Software change - University of St Andrews

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Software evolution 2
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
Slide 1
Evolution processes
Evolution processes depend on
The type of software being maintained;
The development processes used;
The skills and experience of the people
Proposals for change are the driver for
system evolution. Change identification and
evolution continue throughout the system
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
Slide 2
Change identification and evolution
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
Slide 3
The system evolution process
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
Slide 4
Change implementation
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
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Urgent change requests
Urgent changes may have to be
implemented without going through all
stages of the software engineering process
If a serious system fault has to be repaired;
If changes to the system’s environment (e.g. an
OS upgrade) have unexpected effects;
If there are business changes that require a
very rapid response (e.g. the release of a
competing product).
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
Slide 6
System re-engineering
Re-structuring or re-writing part or all of a
legacy system without changing its
Applicable where some but not all sub-systems
of a larger system require frequent
Re-engineering involves adding effort to make
them easier to maintain. The system may be restructured and re-documented.
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Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
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Advantages of reengineering
Reduced risk
There is a high risk in new software
development. There may be development
problems, staffing problems and specification
Reduced cost
The cost of re-engineering is often significantly
less than the costs of developing new software.
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
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Forward and re-engineering
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
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The re-engineering process
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
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Reengineering process activities
Source code translation
Reverse engineering
Restructure automatically for understandability;
Program modularisation
Analyse the program to understand it;
Program structure improvement
Convert code to a new language.
Reorganise the program structure;
Data reengineering
Clean-up and restructure system data.
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Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
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Re-engineering approaches
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
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Reengineering cost factors
The quality of the software to be
The tool support available for reengineering.
The extent of the data conversion which is
The availability of expert staff for
This can be a problem with old systems based
on technology that is no longer widely used.
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Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
Slide 13
Legacy system evolution
Organisations that rely on legacy systems must
choose a strategy for evolving these systems
Scrap the system completely and modify business
processes so that it is no longer required;
Continue maintaining the system;
Transform the system by re-engineering to improve its
Replace the system with a new system.
The strategy chosen should depend on the system
quality and its business value.
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Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
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System quality and business value
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
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Legacy system categories
Low quality, low business value
Low-quality, high-business value
These make an important business contribution but are
expensive to maintain. Should be re-engineered or
replaced if a suitable system is available.
High-quality, low-business value
These systems should be scrapped.
Replace with COTS, scrap completely or maintain.
High-quality, high business value
Continue in operation using normal system maintenance.
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Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
Slide 16
Business value assessment
Assessment should take different viewpoints
into account
System end-users;
Business customers;
Line managers;
IT managers;
Senior managers.
Interview different stakeholders and collate
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
Slide 17
System quality assessment
Business process assessment
Environment assessment
How well does the business process support
the current goals of the business?
How effective is the system’s environment and
how expensive is it to maintain?
Application assessment
What is the quality of the application software
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
Slide 18
Business process assessment
Use a viewpoint-oriented approach and seek
answers from system stakeholders
Is there a defined process model and is it followed?
Do different parts of the organisation use different
processes for the same function?
How has the process been adapted?
What are the relationships with other business processes
and are these necessary?
Is the process effectively supported by the legacy
application software?
Example - a travel ordering system may have a low
business value because of the widespread use of
web-based ordering.
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Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
Slide 19
Environment assessment 1
F acto r
Qu esti on s
S upp li er
sta bi lit y
Is t he supp lie r is still in ex istenc e ? Is t he supp li er fi nanc iall y
sta bl e and li ke ly to con ti nue in ex istenc e ? If t he supp li er is
no long e r in bu sin e ss, does so m eone els e m aintain t he
sy st em s?
F ail ur e rate
Doe s the ha rdwa re h a ve a high rate of r epor ted f ail ure s?
Doe s the suppo rt sof tw a re c rash and fo rce sy st em resta rts ?
How old is t he hardw a re and so ft wa re? The olde r the
ha rdwa re a nd suppor t so ft wa re, t he m ore obso lete it w ill b e .
It m ay still func ti on co rr ec tl y bu t t he re cou ld be sign ific an t
econo mi c and bus ine ss bene fits t o m oving t o m o re mod e rn
sy st em s.
P erfo rm ance
Is t he pe rf or m an c e o f the sy st em a dequa te? Do p e rform a nce
prob lem s have a si gni fi can t effe c t on sys tem us e rs?
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
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Environment assessment 2
S uppor t
requ ire m e nts
Wha t l oca l suppo rt i s re qu ired by the ha rdwa re a nd
so ft wa re? If ther e a re high co st s a ssoc iated w ith t h is suppo rt ,
it m ay be wor th cons ide ri ng sys tem r ep lace m en t.
M ai nt e nance
co st s
Wha t are the co sts of hardw a re m aintenanc e and suppo rt
so ft wa re l ic ence s? O lde r ha rdwar e m ay have higher
m aintenanc e co st s t han m ode rn sys tems . S uppor t so ft wa re
m ay have h igh annua l l ic ens ing cos ts .
Interop e rab ilit y
A re the re p robl em s interf ac ing th e sys tem to othe r sys tem s?
C a n co m pil ers etc. be used w it h cu rr en t ve rs ion s o f th e
ope rati ng sys tem ? I s hardw a re e m ulati on requ ir ed?
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Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
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Application assessment 1
F acto r
Qu esti on s
Unde rstand a bilit y
How diffi cu lt is it to unde rstand t he sour c e cod e o f the
cu rre nt sys tem ? How c omp le x a re th e con tr ol st ruc tures
tha t a re us e d? Do va ri ab les have m ean ing ful na m es tha t
ref le ct the ir func ti on?
Docu m en tati on
Wha t sy st em docu m en ta tion i s ava il ab le? Is t he
docu m en tati on co m plete, con sist en t a nd up -to-da te ?
Da ta
Is t he re an exp li cit da ta m od e l for t he sys tem ? To wha t
ex ten t i s da ta dup li ca te d in d iff er e nt fi le s? I s the da ta used
by th e sys tem up -to-da te a nd con si sten t?
P erfo rm ance
Is t he pe rf or m an c e of the app li ca ti on adequa te? Do
pe rfo rm anc e p rob lem s have a si gn ifican t effe ct on sy ste m
us e rs?
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Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
Slide 22
Application assessment 2
P rog rammi ng
A re m od e rn co m p il er s a va il ab le for the prog rammi ng
language us e d to deve lop the sy st em ? Is the prog rammi ng
language still u sed fo r n e w sys tem deve lop m en t?
Con fi gu rati on
m anage me nt
A re al l ve rsion s o f a ll pa rts o f th e sys tem m a naged by a
con fi gur a tion m anage m en t sy st em ? Is t he re a n exp li cit
de scr ipti on of t he v e rsi ons of co m ponen ts t ha t a re used i n
the cur ren t sy stem ?
T es t da ta
Doe s test da ta f or t he sys tem ex ist? I s the re a re c ord of
regr e ssion tests c ar ri ed ou t when new fe at ure s h a ve be e n
added t o the sy st em ?
P ersonne l sk ill s
A re the re peop le ava il ab le who hav e the sk ill s t o m aintain
the app li ca ti on? A re the re on ly a limit ed numb e r of peop le
who under st and the sys tem ?
©Ian Sommerville 2004
Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
Slide 23
Key points
The process of evolution is driven by requests
for changes from system stakeholders.
Software re-engineering is concerned with restructuring and re-documenting software to
make it easier to change.
The business value of a legacy system and its
quality should determine the evolution strategy
that is used.
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Software Engineering, 7th edition. Chapter 21
Slide 24