Kennedy’s Foreign Policy
Transcript Kennedy’s Foreign Policy
Kennedy’s Foreign Policy
Chapter 26
Section 2
Words to Know
• Exile: A person who lives away from his or her home country
• Quarantine: To isolate, or cut off, from other countries
Kennedy believed in Fighting
– Wanted stronger military than
Trouble between U.S. and S.U. in
– Fidel Castro Communist leader
of rebel forces in Cuba
– Allies with S.U.
Castro took over U.S. businesses
– Afraid U.S. would attack
– Asked S.U. for weapons
Secret Plans
President Eisenhower planned to train
Cuban Exiles to invade Cuba
– Overthrow Castro
– Believed Cubans would rise up
against Castro
President Kennedy decided to continue
with plan
April 17, 1961:
– Exiles landed at the Bay of Pigs,
– Cubans did not rise against Castro
– Cuban people attacked the exiles
• 100 were killed
• Rest went to prison
Berlin Wall
1960s: U.S. and S.U. relations grew
1961: Kennedy went to Europe to
meet with Nikita Khrushchev
Khrushchev told Kennedy that the
Communists should control all of
Kennedy refused
East German Govt. began building
a wall between East and West
The Wall
Wall was 12ft high and more than
100+ miles long
Barbed wire on top
Built to keep East Germans from
escaping to West Berlin
Few people left
Many people died trying to escape
Cuban Missile Crisis
1962: S.U. sent missiles to Cuba
Cuba close to U.S.
– Missiles could hit U.S. cities
October 22: Kennedy said Cuba
was under quarantine
Kennedy said if Cuban missiles
were used to attack U.S. the U.S.
would attack S.U.
World wide fear for war
October 24: Khrushchev agreed to
remove missiles from Cuba
– If U.S promised never to
invade Cuba
November 22, 1963
– Kennedy’s in Dallas
– Planning to run for second
– Shot while riding in his car
– Lyndon B. Johnson sworn in
Lee Harvey Oswald arrested for
assassinating the President
While being escorted by police;
Jack Ruby shoots and kills Oswald
– Ruby went to prison for