Transcript Slide 1

Greek Philosophy and Art
A. Greek philosophy: the love of wisdom
1. Different from other philosophical systems
a. Rationally based
b. Interested in the individual human
c. wisdom for its own sake, not for the good
of society
2. Basis for most western philosophy
3. Questioned authority.
4. Help develop religious systems of the future
A. Early Philosophy
1. Physikoi (physicists) study natural world
2. Sophists (intellects) art of persuasion.
a. No universal standards: Claimed there
was no absolute knowledge
b. All was relative
c. If one could convince someone else, it
was truth
d. Based on emotion
Socrates (469-399) Martyr to Truth: study of
1. Opposed to the Sophists
2. Created the Socratic Method
a. Learning based on conversation
b. Questions and answers
3. “Know they self the unexamined life is not
worth living” Seek arête (virtue)
4. Put to death--made to kill himself by
Athenian authority
Plato (429-347)
1. Socrates student
2. Went the next step--"what is real in the world
and what is not?"
3. Humans only see shadows of reality (the
4. Humans need to understand the absolute,
perfect Forms of reality
5. Based on Intellect
Aristotle (384-322) Encyclopedic Philosopher
1. Plato's student
2. Alexander's teacher
3. May not ever KNOW a conclusion. Long
lists of possibilities.
4. Based on deductions taken from observation
5. Western scientific system
6. Most important western scientific system
until Newton (1647)
Greek art
A. Based on the human form in its perfection (very
B. Architecture: basis of the USA
IV. Greek Medicine
A. Developed medical science 420 BC
B. Hippocrates “Father of Medicine”
(Hippocratic Oath)
C. Observe and carefully interpret symptoms.