Transcript overview

Overview Module Preview
• This PowerPoint provides a sample of the Overview
Module PowerPoint. The actual Overview PowerPoint is
44 slides.
• The sample demonstrates the types of interactive
activities included in the Overview Module.
• Each slide is included in the Participant’s Guide and the
Facilitator’s Guide.
• There are embedded videos in the presentation as well as
some live links.
Using System’s Philosophy
Purpose and Outcomes
• Purpose
• Engage learners in a discussion to begin development
of an Organizational Profile in order to apply the
System’s Philosophy and principles to the organization’s
continuous improvement framework.
• Outcomes
• Increase knowledge of Baldrige criteria used in a
System’s Philosophy for continuous improvement.
• Examine key areas of Baldrige criteria to develop clear
understanding of a System’s Philosophy.
• Begin development of an Organizational Profile in order
to begin using a System’s Philosophy with the
improvement process.
Understanding Why
Baldrige Improvement Terminology
• It is important for alignment, integration, and improvement
that there is a shared understanding of common
improvement terms.
• With a partner, review three or four improvement terms
provided and develop an example from your own
• Share your examples with the larger group.
• You may have questions about the concepts on the
definition sheet. Write them down and post them on the
Parking Lot poster for sharing later. Your questions will be
addressed in the next session.
Overview Assessment
• Have each individual take the quick Overview
Assessment by responding to the statement with green if
all of the statement is true and red part or none of the
statement is true.
• Share and discuss your individual responses with a small
group of colleagues.
• Discuss those statements where there is disagreement
within the group.
• Share as a whole group what your group agrees with and
the disagreements you have discovered.
• Think about the disagreements as a starting place for
improvement and keep having conversation on your
areas of disagreement.
Partner Dialogue
• 45-30-15 Dialogue
• Partner A (45 seconds)
• Provide why continuous improvement in organizations has fallen short
in producing desired results.
• Partner B (30 seconds)
• Describe what might be important using the System’s Philosophy with
your current continuous improvement efforts.
• Partner A (15 seconds)
• Provide a conclusion based on your conversation.
System’s Philosophy
• The System’s Philosophy requires organizations to
self-evaluate every system within the organization from
the largest to the smallest system using the lens of the
seven criteria.
• The System’s Philosophy engages an organization in
examining its systems for alignment, integration, and
improvement for the purpose of meeting the mission and
moving toward the vision of the organization.
• The System’s Philosophy can be used with any
continuous improvement strategy or framework – it makes
it more effective.
Big Seven Gallery Walk
• Discuss with your small group the concepts you
would expect to find under the listed criteria
posted at various areas in the room (Leadership,
Strategic Planning, Customer Focus, Workforce
Focus, Operational Focus, Measurement,
• Rotate back to your original criteria and read the
comments provided by the other groups.
• Synthesize the comments and share with the
larger group your summary.
Understanding Your System
• Developing an Organizational Profile (OP) will require deep
and on-going conversations to assist in developing the most
effective approach to your improvement planning.
• An OP is an essential improvement tool and is always a work in
• The components of the OP are:
Organizational Description
Educational Programs and Service Offerings
Vision and Mission
Core Competencies
Workforce Profile
Customers Requirements
Competitive Changes
Comparative Data
Strategic Context (Strategic Challenges and Strategic Advantages)
Performance Improvement System