It is said that actions speak louder than words. What can

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Transcript It is said that actions speak louder than words. What can

Style Analysis Paragraph
Following the style analysis paragraph
template, write a paragraph analyzing
1 poet (character) in the book
Witness. How do they use 1 poetic
device and what is its effect on their
tone, theme, or _______ (you fill in
the blank.)
Create a poem that answers
one of the following
questions. Accompany it with
a powerful visual or visual
way to display your poem.
Questions on following slides
It is said that actions speak
louder than words. What can
you do in our community that
will promote justice,
tolerance and respect for
Create a poem that answers this
question. Accompany it with a
powerful visual or visual way to
display your poem.
Prejudice is defined as an
adverse judgment or opinion
formed without knowledge or
examination of the facts.
Why do you think people
form prejudices about
Create a poem that answers this
question. Accompany it with a
powerful visual or visual way to
display your poem.
It takes a great deal of courage
to stand up for something that
you think is not ethically right.
What would you do if you were
the only witness to an incident
that resulted in the harm of
Create a poem that answers this
question. Accompany it with a
powerful visual or visual way to
display your poem.
How would you define
courage? When have you
witnessed others
performing acts of
Create a poem that answers this
question. Accompany it with a
powerful visual or visual way to
display your poem.
What could be done to
eliminate prejudices in our
Create a poem that answers this
question. Accompany it with a
powerful visual or visual way to
display your poem.