did the fairy
Godmother change with her magic wand?
 Author and Me: Why didn’t Cinderella’s
stepmother let her go to the ball with her
Three Minute Retell: The Three Little Pigs
My Own
Right There
Think and Search
Author and Me
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy, bitsy spider went up the spout again.
1. Who climbed up the water spout? (Right There)
2. What happened when the rain washed the spider out?
(Think and Search)
3. Why do you think the spider decided to climb back up the
spout? (Author and You)
4. Have you ever tried and failed at something the first time, and
yet had the courage to come back and try again?(On Your Own)
M a rk felt h is w a y a cro ss th e u n lig h ted ro o m . " O u ch !" h e g ru m b led , a s
h is b a re to e h it th e co ld m eta l leg o f a n u n fo rg iv in g kitch en ch a ir. W h y w a s it
a lw a y s m o re d ifficu lt fin d in g y o u r w a y b a ck to b ed th a n h ea d in g to th e
kitch en fo r th a t b ecko n in g ch icken leg . In th e la st w eek, M a rk h a d cu t h is
fin g er o n a ca relessly p la ced kn ife w h ile h e w a s u sin g th e ed g e o f th e co u n ter
a s a g u id e, a n d th en h e b ru ised h is kn ee w h en h e m issed th e to p step o f th e
sta irs. " I w ish I h a d so m e m a g ic, see -in -th e -d a rk g la sses, " h e ch o cked , still
ch ew in g o n th a t la st m o rsel o f ch icken . " I'd b e a m illio n a ire. E v ery b o d y w h o
h a s ev er h ea rd a ch o co la te ch ip co o kie w h isp er a llu rin g ly o r a p ickle ca ckle,
'co m e h ere' sh o u ld b u y m y sta lker g la sses. I w o u ld O O O W !" M a rk sto p p ed
d ea d a s th e b a ck o f th e co u ch p u n ch ed h im in th e sto m a ch .
1. What injuries did Mark suffer?
 2. If you could invent anything in the
world, what would it be?
 3. What did Mark say when he hit his
 4. If you were Mark, what might you do
to eliminate all injuries?
Have you ever wondered why popcorn pops? Popcorn has
more moisture inside each kernel than regular corn. As the
kernel is heated, the water inside turns into steam. Pressure
begins to build inside until the hard coat on the outside of the
kernel explodes, turning inside-out. If you are careful about how
you prepare it, popcorn turns out to be a very healthy snackhigher in protein than ice cream or potato chips, without the fat
and sugar. Air popping is the best way to prepare popcorn
because it doesn’t require any oil; this keeps the popcorn low in
calories. To add a little zest to your snack, forget the butter or
caramel flavors. Instead try melting a few tablespoons of peanut
butter and stirring that into your popped corn. Or you can add
sunflower, pumpkin, or sesame seeds.
1. What is the best way to prepare popcorn?
2. What are some ways you can make popcorn taste better?
3. Why do you think the author wrote this article about
4. What is your favorite snack? Is it healthy?
Question Making Tips
Right There
the answer first,
then make up the
Think and Search
Find two or more answers. Then
makeup the question.
 Start the question with: list, give,
state, name followed by a number
greater than two.
 Combine two or more interrogative
word together to form one question.
Where and when? Who and what?
Author and Me
Mention a specific scene, character, detail,
quote, or reference from the selection.
According to the text or selection,
According to the author or writer,
After reading the selection,
In your opinion, with support from the text,
What do you think the author or writer
If the answer is yes or no, always add
explain or elaborate.
On My Own
 This
question should deal with
the same subject or topic dealt
with in the text or selection.
 Do not make any direct reference
to anything in the selection.