Transcript Slide 1

Our aim
Tackling homelessness,
alcohol misuse and health
inequality across
Key facts about SIFA Fireside
Established in 2007 through a merger of SIFA (Supporting
Independence from Alcohol) and the Fireside Charity
The two charities had over 50 years’ experience between them of
working with marginalised people
Last year we had over 30,000 attendances at our daily City Centre
‘drop in’ sessions and over 2000 assessed service users
Wide range of local and national partners (e.g Crisis, Aquarius, Mind,
Midland Heart)
Statutory funders include Probation, Adults and Communities, the
Housing Dept, Birmingham PCTs and SEIF.
Other funders include the Big Lottery and Lloyds TSB
Our ‘in-house’ health provision
Twice weekly surgeries from the Homeless Nurses’ Team
A weekly chiropody session
A weekly surgery from the Homeless Alcohol Nurses
A weekly surgery from the Homeless Mental Health Team
A specialist alcohol service
Complementary therapies and counselling
ChangeKitchen CIC
An event catering enterprise set up in 2010 (partnership
between SIFA Fireside/BSustained)
Provides healthy vegetarian food for private,
corporate and public sector function
Runs healthy eating/cooking on a budget
sessions ‘in house’ and for other agencies
In 2010/11 offered paid work placements to three
SIFA Fireside service users
5 Ways to Well Being
(New Economics Foundation)
Be active
Take notice
Keep learning
‘Change4Life’ project [Big Lottery funded]
Social interaction/peer support
Football and gardening
Life skills
Meaningful activity and volunteering
Empowerment, engagement, and decision making
Raising confidence through positive feedback and
skills acquisition
NIACE ‘Learning for Health’ Project
Adult Literacy/ESOL/IT
Self care sessions
A Health Forum and Health Days
Production of a learning prospectus and learner
Links with local colleges and the Council’s Adult
Education Service
DoH Health & Social Care Volunteering Fund
One of 51 projects funded across England
Theme ‘Delivering better health outcomes’
Our project: training volunteers (including service
users) to provide support and mentorship to homeless
people in relation to accessing health service provision
and promoting healthier lifestyle
Aim: To reduce A & E attendances and hospital
admissions and improve health and well being
Thank you
Cath Gilliver
Chief Executive
Simon Hackett
Development Manager
SIFA Fireside 48-52 Allcock St Digbeth
Birmingham B9 4DY 0121 766 1700
[email protected]