Higher Drama - Dunoon Grammar School

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Higher Drama

Ground Plan Revision Created by L Purvis

Ground Plans In the exam you must

draw a ground plan to show how you would want the extract given to be staged.

Created by L Purvis

Ground Plans

On the following slides you will see an example of a Ground plan for the set of ‘Winners’ and then one for ‘Losers.’ REMEMBER what will not be placed on these examples will be the opening position of the actors, as this will be dependant on the extract from the play that you are given. Remember you must also include any actors who are off stage BUT will enter the stage DURING the extract. Created by L Purvis

Ground Plans

The Ground plan must clearly show all of the following: • logical staging • a key • positioning of the audience in relation to the acting area • entrances and exits • opening positions of characters for the extract Created by L Purvis

Ground Plan Winners ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Audience Created by L Purvis

Winners Key Rostrum Flat Treads Chair Door Flat Entrance/Exit ~~~~~~~ Tabs/Curtain REMEMBER TO ADD YOUR ACTORS INTO THE KEY e.g X1 – MAG X2 – JOE AND DON’T FORGET THE COMMENTATORS WHO ARE ALWAYS ON STAGE Created by L Purvis

Ground Plan Losers Mrs Wilson’s room Back door/ Kitchen ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Front door/ Upstairs Audience Created by L Purvis

Losers - Key Rostrum Bed Treads Chair Door Flat Entrance/Exit ~~~~~~~ Tabs/Curtain Sofa Table St Philomena REMEMBER TO ADD YOUR ACTORS INTO THE KEY e.g. X1- Mrs Wilson X2- Andy Apron represents the Street and the Backyard Created by L Purvis

Ground Plans Revision In Winners you must always mark on the commentators, apart from that, the stage and set stay the same. The extract below starts with Mag off stage. Draw a ground plan for this.

Winners: Pg. 14 -19 Created by L Purvis

Ground Plan Revision ‘Losers’ Ground Plans require a lot more detail and the opening positions of the character's can be confusing. Draw a Ground Plan for the following extracts, paying careful attention to those on and off stage and mark them appropriately with and X and a number: ‘Losers’: Pg. 51-55.

Pg. 59-62.

Pg. 65-67.

Pg. 68 -72.

Pg. 74-77.

For further revision complete your own Dramatic Commentary notes for the above extracts, in particular consider the movements of the characters in these extracts and any changes in lighting you would need to make to the extract.

Created by L Purvis

Well Done!

You have completed revision on Higher Drama Ground Plans!

Created by L Purvis