LCG Architecture Blueprint Seminar

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Transcript LCG Architecture Blueprint Seminar

Simulation Project Setup Status
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN
LCG Applications Area Manager
PEB Meeting
January 28, 2003
Simulation Project
Mandated by SC2 in Dec to initiate simulation project, following the
RTAG recommendations
Discussions with experiments, G4, FLUKA, ROOT, … on
organization and roles in progress
Approach to organization is a single, large, broadly scoped project
with several subprojects
 Keep the overall project leader job relatively thin
Strong subproject leaders
Direct technical leadership of activities
Simulation subprojects larger in some cases than typical work
packages in other projects, and with less horizontal coupling
Overall vision, organization, planning, communication, coherence,
Some subprojects likely to be divided into work packages
Scope and tentative subproject breakdown based on RTAG
PEB meeting, January 28, 2003
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Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN
Tentative Subproject Breakdown (1)
Based directly on RTAG recommendations
Generic simulation framework
 Multiple simulation engine support, geometry model,
generator interface, MC truth, user actions, user
interfaces, average ‘GEANE’ tracking, utilities
 ALICE virtual MC as starting point if it meets
 With G4, the largest in terms of apps area
development effort
Geant4 development, integration, support, maintenance
 The CERN/LCG participation in G4
 IT/API team moving to EP/SFT, plus participants from
PEB meeting, January 28, 2003
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Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN
Tentative Subproject Breakdown (2)
FLUKA integration
 CERN participation in FLUKA development proper not via the
applications area
 This activity involves FLUKA integration with the generic
simulation framework
 Anticipate using ALICE’s good connections to the FLUKA team
to aid in this activity
Physics validation
 The G4 validation program that originated in ATLAS and has
since broadened, moves to this project
 Largely coordination and communication with efforts taking
place within the experiments; not a large effort directly in this
LCG project
 A team with active participants in each experiment
 Scope broader than G4, to simulation physics validation in
 Including also simulation test and benchmark suite development
PEB meeting, January 28, 2003
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Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN
Tentative Subproject Breakdown (3)
Fast shower parameterisation
 Examine integration of GFLASH-like functionality into the
simulation framework
Model lateral and longitudinal shower profiles and deposit E spots
based on profile and sampling fluctuations
Allow fast parameterisation in calorimetry to coexist with
detailed simulation elsewhere
Generator services
 Follow recommendations of MC generator RTAG
 Generator librarian; common event files, validation/test suite; sw
support, and development if needed (HEPMC, HepPDT)
 A simulation subproject, rather than a small project
 Oversight and direction from MC4LHC
PEB meeting, January 28, 2003
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Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN
Very good candidates acceptable to the experiments and agreeable
themselves identified for some subprojects
Others require more discussion
Probable that I will lead the overall project during a startup period,
working with a slate of strong subproject leaders
 Possibly to be followed by adding overall leadership to a
subproject leader’s job
 Or attracting to the job a good candidate unable to commit all of
their time
 Hence the interest in keeping the top job relatively thin
Two LCG participants currently active in simu will continue
LCG-Russia interest in the generator services subproject
CERN Geant4 team
Most of the rest must come from experiments
Work is obviously well suited to that
PEB meeting, January 28, 2003
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Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN
Discussions ongoing to
 complete definition of and agreement on the project
 identify candidate leaders and participants
Initial ideas for generic simulation framework project
being developed
Expect to have the subproject breakdown settled and many
subproject leaders in place circa mid-Feb
Simulation project workplan due at SC2 Mar 14
 I expect to make it
PEB meeting, January 28, 2003
Slide 7
Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN