Transcript Document

Information Evening
December 2014
Objectives of the evening:
 To give an overview of changes in education
since Sept 2014.
 To share our School Improvement Plan
 To introduce our new target system.
 To introduce our new mental maths scheme
and calculations scheme.
 To discuss core British values in light of
Overview of changes in education since Sept 2014.
• New curriculum 2014, including complete overhaul of
content of KS1 and KS2 curriculum.
• Changes to assessment – life without levels.
• New Ofsted framework changes, including huge
changes relating to safeguarding and SMSC
• Changes to SEND in schools
• Universal free school meals
• Funding changes
New curriculum 2014, including complete
overhaul of content of KS1 and KS2 curriculum.
The school curriculum in England - Sept 2014
Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and
broadly based and which:
• promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical
development of pupils at the school and of society, and
• prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and
experiences of later life.
Although the new curriculum is intended to be more challenging, the
content is actually slimmer than the previous curriculum, focusing on
essential core subject knowledge and skills. Children are expected to gain
a real depth of understanding.
As you know we have already started to implement our new curriculum
following meetings last year.
We have identified 4 main ‘drivers’ which are constantly considered when
deciding how and what we teach. Our drivers are factors that we value as a
school, these coupled with our agreed visions and aims give focus to
learning opportunities and are embedded throughout teaching and
learning, developing the child as a whole.
‘Our’ place in ‘our’ world.
Creative collaborators
Pupils develop a good knowledge of the local
community, national context and wider world.
They are good citizens and have a developing
awareness of their responsibility to care for the
environment. Links to other schools, local
businesses, heritage and cultural organisations,
voluntary groups and other faith communities are
Children are aware of world events and have a
growing general knowledge.
Children develop a knowledge of the differences
and diversities there are across a range of global
Pupils are made aware that their own health is an
important aspect of their place within the world.
Pupils have opportunities to communicate their
ideas in a range of different and imaginative ways.
Individuality and self expression is promoted
whilst developing resilience, resourcefulness and
risk taking when faced with more challenging
Positive relationships are encouraged that enable
all pupils to feel safe and cared for in an ethos of
teamwork and respect. Pupils are encouraged to
share their views and opinions within all areas of
school life, knowing that their voice matters.
Children are encouraged to be empathetic and
appreciate that collaboration includes listening.
Creativity is encouraged in all areas, the arts are
an important aspect of school life.
Aspiring entrepreneurs
Inquisitive investigators
Pupils begin to engage in the concept of the world
of work and have an understanding of the value of
Pupils are encouraged to challenge themselves to
gain high aspirations about what their future ‘world
of work’ may look like. Entrepreneurship is
encouraged by engaging the children in activities
that fire their imaginations towards enterprise and
fund raising.
Children are encouraged to face challenges with
resilience and self reliance while also using team
work and problem solving skills within an ethos of
positive competition
Pupils reflect upon their work to ensure that they
are able to improve it and set themselves
aspirational targets for the future.
Learning is fun and actively promotes pupils
exploration of knowledge and skills.
Children are encouraged to be inquisitive learners
who are prepared to take a risk and question
outcomes; they are engaged in active learning
that gives them opportunities to tackle activities
and problems in imaginative ways that enable
them to develop solutions and outcomes for
Children are actively encouraged to formulate
questions, gather information and summarise
possibilities. They can apply, analyse and
evaluate their learning to ensure a real depth of
knowledge is gained.
Year Group:
Art & Design
Design Technology
Our place in our world
Aspiring entrepreneurs
Creative collaborators
Innovative investigators
We will investigate our immediate location
more thoroughly and learn about the
different physical features in our village.
We will learn about the people who have
lived here previously when we investigate
the war memorial and find family names
linked to pupils today. We will understand
how children are the same the world over
when we learn more about our partnership
school in Ethiopia.
As aspiring entrepreneurs, we will have a
competition to see who can come up with
the best water saving device. We will
investigate how much rainfall we have and
how much water we consume as a school.
We will give our ideas to the Ecocommittee. We will create some pieces of
water art work to sell at the Christmas Fair
to raise money for school.
As creative collaborators, we will use our
class fence as a backdrop for seasonal
artwork that will remain throughout the
year. It will be added to through each
season to inspire colour and decoration to
the school grounds. Each piece of cloth
will weave to become a tapestry of outdoor
colour. Parents and the community will be
encouraged to add to this marvellous art
As innovative investigators, we will be
learning more about our immediate
location. We can use what we now know to
help us to improve and add to our
community in a positive way. We will be
thinking about how we can make a
difference to our school and community.
To ensure consistency and continuity
of standards to maximize each child’s
attainment potential in Maths and Literacy,
ensuring that challenge and basic skills are
evidenced, to increase the rates of
progress and raising attainment. Develop
and implement target setting and
monitoring to effectively record
progress and attainment.
To implement the new
curriculum 2014 to ensure
enhanced cross curricular
opportunities to improve the
quality of learning, developing
greater depth of knowledge,
independence and enquiry, in
line with the school’s curriculum
vision and school drivers.
