Transcript Life cycles

Life cycles

1. Salmon Life Cycle 2. Frog Life Cycle 3. Mosquitoes Life Cycle

Salmon Life Cycle 1. Egg 2. Sac 3. Salmon Fish 4. Fingerlings

The First Stage :Eggs • In the first stage of a fish's life, they go through a period of being eggs. Salmon eggs lay in a "nest" that is called a redd. Pictured here are only a few of the 3,000 7,000 eggs laid by the female fish.

The Second Stage : Sac • This picture illustrates a yolk that sticks out from the bottom of the alevins. This "sac" contains protein, sugar, minerals, and vitamins...but as these alevins grow the sac disappears.

The Third Stage :Fingerlings • When salmon are fingerlings they have gone past the stage of being the size of a pine-needle (shown below).

Salmon Fish Full Grown!

Life Cycle Of Frog 1. Egg 2. Tadpole 3. Tadpole with legs 4. Young Frog, or Froglet 5. Frog

Egg • Life starts right as the central yolk splits in two. It then divides into four, then eight, etc. until it looks a bit like a raspberry inside a jello cup. Soon, the embryo starts to look more and more like a tadpole, getting longer and moving about in it's egg.

Usually, about 6-21 days (average!) after being fertilized, the egg will hatch.

Tadpole • After hatching, the tadpole still feeds on the remaining yolk, which is actually in its gut! The tadpole at this point consists of poorly developed gills, a mouth, and a tail. It's really fragile at this point. Then, 7 to 10 days after the tadpole has hatched, it will begin to swim around and feed on algae. After about 4 weeks, the gills start getting grown over by skin, until they eventually disappear.

Young Frog, or


• By 12 weeks, the tadpole has only a teeny tail stub and looks like a miniature version of the adult frog. Soon, it will leave the water, only to return again to lay more eggs and start the process all over again!

Tadpole with legs • After about 6 to 9 weeks, little tiny legs start to sprout. The head becomes more distinct and the body elongates. By now the diet may grow to include larger items like dead insects and even plants.

The arms will begin to bulge where they will eventually pop out, elbow first.

After about 9 weeks, the tadpole looks more like a teeny frog with a really long tail. It is now well on it's way to being almost full grown!

Frog • By between 12 to 16 weeks, depending on water and food supply, the frog has completed the full growth cycle. these frogs will start the whole process again...finding mates and creating new froggies.

Mosquitoes Life Cycle Eggs Larvae Pupa Female Mosquito

Eggs These eggs hatch within 24-48 hours releasing larvae that are commonly called "wrigglers" because you can usually see them wriggling up and down from the surface of the water. Wrigglers occur in all kinds of standing water, - anything that holds water for more than a week.

Larvae In about 7-10 days after the eggs hatch, larvae change to pupa before becoming adult mosquitoes. The newly emerging mosquito has to stand on still water for a few minutes to dry its wings before it can fly away.


Female Mosquito The female mosquito begins to seek out an animal to feed on several days after emerging from the water. Adult mosquitoes can live for a period of four to eight weeks.

The End By: C E L I N E