Transcript Document

SMSC Development
March 2015
Ian Ross
[email protected]
What is SMSC
Why does it matter?
What does Ofsted say?
How can we contribute to SMSC?
What are the most important things about
choosing your child’s school?
Which school?
The pupils seem
really confident
Spiritual development
• reflect about their own beliefs and respect
others’ beliefs and values
• enjoyment and fascination in learning
• use of imagination and creativity
• willingness to reflect on their experiences.
Moral development
• Understand right and wrong; respect the law
• Understanding consequences of behaviour
and actions
• Make moral judgments and appreciate other
Social development
• Mixing with others from different backgrounds
• Participation, cooperation, resolution of conflict
• Accept and engage with British values
(democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty,
mutual respect, tolerance of those with different
faiths and beliefs;
Cultural development
appreciation of own heritage and that of others
appreciation of different cultures
knowledge of Britain's democratic system
Understanding, tolerance and respect to diverse
faiths and cultures
Where can you find these in school?
Ofsted expectations & descriptors
Ofsted Inspection Handbook Sept 2014
How is a school judged?
Inspectors judge the quality of education provided in
the school.
1. Inspectors first make judgments on behaviour and
safety, quality of teaching, achievements of pupils
2. They then judge quality of leadership and
management, including areas related to SMSC.
3. Before reaching a final judgment, inspectors
consider the effectiveness and impact of the
provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and
cultural development
Overall effectiveness descriptors
Thoughtful and wide-ranging promotion of pupils’ SMSC and
their physical well-being enables them to thrive in a supportive,
highly cohesive learning community.
Deliberate and effective action is taken to create a cohesive
learning community through the promotion of pupils’ SMSC and
their physical well-being.
The school requires improvement because one or more of the
four key judgements requires improvement (grade 3) and/or there
are weaknesses in the overall provision for pupils’ SMSC.
‘Inadequate’ descriptor
The school is likely to be inadequate if inspectors
judge any of […the key areas…] to be inadequate
…there are serious weaknesses in the overall
promotion of pupils’ SMSC or their physical wellbeing, so that pupils are intolerant of others
and/or reject any of the core values fundamental
to life in modern Britain.
What does good SMSC look like?
Powerful commitment from senior leadership
All four strands promoted
Named person responsible
Visible commitment from staff
Staff model attitudes and behaviour
SMSC woven into everything
Planned use of curriculum and assemblies etc
Staff skilled in handling open discussion
Strategy to evaluate SMSC
SMSC in the classroom
1. The content of the curriculum: e.g. the topics covered
and the schemes of work;
2. The type and quality of the learning activities: e.g.
student participation, debate, questioning;
3. The ethos of the classroom e.g. the confidence and
attitude shown by students; the readiness of the
teacher to deal with unexpected but sensitive issues;
values of respect and inclusion in the lesson; students’
enjoyment and enthusiasm.
SMSC in the classroom
How can you make a difference?
Where do you