The 1960’s - West Morris Mendham High School

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The 1960’s
Leadership of the 1960’s
Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon
The Election of 1960
• Kennedy-problems of age,
father, religion
• runs a skillful campaign-”New
• The debates against Nixon-race
closest since 1884-1st debate is
key-image-strong tanned and
wore a blue suit-<Nixon sick,
just out of hospital, gray suit,
Election of 1960
another issue-Martin Luther King
arrested with 52 others for sitting at
a lunch counter reserved for whites
in Atlanta-all were released except
for King-sentenced to 4 months of
hard labor
Nixon-no opinion when askedprivately-called Justice Dept. to
check Civil Rights
Kennedy-phoned King’s wife,
Robert Kennedy called a Georgia
judge and got King released
Kennedy wins by fewer than
113,000 votes-that’s a change of 1
vote in half of all the precincts in
• From 1933-1959-run by a
dictator named <Fulgencio
• 1956-Fidel Castro led guerillas
begin revolt
• 1959-overthrows Battista-US
recognizes Castro
• the deterioration of relations
between Castro and US:
• 1. He holds mass public trials,
executions-US denounces Cuba
in the UN-accepts 1000s of
refugees to Florida
• 2. <Castro seizes business
properties-US cuts off imports
of sugar-Castro accepts Soviet
• 3. January 1961-US breaks
relations with Cuba
• plan: Cuban refugees would be
trained by the CIA for an
invasion. This action would set
off a general uprising
• Eisenhower approves, Kennedy
gives reluctant consent
Cuba and the Bay of Pigs
April 17, 1961-1400 Cuban exiles
landed at the Bay of Pigs
only 135 were trained soldiers-rest
were overage lawyers and
Air strike failed to knock out
Cuban air force
no ammo or supply ships are
available to invading force
distraction landing never went
Kennedy backs off invasion by US
<Castro declares Cuba Communist
and a member of the Warsaw Pact
Cuban Missile Crisis
Summer of 1962-CIA reports that
the Soviets are up to something in
October 16-U-2 find 65 sitesoffensive medium range ballistic
missiles-reach Washington in less
than 3 minutes
Kennedy reaction:
1. Naval blockade (quarantine) the
2. Missile attack by Cuba on any
other nation is an attack on USMonroe Doctrine
Film and tape of crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis
• 3. Soviets dismantle or
American planes would
bomb them
• Soviets back down-US
would not invade Cuba
Berlin Crisis
Summer of 1961-Nikita Kruschev discusses
situation in Berlin
15 years Soviets are unhappy with allied
troops in the area
West Berlin is thriving and East Berliners are
exiting to West
difficult to convince people of the virtues of
Communism over Capitalism
Kruschev threatens with firm measures if
troops not removed
Kennedy answers-US would not abandon
West Berlin
4000 East Germans are moving West per day
August 13-Soviets tanks and East Germans
along the 25 mile border
4 days later a stone wall topped with barbed
wire is built-The Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall webpage
Cold War Cools down
Set up:
1. Hotline
2. US suspends Nuclear testing
3. Talks with British and
Soviets in Moscow-Nuclear test
ban treaty-ban testing nuclear
weapons in the ocean,
atmosphere, and outer space113 sign
• 4. $250m worth of wheat to
Soviets (surplus)
• <Sign at the Berlin Wall
Programs for peace
• March 1961-extend program of peace to Latin America(Marshall Plan)
• Alliance for Progress-prevent Castro from exporting
revolutionary ideas
• called for-$20b over 10 years to build schools, houses,
sanitation facilities
• reform of tax laws
• break up large estates
• give farm workers land of their own
• 1961-1969-$12b to Latin America
Peace Corps
• March 1961
• volunteer working for 2
years in underdeveloped
nations in Asia, Africa,
Latin America
• agricultural advisors,
teachers, health aids
• 1968-35,000 volunteers in
60 countries
Civil Rights
February 1, 1960-sit-in at
Woolworths in Greensboro, North
Carolina-6 months later it is
Freedom Rides-set up by the
Congress of Racial Equality
(CORE)-groups of blacks and
whites rode buses throughout the
deep south to see if interstate travel
was desegregated (Morgan v.
<Alabama-mobs beat many and
firebombed buses-Robert Kennedy
sends federal marshals into
The March on Washington
• August 28, 1963• 200,000 people gathered in
Washington DC to advance the
federal civil rights legislation
• Martin Luther King delivers the
“I have a dream” speech
• Photos from March on
• More Photos of March
• “I have a dream” Speech
Civil Rights
In the Universities:
University of Mississippi-admit <James
Meredith-qualified black air force
veteran-Governor Ross Barnett refuses
to allow admittance
cited the Doctrine of Interpositionputting himself between the federal
government and the people of
state laws on segregation were superior
to federal law
Robert Kennedy sends in federal
marshals-rioting occurs-most are
members of the K.K.K.
