Transcript Slide 1

Jane McDonough
• [email protected]
Paul Canning
• [email protected]
Geraldine Owen
• [email protected]
Tracey Witter
• [email protected]
Summer 2013
•100% pass rate
•54% of grades were A*, A or B
•Grades have been up every year
for last 4 years
•2015 will be even better…
Home: support, cooperation,
guidance, a working space,
communicating with college
School: academic rigour,
support & help,
information & guidance,
provider of
Student: working to potential,
high aspirations, making
contribution to college life
Changing the
•‘I can’t do Maths’
•‘I’m rubbish at English’
•‘I can’t do essays’
•‘I’ve tried but I just don’t get it’
•‘X is a natural – they can just
do it’
Growth Mindset
Enjoy challenges
Undaunted by setbacks
Seek advice and criticism
Regard errors as instructive
Employ diverse learning strategies
Bounce back
• Is Tiger Gifted and Talented?
• Was it down to hard work?
How is studying at Advanced level
different from GCSE?
• Greater subject depth
• Increased student responsibility
• More independent research and study
• More analysis and critical evaluation
• Extended assignments/coursework
• Less teacher supervision
Weekly Work Pattern
Teacher set homework
Independent work
Why A Levels
or BTECqualifications?
• Career opportunities
• Life chances and experiences
• Higher Education
• Earnings potential
• Promotion
Typical Timetable...
Four AS level courses (twenty periods)
Form Period EVERY morning
Mentoring sessions
Enrichment on Wednesday afternoon
Private Study Periods if only chosen three options
A level, AS and BTEC results
• AS = Grade A to Grade E
• A Level = A*- E
• BTEC Distinction * to Pass
• University points
A Level grade A* = 140 points, A = 120...E = 40 points
AS Grade A = 60 points, E = 20 points
BTEC...Pass = 40 points, Distinction* = 140points
Should I resit?
• Some students rely on resits
• Missing mark/poor grade – OK if explained, especially following an
illness (explain in reference)
• If student is resitting all modules demonstrates that students not
performing and not likely to be viewed positively
Some expectations…
•Time keeping
•Use of PODs and E1
•“Free” periods
•Study support
Some expectations…
•ID badges
•Common room and Bistro
• What can you/what will teachers expect?
• ALPs Target Grade based on GCSE scores
• ‘Intervention’ if not hitting targets
What information will I receive?
• Grades report
Friday 15th November
• Parents’ Evening
Thursday 28th November
• Mock Exams
Monday 3rd February
• Written Reports and grades
Friday 28th March
• AS Results
Thursday 14th August
Reporting Absences
Ring Sixth Form Office
(01204 333266 – select Sixth Form Option)
Students need to complete an absence form and return to Sixth
Form Office complete with parental signature.
If taking holidays during term time,
holiday forms are available.
Thinking of University?
Looking forward:
How will my son/daughter be prepared
for university/employment?
• The HE Conference – March 2014
• Visiting tutors and students
• Extensive support with
UCAS/application forms
• Visits to universities – July 2014
• Connexions
Enrichment Activities
• Extended Project Qualification
• Variety of Sports including Football, Netball and
• Duke of Edinburgh
• Primary school placements
• Environmental Project with Lancashire Wildlife Trust
• Debate Society
• Amnesty International Group
Any questions?
Thank you for your
attendance, your attention
& your support.