Transcript Slide 1

The first click will look behind the red
church to see what the object is called.
The second click will look behind the yellow
church to see why that object is special.
A lectern
The Bible is put
on the lectern for
people to read
from it.
A pulpit
The minister
stands in the
pulpit to give his
A chalice
The wine for
communion is
put in this
special cup.
The flowers
make the church
smell and look
The Font
Babies get
baptised with
water from the
The Organ
People sing
praises to God.
The organ can be
used to make the
A stained
glass window
Stained glass
windows often tell a
story from the Bible
or show important
people from the Bible.
The church
Church bells are
rung on special
occasions or to
tell people to
come to church.
The Altar
The Altar is the
special table
where the bread
and wine is put
for communion.
The Bible
The Bible is
God’s special
book. It is full of
stories about
God and Jesus.