Transcript Document

International Comparisons
Source: JAMA 2000; 283:2152
»New York
»Annual Deaths Per 100,000
»Men Age 45-64
Homeless in Toronto
Death Rate Elevated, But Lower than In U.S.
U.S. Public Spending Per Capita for Health
is Greater than Total Spending in Other Nations
»$ Per Capita
»Total Spending »U.S. Public »U.S. Private
Note: Public includes benefit costs for govt. employees & tax subsidy for private insurance
Source: NEJM 1999; 340:109; Health Aff 2000; 19(3):150
Canada’s National
Health Insurance
Why are Canada’s system administrative
costs lower?
• No need to determine who is eligible for
– Canada’s overall administrative %
close to Medicare (before Medicare +
Choice), less than Medicaid
• No marketing of insurance
• No billing or collecting insurance
Number of Insurance Products
Private insurers’ High Overhead
Why are hospital administrative costs less
in Canada?
• Global budgets
– Operating budget
– Capital investment budget
• Negotiated with Province
• No bills.
• No need to track and bill for individual
services and goods
Why are physicians’ administrative costs
lower in Canada?
• Single payer
• One place to send bills
• One set of rules
»Quality of Care Slightly Better in Canada Than U.S.
»A Meta-Analysis of Patients Treated for Same Illnesses
»(U.S. Studies Included Mostly Insured Patients)
»Source: Guyatt et al, Open Medicine, April 19, 2007
»Share of Health Payments/Share of
Who Pays For Health Care?
Regressivity Of U.S. Health Financing
»1.31 »1.27 »1.23
»1.15 »1.1 »1.07
Source: Oxford Rev Econ Pol 1989;5(1):89
»Share of Health Payments/Share
»of Income
Who Pays For Canada's NHP?
Province Of Alberta
»100 K
»125 K
»15,000 »25,000 »35,000 »50,000 »75,000
Source: Premier's Common Future Of Health, Excludes Out-of-Pocket Costs