Paranoid Schizophrenia

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Transcript Paranoid Schizophrenia

Literally means “Split or Broken Mind”
 The split is from Reality
 It is a severe form of psychopathology in
which the person seems to disintegrate from
 The person’s develops a distorted view of
the world around them.
This is the disorder people most commonly
associate with behavior disorders
 People usually have this disorder in mind
when they think in the terms of
– “madness’
– “psychotic”
– “insanity”
Possible Causes of
– Nature
– Interference with Receptors can reduce symptoms
– Stimulation of production can cause symptoms
Deficiencies in the neurotransmitter glutamate can lead to
– Nurture
Closer the relationship with some one who has schizophrenia
the more likely the chances of developing schizophrenia
One study found that a healthy family environment can reduce
the risk of schizophrenia in adopted children of parents who
had schizophrenia (1987)
Causes of Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia requires biological predisposition
plus some unknown environmental agent to “turn
on” the disease.
– This agent could be
Remember it is usually an interaction of
biological, cognitive & environmental elements
that would cause schizophrenia to develop in a
Victims of Schizophrenia
The mind can be be “twisted” in terrible ways
 The world may become
– Bleak
– Devoid of meaning
Or the world could become
– Filled with sensations that it overwhelms the brain
– Confusing to the person as multiple layers of reality
become stacked on top of each other
Leads to hallucinations or delusions
Statistics of Schizophrenia
In a lifetime 1 out of every 100 Americans
will be afflicted with some form of
schizophrenia (over 2 million)
 Usually appears in men before they are 25
 In women between 25 and 45
Caring for Schizophrenia
For years schizophrenia was the primary diagnosis
for patients admitted to mental care facilities
– 40% of all casess
– Schizophrenic patients occupy almost half of the
population in mental care facilities
Require prolong & recurrent care
1/3 of all schizophrenic patients will never fully
recover (no matter how good the care & treatment)
Sufferers will often have
Emotions become blunted
Bizarre thoughts
Strange language or communication patterns known
as ‘Word Salad”
Memory becomes fragmented
Schizophrenia breaks the unity of the mind
– Leads to mental “detours”
Disorganized Schizophrenia
Represents everyone’s image of mental
 Disorganized Speech – (Word Salad)
 Disorganized Behavior
 Talks to imaginary people
Paranoid Schizophrenia
– False sensory experiences
Hearing voices
Seeing things that are not there
– Extreme disorders of thinking
– Persistent false beliefs
– Usually delusions are of
Persecution – Some one is out to get them
Grandiosity – Highly exaggerated self importance
Thoughts are illogical and not organized
Catatonic Schizophrenia
Involves a spectrum of motor dysfunctions
 Appears in two forms mostly
– Most commonly are those who seem to be in a “Stupor” and
will remain motionless for hours or in some cases days.
Appear to be statues
Mute / Will not talk
Resistance to be moved
– The second form is called Catatonic Excitement
Excessive Motor Activity
Easily agitated
This serves as a catchall category for
schizophrenia when symptoms do not
clearly meet the requirements for any other
Residual Schizophrenia
This is the diagnosis for individuals who have
suffered from a schizophrenic episode in the past
but currently have no major symptoms
 Thinking is only mildly disturbed
 Emotional lives are impoverished
 This diagnosis could mean that the schizophrenia
is in remission or becoming dormant
– Remember the doctors who had entered themselves into
a care facility – this is what they were diagnosed with
when they left
Schizophrenia Today
Because of the hodgepodge of symptoms
displayed by those with schizophrenia most
clinicians simply identify symptoms into
positive or negative categories
– Positive
 Active processes
– Delusions
– Hallucinations
– Negative
 Passive processes & deficiencies
– Social withdrawl
– No emotional responses