Transcript Document

PaymentNet 4 for the
Western Illinois University
P-Card Administrators
Lora Lidaywa – [email protected]
Cindy Baxter – [email protected]
Shannon Reed – [email protected]
[email protected]
Phone: 298-1819 Fax: 298-1927
Purchasing Web Address:
JP Morgan 1-800-270-7760
PaymentNet 4
This is the new Log On Screen. Anytime you launch a PaymentNet session, you will be
taken here.
The first time you log on, you will need to sign in using three pieces of information you
would have gotten directly from JP Morgan via two emails:
• The first email contained your Organization ID and your User ID
• The second email contained your temporary Password
To simplify your log on process, check the box next to Remember my Organization
ID to prompt the system to automatically populate it for you every time. Note: if you
are accessing PaymentNet 4 from a public computer, please do not select this option.
The Forgot my Password link allows you to reset your own password by clicking on it.
You will no longer have to contact anyone else for a password reset.
There is also a link to Log On Help which you can click on to get immediate answers to
any questions you have about this Log On process. That is where you would find the
Logging On Quick Reference Card.
Once you have successfully entered your Organization ID, User ID and Password,
you will be taken to the next screen where you will be notified your machine is registered
and be prompted to change your temporary password.
You will now be prompted to immediately change your temporary password.
This Password Setup screen will populate automatically for you when you are logging on for the first time.
You will need to enter your Organization ID and your User ID. After that, it is up to you to add the New
Password you are switching to.
There are new standards for creating passwords as indicated on the screen itself. All passwords must contain:
8 Characters
Be Alphanumeric (at least one letter and one number)
No Special Characters
Different from your User ID
Different from your previous five (5) passwords
Passwords expire after 90 days
User IDs are disabled after 185 days of inactivity
This is the Password Setup confirmation message that you will find on your
screen every time you change your password to a permanent password.
Click on the Finish button.
So now that you have successfully changed your password, let’s go to the last step
for your initial log on.
Security Questions
Upon logging on for the first time, you will be asked to set up your Security Questions.
The answers to these questions will be used when you go through the Forgot your
Password process.
You must answer at least three of the security questions when setting up your profile although it is recommended that you answer all five. Responses to Security Questions are
not case sensitive. If you ever want to change your answers to these questions, you can easily
do that by clicking on the My Profile icon located on the upper right hand of the Home
When going through the Forgot your Password process, you have to accurately answer at
least two of your security questions. If you are successful, you will then be sent, via email, a
temporary password to log into PaymentNet 4. If you cannot answer two of the security
questions correctly, then you will need to contact on of the P-Card Administrators in
Purchasing to have them reset your password manually.
Note that after you’ve been set up the first time, this screen will never trigger again.
Registering your Machine
The first time you log on, the machine you are logging on from will
automatically be registered. Note: The first time you log in, you will not see this
The Register Machine screen and message populate whenever you will be
required to complete a new machine registration process. This will always happen
if you:
• use another machine (either from work, home or on the road) than the
one you originally logged on with
• change browsers on any of your registered machines
• clear your browser cookies on any of your registered machines
The first option on the screen assumes you have access to your email on file
with PaymentNet 4. This should be true for all Cardholders by the time the
migration is complete. Selecting this radio button and clicking on the Next
button will cause an activation number to be sent to your email. You will enter
that activation number when prompted. After that, your computer will be
registered and is ready for your use.
You will receive your activation code in your email. The screen will then change to an
Activation Code prompt. After entering the activation code, you will receive a Machine
Registration confirmation message that indicates you have successfully registered your
These icons can be accessed from all PaymentNet 4 screens.
The Home Page – Click the Home Page icon to return to the Welcome Page.
Contact Information – Click the Contact Information icon to view the Contacts page.
This page contains key program contact information. (Administrators, JP Morgan
information, etc.)
My Profile – Click the My Profile icon to view and manage/update your PaymentNet4
profile information page.
Logout – Click the Logout icon to securely end your PaymentNet4 session.
You will receive an automated email from PaymentNet 4 regarding transactions that
have processed and are waiting for you to review. You will receive them on a daily basis
providing you have outstanding transactions. Login to PaymentNet 4 using the link in
email. Once you have logged in – you will go to “Managing Transactions”.
Managing Transactions
Using the menu options along the top, you may access your various PaymentNet 4
modules. It allows you to manage transaction details and settings and make real-time
In the Transaction module you can:
 Identify and update transaction accounting codes for transactions
 Review and approve transactions
 Download monthly statements
 Review flagged transactions
 View transaction authorization and decline reasons
The Transaction menu provides access to the following submenus:
Manage: The Manage submenu takes you to the Transaction List Screen. The Transaction List
Screen is the starting point for most of the work to be done in the Transaction area.
Approve: The Approve submenu provides you with a place to review all records that have been
awaiting approval.
Authorizations/Declines: The Authorization/Declines submenu takes you to a view of any
declined transactions and pending authorizations on a given account. This screen display realtime
Query: The Query submenu takes you to the Advanced Query screen. The Advanced Query
screen of the Transaction work area is where you will go to conduct queries for transactions.
Statement: The Statement submenu takes you to the Statement Details screen. The Statement
Detail screen allows you to view and print current and past statements.
Reviewing/Approving transactions: To do this you may click either “Manage” to
view all transactions or “Transactions for review” (found at the right). This is to view
just those transactions that are waiting for your review.
