Transcript Slide 1

V2G: Vehicle to Grid Power

Seth Insley CH 407H


Cars use large amounts of power – Far more than other power uses 750 GW electric vs 12 TW from cars – Must generate or store it themselves – Unused most of the time Average use only 1 hour per day Fuel cell, hybrid and battery cars generate power as electricity – Why not hook them up to the power grid?

Conventional View

V2G View


Use the battery in plug-in hybrid/battery cars to buy cheap power at night and sell during the day Use hybrid/fuel cell car to generate peak power Use either to provide ‘spinning’ reserve or regulation services


Better utilize existing generation capacity – Will need to build fewer new electric plants – Allow better load balancing by diversifying the electric grid – Reduce transport load on grid by distributing generation – Increase grid reliability Provide income to car owners – Offset or reduce the cost of the car


How will vehicles be connected to the grid?

How will this effect drivers?

Is this a cost effective way to generate power?


Requires physical connection between car and grid – Only useful when parked – Could hook up at home – Could be incorporated into public charging stations or parking lots – Should be simple to set up, automatically handling payment, etc Just plug it in May also desire fuel connection: – Natural gas or hydrogen

Driver Experience

Primary Consideration: Will this affect range?

– Allow owner to easily limit extent of discharge/fuel use Will it be easy to set up?

Will it be sufficiently profitable to make it worth the effort?

– The car owner should not have to worry about this – Only sell power when profitable


Not worthwhile unless it returns sufficient amounts of money after expenses incurred – Cost of fuel/ electricity – Maintenance costs for Battery Fuel cell Engine – Effort required by owner

Economic Advantages

Very low capital costs – Car already bought Adding grid capabilities relatively cheap – Even so, costs roughly $60/kw Compared to $1000/kw for traditional generators Due to lower efficiencies, reliability Has freedom to buy/sell only when profitable – Much more responsive than traditional generators

Economic Disadvantages

Poor Efficiency – Smaller/cheaper generators are less efficient – Need more fuel to generate same power Requires relatively expensive fuels – Gasoline or hydrogen or natural gas vs coal – Cannot buy fuel in bulk

Economic Conclusions

Not suitable for baseline power generation – Cost of power to high vs. conventional generators ~5 ¢/kwH vs >10¢/kwH – Unique Advantages not used Suitable for – Peak power generation – Spinning Reserves – Power Regulation Economic analysis depend heavily on exact assumptions

Cost of generation

Cost per kwh Batteries (charged at base rate) – Lead acid $.23

– NiCad $.32

– NiMH $.45

Hybrid generating w/ gasoline $.20 Fuel Cell w/ H2 $.09-$.38

Peak Generation

Used when electricity needs are much higher than baseline – During daytime, hot/cold weather, etc.

Considerably more expensive than baseline – Often Generated by natural gas Low capital, high incremental expense – ~200 hours a year where > 50¢ kwh

Economics of Peak Gen

Not to slightly profitable for batteries – Depends on current power markets Can be fairly profitable for fuel cells – ~1k / year Less so for hybrids – ~.5k / year

Spinning Reserve

Generators ready to provide power in ~10 min Used to preserve grid stability if generators go down, load is too high Sold on contract basis – Ex. 1 Kw for a day – Payment even if not used – Extra payment if used

Spinning Economics

Profitable for all vehicle types – Batteries $10-$700 – Fuel cell, hybrid generating: ~$2000

Power Regulation

Used to keep frequency stable at 60 Hz Must be able to respond instantly 2 kinds – Regulation up – generating power – Regulation down – absorbing power

Regulation Economics

Batteries are ideal for this purpose – Up/down corresponds to discharge/charge – Has minimal effect on total charge – ~3k for lead acid – ~2k for NiMH – Actual degradation hard to determine Not profitable for other types

Market Size

All numbers for CA electric market ~300k battery vehicles for regulation 76k – 273k vehicles for spinning reserve ~ 734k vehicles at max for peak .5% – 5% of total light vehicle count Additional uses are likely in a saturated market – More reliability, renewable


V2G is a promising concept – Provides a cheaper way to provide many grid services Needs more detailed study Not hard to implement simply May play an important role in the future power grid


V2G research group at U of DE. “V2G: Vehicle To Grid Power” Kempton, et. al. “Vehicle-to-Grid Power”

Kempton, Letendre. “Electric Vehicles as a new Source of Power for Electric Utilities” 97.pdf