Transcript Document

The Future Simple Tense
(будущее простое время)
Употребляется для описания действий, которое
совершится в будущем. Это не подготовленное и не
запланированное действие в будущем.
will go
will go
will go
to school tomorrow.
Спутники будущего простого времени
next year – в следующем году
 next week – на следующей неделе
in a week – через неделю
in a month – через месяц
in an hour – через час
tomorrow – завтра
Вспомогательный глагол
1) Boy won’t go to the shop tomorrow.
2) Will you go to school next Monday?
1) Frogs willwill
swim in the river tomorrow.
2) My mother read/will
readread books a week ago.
3) Her family willgoes
go/goes to the sea every summer.
played play computer games on Sundays last year.
4) My friends played/will
5) I will will
the flowers in an hour.
go go to school next summer.
6) We didn’t won’t
7) My friend willdoesn’t
run run in the morning.
8) My cat won’tdidn’t
eat eat soup yesterday.
9) Their parents (go) to the sea last year? Did their parents go to the sea last year?
10) My dog (swim) in the river next year
Will my dog swim in the river next year?
11) Our teacher (read) books every winter? Does our teacher read books every winter?
12) Tom (play) computer games tomorrow?
Will Tom play computer games