Transcript Slide 1

Shelley College
Key Stage 5 Evening
Objectives of Tonight’s Presentation
 1) Outline our ethos and expectations
 2) Explain the structure of the Sixth Form
 3) Give advice on the support systems in
place for students
 4) Provide information on our monitoring
 5) Outline procedures for absences
Ethos and Expectations
 Work to achieve potential
 Supportive learning environment
 Contribute to the school community
 Independent and self-managed learners
Changes from September 2008
•fewer units of study
•fewer structured questions, and more open-ended questions
which require extended essay responses
•more questions which require a synoptic overview of the subject
•the introduction of an extended project
•the introduction of a new A* grade which recognises very high
achievement. (for A2)
A and Applied A Level Structure
AS level
Unit 1
Unit 2
= 50%
A level
Unit 3
Unit 4
= 50%
Curriculum Package
 In Y12 most students will study 4 AS subjects plus AS General
 Y13 most students will drop one of their AS subjects and just
focus on 3 A Levels plus A Level General Studies
 Each single AS subject has 9 hours of taught lessons over a
fortnight with the exception of General Studies that has 2 hours
per fortnight.
 Students complete i-mods as additional work
 Students are also offered a range of enrichment activities.
Examples include Duke of Edinburgh Award, UCAS Progression
Module and Cooking.
Applied A level Course Structure
 Equivalent to an AS/A level
 6 units (Art is 12 units and equal to 2 A levels)
 Usually examination 33% and coursework 66%
 Applied A Levels in Art, ICT, Science and Business
 BTEC National in Sport – 2 year course – 100%
Structure of courses
 Half of the course often finished in the first 3
 June – students start the A levels immediately
after AS level exams
BTEC First Diploma Course Structure
 Students follow a combination of :
 Sport Studies and Travel & Tourism
 Each full certificate is equivalent to 4 GCSEs
 Usually examination 33% and coursework 66%
Student Support
 Tutorials
Individual tutorials
Whole tutor group tutorials
 Subject teachers
 Mentoring
 Ancillary staff
Study habits – the key to success
 Well organised
 Sixth Form study room & library
 Time management and flexibility
Research/Coursework/Essays/Presentations/Art work
 Suitable work environment at home
 Approximately 15-20 hours a week of self-study
 Maximum of 10 hours part time work
Reaching Potential
 Potential A level grades calculated on entry
Based on GCSE performance
National benchmark system
 Communicated to students and teachers
Target setting
 Used as a basis for judging performance
Key Dates
 13th November 2009 Monitoring Home & Review Day 20th Nov
 January 2010 – AS exams in a number of subject areas (no
study leave)
29th January 2010 – second set of monitoring results go home
9th February 2010 - Parents’ Evening
26th March 2010 – third set of monitoring results go home
18th May – 11th June 2010 – Y12 Study leave for AS exams
25th June 2010 – final set of monitoring home
2nd July 2010- Final Review Day
Monitoring (continued)
 Monitoring grades
Target Grades (this will be shown as 3 grades)
Potential Target Grades
Predicted grade in the subject
Independent Learning
 Award ceremonies
 Certificates & Fingerprint credit
 Bursaries
 Postcards
 Tutor phone calls
 Monitoring
 Planner Comments
 Request for authorised absence 24 hours in advance
 Illness – phone in on day of illness by 10.00am and
then students can self-sign on their return & bring
notes from home
 Absence monitored
If attendance is poor then:
Examination fees may be charged
 Withdrawal from Course/Sixth Form
Education Maintenance Allowance
 Students complete the internal attendance sheet
each week
 Must be handed in by Tuesday 9.00am the following
 Bonuses paid if students meet targets
 January/July Year 12
The Student Voice
 There is a 6th form committee that meets
regularly to make decisions (yr12/yr13)
 Tutor reps feedback to groups
 Departments canvass students views
 ‘Open-door’ policy in the 6th form office
 6th form working party looking at future
Thank you for coming