Improving basic skills
We commit to develop the global citizens of the future by
creating a community that nurtures ambitions and
aspirations, builds resilience and enables children to seize
opportunities to learn.
We give children the knowledge and competencies to thrive
within a both a locally and globally generated curriculum.
As a Church of England school spiritual and moral
consideration takes high priority in all that we plan and do.
Along with this we also incorporate healthy lifestyles into
our work with the children. These aspects cross the whole
curriculum and are embraced by our school ‘drivers’.
We seek curriculum themes which will excite, inspire and
motivate learning at all ages. The children are very involved
in shaping both the creation and development of themes,
and we encourage responsibility and independence from a
very early age.
Our sporting values
The Children’s version of our aims
 To make sure that we all work together in a happy and safe
school where everyone is involved and is encouraged to do
their best.
 To allow the children to give and share ideas, having care
for others in our community and around the whole world.
 To create a school where the children have a passion for
their learning so they are proud of everything they do.
 To encourage the children to live in a Christian way, having
an understanding of the church and bible stories, as well as
accepting that other people have different beliefs.
 To ensure that the children understand what is right and
wrong, use good manners, and care for each other; where
we all get on and relationships are strong.
 To help everyone to understand how to live a healthy life
style and be able to make their own sensible choices.
Creative collaborators
Our place in ‘our’ world
To embed the sports
curriculum, evidencing
impact in line with the
use of new Govt
funding. To develop
strategies for
We always strive for excellence, empowering children to
be happy, well-motivated and engaged upon their
learning journey. Children are challenged to be the best
they can within the delivery of a curriculum that inspires
and broadens their experiences and develops a lifelong
passion for learning. We are a forward thinking school,
preparing children for the 21st century by providing
opportunities for them to be resilient and resourceful
risk takers, where positive relationships and reflective
skills empower children in both their own learning and
that of their peers.
Aspiring entrepreneurs
Our seven Rs of learning
Inquisitive investigators
Our core drivers, learning values and ethos are
the foundation of all we do.
Assessment and targets
The government’s policy of removing level descriptors from the
National Curriculum is set out in terms of freeing schools from an
imposed measure of pupil progress. The Department for Education
(DfE) has said that levels are not very good with respect to helping
parents to understand how far their child is improving in real terms. In
their place, from September 2014, “it will be for schools to decide how
they show pupils’ progress”.
With levels removed and the focus now on raising the achievement of
every pupil, schools need to choose whatever measure of pupil
attainment and progress they feel is most appropriate.
We believe that a whole school system that is understood by everyone
is vital. A system that enables the children to know where on their own
learning journey they are, and what they need to do to improve.
Parents, too, need to understand how they can support their children
with their next steps.
What is important is that each child’s journey is their own individual story.
Some journeys will seem shorter on paper
but to get real depth of understanding may
take time.
Assessment in school will us a 6 step system
B, B+, W, W+, S and S+
New mental maths targets
Each child will have their own log book
containing the mental maths facts that
they need to learn.
Speed of recall is vital as the children are
assessed using 10 facts that they need to
recall within 30 seconds, ie 3 seconds
This will again reflect their own journey
through the planets.
Instant Recall Mission
Log Book
Name ………………………………
So Venus ‘Know by heart all
bonds of multiples of 10 to 100
would be tested with a list of
10 multiples and the children
would need to wrote or
respond to each correctly
within 30 seconds.
So what does this mean to you and your child?
We have worked this term to assess the children to
ensure that they start on the right planet for their
In January your child will receive their personal learning
journey targets to bring home so that you can help them
to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to reach
the next planet. They will also have their sheets in their
books at school so that they are a constant reminder
during lessons.
Initial targets will be in Maths, including
mental recall, Writing and Reading.
In terms of discussing attainment and progress
we will use the following:
Below expected, Expected, Exceeding to describe your
child’s attainment against National age expected
Progress will be split into the small 6 step system, but
measured as a journey from one planet to the next
over a 12 month period ie 2 steps per term.
(Assessment in school will us a 6 step system B, B+, W, W+, S and S+)
End of year reports will need to be changed to reflect
the new assessment systems.
Children will be introduced to strategies when they
are ready. Many of the strategies expected in the new
curriculum are those that parents will probably have
used at school.
The policy will be on
the website for easy
access by parents.
British Values
“Keeping our children safe and ensuring schools prepare them for life in
modern Britain could not be more important. This change is an important
step towards ensuring we have a strong legal basis for intervening in those
schools where this is an issue.”
“The vast majority of schools already promote British values. This is about
making sure we have the tools we need to intervene if children are being let
Schools are required to actively promote and not undermine “British Values”
The government has set out its definition of British Values as:
 democracy
 the rule of law
 individual liberty
 mutual respect
 tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
What do you think we need to include for the children at our school?
Phoenix class did a great job with their ideas….
The new target and mental maths policy will be implemented
from January 2015.
If parents have any concerns please speak with teachers.
Thank you.