Preparing for the College/University Admissions Process

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Transcript Preparing for the College/University Admissions Process

Preparing for the College
Admissions Process
October 3, 2014
Ms. Tucker
Mr. Jacks
• Student Responsibilities/Preparation/Timeline
• UC Admissions
– Personal Statement
• CSU Admissions
• Private Colleges/Universities (Letters of
Recommendation only)
– The Common Application
– Essay
• Community College Programs
• Financial Aid
Student Preparation
• Prepare early. Get organized!
• Research campuses and majors offered
• Gather information in your research
– Career Center at WHS
– College/university tours
• Finish SAT/ACT testing (December deadline)
• Apply broadly but selectively
• Get reviews of your personal statement/essay
and revise, revise, revise
Student Preparation cont’d
• Observe and meet all deadlines
• Follow all instructions as per the applications
directions (private institutions)
• E-mail communication is important!
– Create a professional e-mail address
– Check it often!!!
• Respond immediately to requests for further
• Before submitting over the internet, make a copy
for your records
Application Timeline
Date/Deadline Task
October 1-31
November 1-30
Late January
March 2
May 1
UC/CSU Application Opens
Submit UC/CSU Application
Update December Test Results
Deadline for FAFSA
Notification of Admission
SIR (Statement of Intent to Register)
Deadline – Freshman
UC Application Process
• Minimum entrance requirements to the UC
system – 3.0 GPA plus an appropriate
Eligibility Index (determined by SAT I/ACT
scores) and 15 courses in the A - G
• SAT I or ACT; SAT II Subject Tests
recommended for certain majors
• Use a Comprehensive Review Process…
Application Factors
• Comprehensive review factors, such as:
High School GPA in UC-required courses
SAT I or ACT (w/writing)
Academic courses completed beyond the minimum
Quality of senior year program
Special talents, achievements, and awards
Outstanding academic performance in a subject
Personal Statement
Community service
The Personal Statement
• 2 Prompts; students must address both
• 1,000 words total or less
• View as personal interview on paper
For more information and helpful tips visit:
Final Thoughts on Personal Statement
• Start early, get feedback, and REVISE!
• Define your motivation/momentum in topics
you are passionate about
• Decisions are never made on the personal
statement alone
• Avoid common mistakes (manufactured
hardships, vague examples, etc.)
California State University
Application Process
• Minimum entrance requirements
– 2.0 GPA
– 15 units in college prep classes (A – G)
– Eligibility Index determined by (calculated by using
students’ SAT I or ACT score and GPA)
– For further information regarding the Eligibility
Index refer to
California State University
Application Process
• Impacted campuses and impacted majors implement a
selection process.
• Some campuses have “Priority Admission Days” -“Early Admission Days”-- “On Site Admission Days” -contact the campus you are interested in for details
• Check to see your EAP conditional status
– EAP testing from junior year
– “C” or better in English 4 AP or IB
– “C” or better in Math Analysis, Math Analysis Honors,
Calculus, or any AP or IB math course taken in your senior
Private College/University Admission Process
• Letter of Recommendation needed
• If a student meets UC requirements he/she has
probably met most private institution’s requirements
• Contact the school you are interested in and get their
specific admission requirements
The Common Application
• Used by over 400 universities.
• Allows students to complete one general
application instead of filling out multiple ones.
• Helps remind applicants about deadlines.
• Allows up to 20 applications
Early Decision
• Generally binding. Students agree to go there
if accepted.
– Can opt out if students can prove financial
– Schools honor ED binding decisions. If you opt
out, other schools are unlikely to accept you.
– Leaves less leverage to negotiate financial aid
Early Action
• Alternative to Early Decision
– Not binding – students can attend other
• SCEA – Single Choice EA allow only one EA
application at a time.
– Allows students to compare financial aid
Letters of Recommendation
• Require 1 from GLC and 2 from teachers
• Senior Profile should be completed (located on
GLC page of WHS website under “senior
recommend”) along with a cover sheet and all
• Requires 2-3 weeks notice (holidays not included)
• Confidential – do not ask for a copy
• Teachers should be given similar considerations
Example of Cover Sheet
(Example Only)
– School
Common App.
• 1. La Verne 1. yes
• 2. Pt. Loma 2. yes
• 3. Cal Poly 3. no
1. Dec. 1
2. Nov. 30
3. Nov. 30
California Community Colleges
• Information and application to any CA college:
• Over 100 community college to choose from
• Students can apply to many schools from one
• Mt. SAC will be on campus next semester to
assist in applications and placement exams
Mt. Sac
Mt. SAC Special Programs
• Connect 4
Participating students register early for fall classes.
Students complete orientation & receive support with registration.
Students increase likelihood of getting fall semester classes.
Invited students will have:
1) Application on file- Students must submit application for Summer
2014 or Fall 2014 and obtain confirmation number (assistance
2) Take placement tests- Students must have tested and have scores
on their record (tests scheduled at the high school; advanced signups required with application confirmation number)
Mt. SAC Special Programs
• Mt. SAC Honors Program
• Requirements
– Eligibility for English 1A
– 3.5 GPA (weighted okay)
– Letter of Recommendation (prefer English teacher)
• Benefits
– Geographic convenience
– Financial Affordability (tuition, room & board, etc.)
Financial Aid
Financial Aid
• File a FAFSA – January 1 - March 2,
• Eligibility for many scholarships and
grants requires on-time FAFSA filing
New Contact Information
• Be sure to use the updated email addresses
when filling out the Common Application
• Ms. Tucker:
– [email protected]
• Mr. Jacks:
– [email protected]