Select the row of the transaction you’d like to review.
From the Transaction List, you can click on a transaction to view the specific
details of that transaction. By selecting it, the Transaction Detail screen is
The first tab is called General Information which provides an immediate
summary of some of the information about that transaction.
The Cardholder can click the Review checkbox after reviewing the transaction. The following is
required for each transaction:
 Fiscal Year – The fiscal year the transaction is to be charged.
 Campus Code – The appropriate code – 01 WIU Account or 08 Foundation
 Account # - The proper departmental code to be charged
 Object Code – The proper object code for item purchased
 Receipt (Itemized) – Mandatory “yes” or “no”
 Transaction Notes – Please describe the transaction and be specific.
The following information is necessary for any transaction that has a travel
object code:
 Traveler’s Last Name
 Traveler’s First Name
 Destination
 Travel Begin Date and Travel End Date (MMDDYYYY)
 Transaction Notes must state the purpose of travel
Note: These fields (except Transaction Notes) should be blank if not for travel.
After you have completed the required fields, check the “Reviewed” box and click
“Save”. This transaction is now complete for the remaining approval process.
Splitting Transactions
Select the row of the transaction you’d like to review.
If you want to split your allocation between more than one budget or if there are multiple
travelers for one transaction – Click “Add Lines”
Enter the number of lines that you’d like to split between accounts/travelers.
The number of lines entered must be at least 2. Then click “Add”. You can
quickly add or delete another item without starting over.
Click the arrow to open each line item.
Change the amount or percentage for the first line item. The subsequent line items
will adjust automatically. You will also be able to update the Account # and Object Code
as necessary. If applicable, please list each traveler on a separate line. Remember that
“Transaction Notes” is a mandatory field. Please describe the transaction and be specific.
Click “Save” to complete your review.
If you decide that you don’t need to split the transaction, just click “Remove Lines”.
You will then be able to review the transaction as it was originally presented.
The Addendum tab will show any Level 2 or Level 3 data sent by the Merchant.
If a merchant attaches addendum details to a transaction, then you can view the addendum
details here. For example, an airline ticket purchase will include details about the flight
including, Flight number, Depart Date, Travel Agency Codes and legs of the trip.
If a merchant does not provide addendum details, then the Addendum tab is inactive and
cannot be accessed. If addendum detail is available, a small icon displays in the
Transaction ID column on the Transaction List screen. For Level 3 data, there are
several types of addendum data including Airline, Hotel, Car Rentals, Purchases, etc., from
which addendum data will populate. Each type of merchant will display different
information on this tab.
Disputing Transactions
To dispute a transaction – select the transaction you want to dispute from the list.
Note: The cardholder should always try to resolve a dispute with the vendor first.
If unable to reach an agreement with the vendor, the cardholder should contact
the JPMorgan (1-800-270-7760) and dispute the transaction in PaymentNet 4. The
transaction must be disputed within 60 days from the statement date. Tax charges are
not a reason to dispute a transaction – contact the vendor to resolve the tax issues.
Click on “Dispute”
Make sure your email address is entered and then select a
“Dispute Reason” from the drop down selection.
Depending upon the “Dispute Reason” that you selected – you may need to enter
additional information. Some reasons may ask for additional information, while
others may ask for the receipt amount of the actual charge (correct amount).
Once all the required information has been entered, click “Submit”.
A dispute confirmation will be displayed. You will see listed any
additional documentation that is needed to process the dispute,
along with an explanation of where it should be sent.
Quick Query
Enter the data that you want to query by and click “Go”.
Advanced Query
NOTE: Data older than 30 days is available only by performing an Advanced Query.
The Advanced link found on the screen is where you will go to conduct more specific
queries for the transactions you are searching for.
You can also save a query for future use by following these steps:
1. Select New Query from Query dropdown in upper right hand corner
2. Enter a required date range
a. Set criteria (optional)
b. Limit by hierarchy (optional)
c. Set the sort order of the columns (optional)
3. Process the query
4. Save query
5. Name the query
6. Set as Default (optional)
You will find the Help Module listed on your main task bar alongside the Transactions
and Reports Modules.
Once you click on the Module, you will find two sub-menus as shown above:
• Help For This Page which allows you to access the Help Guide from any page
within PaymentNet 4.
• Help Index which takes you to the entire help information guide from which you
can begin a search.
For example, if you select Help For This Page from the Transactions > Manage screen
as shown above, you will see an overview of the screen as well as links to each of the
actions that can be performed from that screen.
The Help Index allows you to search in various ways.
• Contents: This option allows you to find the desired topic
by choosing the appropriate category on the left and “drilling
into” the topic from there.
• Index: This is an alphabetical list of keywords within the
PaymentNet4 help guide. You can scroll to the desired index
term or search for it in the “Find” field.
• Search: This feature will search for a given term
throughout the documentation, and display all topics that
include that term. You can even select a yellow highlight
feature to locate the term easily on each page displayed.
• Glossary: Common industry and system terms are defined
in this tab.
Also note that you will always see a Topic Tree on the left hand side for faster access to
key topics found within PaymentNet 4. Another point to make is that within
PaymentNet 4 you will always find Related Files, User Documentation, User
Guides and Quick Reference Cards available to you whether you are logged into the
system or not.