Transcript coulter

Properties of
What is a mineral
• A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid that has a
crystal structure and a defined chemical composition.
• For a substance to be a mineral, it must have these five
• Naturally occurring
• Inorganic
• Solid
• Crystal structure
• Definite chemical composition
Naturally occurring
• To be classified as a mineral the substance must form in
the natural world.
• Quartz, forms naturally as molten material cools and
hardens deep beneath Earth’s surface
• Man made materials such as plastic, glass, and steel are
not minerals.
• The mineral cannot form from materials that were once
part of a living thing.
• Coal forms naturally in the crust, but geologists do not
classify coals as a mineral because it comes from the
remains of plants that lived millions of years ago.
• Has a definite volume and shape.
• Particles are packed together very tightly so they cannot
move like the particles of a liquid.
Crystal structure
• Particles of a mineral line up in a pattern that repeats over
and over again.
• The repeating patter that forms the solid is called a crystal.
• Crystals have flat sides that meet at sharp edges and
Definite chemical composition
• A mineral always contains certain elements in definite
• Almost all minerals are compounds (made up of more
than one element)
• Some elements occur in nature in pure form. Almost all
pure solid elements are metals.
• Copper
• Gold
• silver
Identifying minerals
• Each mineral has characteristic properties that can be
used to identify it.
• You can see some of the properties of a mineral just by
looking at a sample.
• To observe other properties, you need to conduct tests on
that sample.
• Color is an easily observed physical property.
• Color alone often doesn’t provide enough information to
make a identification.
• Color can be used to identify only those few minerals that
always have their own characteristic color.
• The mineral azurite is always blue. The mineral malachite is
always green. No other minerals look quite the same as
• A steak of a mineral is the color of its powder.
• You can observe a streak by rubbing a mineral against a
piece of unglazed porcelain tile.
• Even though color of the mineral may vary, its streak does
• Pyrite has a gold color, but always produces a greenish
black streak.
• Gold produces a golden yellow streak.
• Is the term used to describe how light is reflected from a
mineral’s surface.
• Minerals containing metals are often shiny.
• Terms used to describe luster include earthy, waxy, pearly,
bright, metallic, and glassy.
• Density is the mass in a given space over volume.
• No matter the size of a mineral the density always remains
the same.
• You can compare the density of two mineral samples of
about the same size. Just pick them up and feel their
weight in your hands.