Transcript Slide 1

American Experience
Individual Opportunity Myth
• Horatio Alger: “Ragged Dick”
– How Does “Ragged Dick” Go From Rags To Riches? What
Independent Variables Are Necessary For The Dependent
Variable Of “Success?”
– What Are The Lessons From “Ragged Dick?”
• Pursuit Of Happyness And Horatio Alger
– Does The Chris Gardner Story Contain All Of The
Ingredients Of A Horatio Alger Story, As Noted In The
Story “Ragged Dick?”
– Read The Biography Below After Seeing The Movie.
Is The Film Story Accurate, Or Just Hollywood?
– Harlon Dalton Claims That The Horatio Alger Story Is
“Dangerous.” Why Is That, And How/Is The Film
Possibly “Dangerous?”
– Does The Story Demonstrate The Equality Of
Opportunity, Or Reinforce How Difficult The American
Dream Is To Achieve?
American Experience
Individual Opportunity Myth
• Harlon Dalton: “Horatio Alger”
– What Is The “Alger Myth,”
According To Dalton?
– Why Does Dalton Find The Myth
• Gregory Mantsios: “Class in America, 2006”
– According To Mantsios, What Type Of Class Are
Americans Willing To Recognize?
– Why Don’t Americans Recognize The Others?
– Provide At Least Three Myths That Mantsios Notes,
As Well As His Evidence To Refute These Myths.
– How Has This Changed Over Time?
American Experience
Individual Opportunity Myth
• You Be The Mythbuster: The Way We Were
– Alger Provides Stories. Dalton Critiques Him.
Mantsios Provides Contemporary Statistics. But
How Has Poverty Changed Over Time?
– Analyze These Statistics, And Collect Your Own
Information About What Americans Make & What
They Own.
American Experience
Individual Opportunity Myth
• Testing The Horatio Alger Myth
– Multivariate Models
• More Than One Independent Variable Can Influence A Dependent
Independent Variable
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
• Provide A Multivariate (Multiple Independent Variable) Theory Of
Success In America, Based Upon The Alger Story Myth.
– View The Movie “The Pursuit Of Happyness”
• What Are The Variables That Factor Into Chris Gardner’s Success?
(What Are The I.V.s?)
• Do These Variables Show Support For Alger Stories? Or Do They
Show He Is The Exception, Rather Than The Rule?