Understanding adulthood! - Health and Human Development

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Understanding adulthood!
Adulthood: the lifespan stage from age 18 onwards, and a time of
continuing physical, social, emotional and intellectual change.
There is an expectation that, as an adult, a person takes on roles,
responsibilities and requirements associated with becoming an adult. That
we as a person has ‘grown up’. (Thoughts?????)
Early adulthood (18-39 yrs)
The transition from youth and the establishment of an
independent identity.
Finishes growth cycles – the body enters maintenance phase.
No longer produces cells for growth as in previous life
Your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, is the minimum calorific
requirement needed to sustain life in a resting individual. It
can be looked at as being the amount of energy (measured
in calories) expended by the body to remain in bed asleep
all day! This DECREASES during adulthood. WHY?
Middle adulthood (40-64 yrs)
Seen as a time of consolidation and reflection of ones life.
Peak in careers, followed by retirement.
Retrenchment from work can cause emotional stress and impact –vely on
self esteem.
Work towards gaining optimal health to ensure good health in old age,
to enjoy things like family and travel.
Later adulthood (65+ yrs)
A number of changes occur that have a +ve impact
on health and development.
Definite retirement involves major life transition:
cessation of full time work, community involvement,
organised sport, new friendships.
-ve impacts include: loss of memory, reduction in
ability to perform tasks, death of a spouse, may not
be able to live independently causing frustration,
grief and loneliness.
Characteristics of physical
development. (Early adulthood)
Peak physical fitness, vision, touch, smell and
Growth cycle completes and goes to maintenance
phase. Maximum bone mass, height and bone
growth ends.
Energy requirements reduce.
Characteristics of physical
development. (Middle adulthood)
Body continues maintenance phase
Signs of ageing start: greying hair, increase in wrinkles.
Body starts gradual decline: vision and other senses. Gradual decline in height and
reflex speed.
Men: Reduction in sperm count for men, Balding occurs, Muscles weaken and fat
moves to the abdominal region.
Women: commence menopause (the cessation of menstruation) women in this stage
are more than likely to develop breast cancer, osteoporosis and diabetes.
Characteristics of physical
development. (Later adulthood)
The body’s ability to function efficiently continues to
The changes seen in middle adulthood continue.
It is more common for individuals to suffer from illness or
disability such as arthritis, high blood pressure, cancer,
osteoporosis or heart conditions.
Senses continue to decrease
By late adulthood the body is comprised of a greater
portion of fat than muscle.
Reflexes continue to decline as does the speed of the
nervous system.
Characteristics of social, emotional and
intellectual development.
Social: there is a transition from independence to
interdependence with the introduction of life long
Early: move away from family, choose life partner, start
family, establish a career, financial independence.
Middle: peak career, increased community involvement,
raise children.
Later: becoming grandparents, may not be able to live
independently, free time to enjoy knew activities.
Characteristics of social, emotional and
intellectual development
Emotional: the most significant change is forming intimate
Early: intimate sexual relationships, choose life parnter,
increased sense of identity, parenting children and
increased feelings of love.
Middle: increased feelings of self-worth and identity as
career and family continue to develop. Coping with ageing
parents, coping with changes in relationships and loss,
increased feeling of security.
Later: coping with grief and loss, coping with physical
changes through ageing, adjusting to new self identity with
children seeking their own independence and becoming
Characteristics of social, emotional and
intellectual development
Intellectual: a time for further development, with
regard to skills and careers.
Early: learning knew skills
Middle: Knowledge and skills continue to develop
Later: reaction time and info processing speeds slow
Decline in intellectual capacity with many adults
experiencing memory loss.