Transcript Slide 1

Types of
Canadian & World Politics
Types of World Systems
Non-Governmental Organizations
International Alliances
United Nations
Decision Making in Different Sectors
Non-Governmental Organizations
• What is the role of NGOs?
• Suggested Strategies:
– Provide a coordinated, situation-specific, rapid
– Build technical and operational capacity for the
– Ensure educational services to all.
International Alliances
• Key Alliances
– North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) -
– Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
– African Union (AU) -
– Organization of American States (OAS) -
– Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
The United Nations
United Nations Structure
• Six main “organs” of the UN
General Assembly
Security Council
International Court of Justice
Economic & Social Council
Trusteeship Council
• Many other agencies & organizations within
the UN system
UNHQ – “New York City”
Secretariat (& Secretary-General)
• Secretariat is the “business”
• Secretary-General acts as a
diplomat, advocate, civil
servant, and CEO
• Spokesman for the interests of
the world’s peoples, in
particular the poor and
• H.E. Ban Ki-moon of Korea
General Assembly
Security Council
Economic & Social Council
Trusteeship Council (to 1994)
International Court of Justice The Hague
UN European HQ – Geneva
• Former HQ of the League of Nations
UN Office at Vienna
• UNHCR, Space, Drugs
UN Office at Nairobi
Purpose of the UN
• Maintain international peace & security
• Achieve international cooperation in solving
economic, social, cultural, & humanitarian
• Promote respect for human rights and
fundamental freedoms
• Be a centre for harmonizing the actions of
nations in attaining common goals
UN Priorities:
Conflict Resolution
Peaceful Settlement of Differences
International Court of Justice
Economic Sanctions
Peacekeeping Force
Regular Military Force
– Must be made available by all member states on an
individual basis
UN Priorities:
Human Rights
• Universal Declaration of Human Rights
• High Commission for Human Rights
– Will be replaced by the Human Rights Council on
June 16th, 2006
• Refugees
• High Commission for Refugees
UN Priorities:
Sustainable Development
• “Programs that improve people’s quality of life
without impairing future generations’ ability to
improve their quality of life”
• UN Conference on Human Environment
• The Earth Summit
• United Nations Environment Program
UN Priorities:
The Middle East
• Whereas many other conflicts were resolved in a
relatively short time….
• Palestine & Israel Conflict dominated the Security
Council agenda for decades
• Palestine to Israel; Palestine & Israel?!
• Wars: 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973
• Problems still exist today
UN Priorities:
Other Major Issues
Child Labour
Colonies (success!)
Apartheid (success!)
Development (including the HDI)
UN Millennium Development Goals
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Achieve universal primary education
Promote gender equality and empower women
Reduce child mortality
Improve maternal health
Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
Ensure environmental sustainability
Develop a global partnership for development
Canada & the United Nations
H.E. Guillermo Rishchynski
• Ambassador and Permanent
Representative of Canada to the
United Nations
• Veteran Trade Commissioner,
Ambassador, and executive for
the Canadian International
Development Agency
The Rt. Hon. Lester B. Pearson
• Invented the concept of
• President of the General
Assembly 1952-1953
• Won the Nobel Peace Prize
for efforts to resolve the
Suez Crisis of 1956
• Canadian Prime Minister
Ms. Louise Frechette
• Appointed first ever UN
Deputy Secretary-General
1998 - 2007
• Helped manage Secretariat
• Canadian UN Ambassador
Mrs. Louise Arbour
• Was the UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights
• Former Justice of the Supreme
Court of Canada
• Former Chief Prosecutor for the
International Criminal Tribunals
for Yugoslavia and Rwanda
H.E. Stephen Lewis
• Was the UN Special Envoy
for HIV/AIDS in Africa
• Former Deputy Director of
• Former Canadian UN
• Former MPP and Leader of
the Ontario NDP
General Maurice Baril
• Was a United Nations
Headquarters Military Advisor Senior military advisor to the
• Former Canadian Chief of
Defence Staff (Canada’s top
LGen The Hon. Roméo Dallaire
• Was a Commander of the
United Nations Assistance
Mission in Rwanda
• Author of Shake Hands with
the Devil: The Failure of
Humanity in Rwanda
• Canadian Senator
MGen Lewis Mackenzie
• Was a Commander of the
United Nations Protection
Force in Yugoslavia
• Author of Peacekeeper, Road
to Sarajevo
Canada’s Financial Contributions
to the UN
• 7th leading contributor to the UN – 2.5% of
the UN’s budget (US $34.5 million)… more
than China or Russia!
• Canada has a perfect payment record –
always in full, on time, and without
• In addition, Canada contributes $77 million
annually for UN peacekeeping
Canada and
International Development
• Canada spent US $4.73 billion in 2008 on Official
Development Assistance (ODA) – 9th largest in
the world
– 0.32% of our Gross National Income (GNI) or
approximately $100 from every Canadian
– UN “target” is 0.7% GNI (originally set by Pearson in
1969, but repeatedly affirmed as an appropriate goal)
– 5 countries are there already; others have made firm
commitments to get there before 2017
Canada and Children
• Canada played a key role in creating the 1989 UN
Convention on the Rights of a Child
• Canada Co-Chaired the 1990 World Summit for
• Canada hosted the 2000 International Conference
on War Affected Children
Canada and
Development in Africa
• Canada dropped its tariffs and quotas on
nearly all imports from least-developed
countries in 2003
• Canada led the G8 Africa Action Plan that
helped African nations launch the New
Partnership for Africa’s Development
• Canada added another $500 million in aid
through the Canada Fund for Africa
Canadian Missions to the UN
• Permanent Mission of Canada to the United
Nations in New York (UNHQ)
• Geneva Mission, Vienna Mission
• Delegation to UNESCO in Paris
• Mission UN HABITAT in Nairobi
• Mission to UNEP in Nairobi
• Mission to FAO in Rome
• Mission to ICAO in Montreal
Questions About the UN?
– Michael Kovrig – [email protected]
Decision Making in Different Sectors
Corporations, Humanitarian Organizations,
International Organizations
– Whose interests are at heart when decisions are
being made?
– Who makes decisions in each organization or
– What are the primary concerns or objectives of the
organization or corporation?
– Where does the organization or corporation get its
funding from?
– What does the organization or corporation do with its
Decision Making in Different Sectors
• Nike
• Shell
• Doctors without Borders
• Canadian Red Cross
• Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
• World Bank