John Kennedy sends in Federal troops
Civil Rights
University of Alabama: admits
Vivian Hood and Jimmy Hood
George Wallace stands in the way
that night-Medgar Evers NAACP
shot by a sniper
Birmingham-Evers’ murder charges
blacks to go from nonviolent to
1963-Eugene “Bull” Connors-gets
an injunction forbidding King
marches-let loose the police dogs
and fire hoses-TV carries it
Timeline of Civil Rights
Audio and Video of Civil Rights
Civil Rights
• Federal Actions: 1961-set up committee on Equal
Employment Opportunity
• 1962-Amendment 24-forbids Poll Tax
• November 1962-no discrimination in Federally funded
Kennedy Assassinated
1963-Kennedy and Jackie are headed to
Texas to clear a riff in the Democratic Party
November 22, 1963-12:30 pm, rode in an
open motorcade with Governor John
Connally and their wives
as they passed the Book Depository-3 shots
rang out
an hour later-JFK pronounced dead
later that afternoon-police capture-Lee
Harvey Oswald
2 days later Oswald shot by Jack Ruby before
millions watching TV
too bizarre-Warren Commission-investigateOswald is lone gunman
1978-conspiracy likely although no evidence
More on the Conspiracy
Lyndon Baines Johnson
• What problems face after an
• Gain trust, heal mourning
nation, heal mourning nation,
couple his programs with those
that already exist, “fill the
• <LBJ-Great Society-Civil
Rights Act of 1964-War on
Poverty are cornerstones
designed Americans “on the
outskirts of hope”
Civil Rights
• Race Riots begin-1964-for three
years more than 100 race riots
will occur
• <Watts district to Washington
• 1967-67 separate riots-Newark
NJ took 25 lives
• sparked by relatively minor
incidences-white officers and
black youths
• new leaders and “Black Power”
• Malcolm X-minister in the
Nation of Islam
Black Power
• 1. Blacked owned businesses
in black communities
• 2. Local control of schools in
black communities
• 3. The use of black police
officers in black communities
• 4. bloc voting to elect black
representatives who would give
priority to to the needs of black
• 5. The development of a sense
of pride in being black
• <Malcolm X
• Women are in Low-paying jobs
even though 1 of 3 women are
working and 1/2 of those are
supporting themselves
• colleges are pressuring not to
study Unfeminine careers
• 1963-The Feminine Mystiqueby <Betty Friedan
• report published that year stated
women-discriminated againstrecommended federal action to
change this
• Congress passes Equal Pay Actnot effective-can’t enforce it
• Women use the Civil Rights Act
of 1964 as the legislation to
help their cause
• founded the National
Organization for Women
(NOW)-Friedan first President
• Equal Rights Amendmentpushed by NOW
• <Brenda Berkman-one of the
women at Ground Zero
Seeking Change
• <Hippie Movement-most cities
in America such as HaightAshbury section of San
Francisco-bushy haired people
wearing jeans and fringed vests
• young and alienated from
American Society
• found it difficult to understand
poverty and unemployment in
• most are from middle class
white families
• resented and distrusted
everyone over 30
Seeking Change
Hippies worked at odd jobs-lived in
inexpensive quarters they called padslistened to:
Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel, Judy
Collins, Joan Baez, Janis Joplin, Jimi
Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, and the
Also called themselves Flower
Children-most social problems can be
cured with love and community
doing their own thing-some followed
Timothy Leary-enjoy the here and nowdon’t worry about the future
Nothing bigger than <Woodstock in
1960’s timeline
• 1960’s timeline
• <Newark, NJ
Seeking Change
Environmental Movement
1962-Silent Spring by Ralph
Carson-regulate pesticide use
smog, water, solid waste
environmentalist causing alarm
National Environmental Policy Act
of 1970-must study effects on the
environment on any federally
funded project
1970-Nixon established the
Environmental Protection Agencycontrol storage of toxic waste,
force companies to clean up
pollution damage and animal
protection codes
<Acid Rain Results
Seeking Change
• Older Americans:
• many more of these-life
expectancy was 75 for women
and 67 for men
• concentrated in certain states
• living in retirement towns
• continued to increase
• more and more as Baby
Boomers reach 50’s