Transcript Document

Lord of the Flies Characters
• The fair-haired boy at the start of the novel.
• Ralph’s outgoing nature and “ambition”
make him a natural leader.
• Other boys consider him sensible but fun.
• He is closely associated with Conch shell and
the democratic assemblies.
• His name is derived from Old English
word for "wolf council"
• Leader of the choir and used to being
in charge.
• Some of the choir boys think he is too
strict and domineering.
• He is jealous when Ralph is chosen as
leader. He becomes power hungry.
• He is the leader of the
choir/hunters/army. .
• Name means ‘lord of the land’ in Old
English or could be derived from the
Hebrew name Jacob which literally
means "one who takes over“
• Piggy is the most intelligent
character. He comes up with many
good ideas.
• However, he has several physical
disadvantages. He is overweight,
asthmatic, and short sited. Without
his glasses, everything is a blur.
• He displays more maturity than the
other boys.
• He is close to his Auntie. He looks
after the littuns’ and seems to be
the only one who cares about them.
• Roger emerges gradually in the book
• Name means ‘good with spear’ in Old
• Is he evil?
• He is cruel. He deliberately spoils the
littluns' games. But…
• When throwing stones at the littleuns’
he deliberately misses, this shows a
good side of Roger.
• He is markedly different than the
other boys. Ralph says “He’s
funny” Piggy say “He’s cracked.”
• Simon is often quiet and reflective.
He likes to be alone in nature.
• The Hebrew name "Shim'on" means
"one who listens or observes”
• His insightfulness leads him to be
frightened as if he senses danger.
• Twin boys, often referred to together
as “Samneric”
• Jack is the first to give them this
nickname and take away
• Some readers feel like Sam and Eric
represent the tug of war between
good and evil.
• In history, when things are really
going badly “brother turns against
brother” (think Civil War).
Sam and Eric
• The Littleuns are the younger
children on the island.
• They represent “average
people” in society as opposed
to the bigguns who are leaders
involved in power struggles.
• One of the first clues that
Lord of the Flies is an
“allegory” (like Animal Farm)
The littleuns