Mental Health

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Health Class

By the best looking bald man you ever saw! (Chris Homer too)

Mental Health

     Today – focus on wellness Wellness programs in the workplace and in schools  (Burton Snowboards) Burton Bio 7 Dimensions of Wellness (Worksheet) The Longevity Game Discuss life expectancy, behaviors, how what is done at young ages affects life later on

Goal Setting

    It’s a wish until you write it down. Then it’s a goal Long-Term Goal    Profession School Year Personally Short-Term Goal  Weekly   Daily Things you need to do to achieve your long-term goals Keep on file

Goal Setting

        Harvard Business Student… Fed Ex!

Motivation, Drive, Can Do Attitude...

Haiku Famous Failures / Famous People Athletes More… Motivation Haiku Clips…

“Life on Your Own”

  Have you ever told your parent / guardian “I can’t wait to move out on my own!”?

List in your notebook the following:   What items you would need to begin a life on your own What expenses would you have?

The Apartment Will Have…

 You will rent a furnished apartment in _________________  You are only able to bring your clothes and shoes with you, no other items!

          The apartment will have… Furniture (You buy? Gift?) Refrigerator Oven Plates (somebody gave you this) Glasses (somebody gave you this) Silverware (somebody gave you this) Lamps (somebody gave you this) Sheets (somebody gave you this) Towels (somebody gave you this)

Life on Your Own

          Personal expense worksheet Actual expense worksheet Cost is approximately $2,727 per month (living cheap) $32,724 per year You would need ~$41,000 job before taxes Minimum wage is $7.25 hr. X 40 hr week = $290 a week 51 weeks of work a year = $14,790 After taxes – approx $9,000 Does this work for you?

Life Economics Lesson The Cosby Show Don’t worry, I am available for any questions you may have… Please appreciate what you have in your own life and what your parents/guardians do to help you Would life on your own be easy?

Thank you Bill Gates

The Facts

The Facts - working 51 weeks / yr          No High School – $471/wk = $24,021/yr HS Diploma – $652/wk = $33,252/yr HS + 2 yr trade school – $785/wk = $40,035/yr College – $1066/wk = $54,366/yr Masters Degree – $1300/wk = $66,300/yr PHD – $1624/wk = $82,824/yr *** Before Taxes… On average, the more education you receive, the higher your salary will be Figures taken from the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics and represent median average earnings in 2012 dollars.

Then What?

  Brain activities demonstrating how the brain learns and processes information Strange Activities for Your Brain Day  Show, demonstrate & teach students how to wake up their brain & recall information easier

What is Stress?

  Intro to stress Project details

Chinese Proverb

 “That the birds of worry and care Fly above your head This you cannot change But that they may make nests in your hair This you can prevent”  Stressors – birds of worry and care

“Events are Neutral”

   

What does that mean?

The individual exercises control over the outcomes

Most stress occurs in the mind Results are things you do to yourself


Stress Map Project

      Project guidelines Scales / Categories Worksheets (packet) / Answer Key Finished Product Scoring Grid Grading Rubric

Stress Map Project

       Each day we spend half the class working on the scales and the other half discussing a stress related topic such as...

Factors that influence stress Types of stressors (biological, environmental, cognitive, personal behavior, life situation…) Alarm, Resistance, Exhaustion/Fatigue Eustress / Distress Symptoms Stress Reduction Ideas

Stress Map Project Examples

 Ex. Olivia’s conclusion…

Mate Trait Rummy

Game Rules

     Round 1 Pick a card from the face up or face down pile You must keep that card until your next turn Put a card back on the face up pile EXPLAIN to your group why you threw it out AND WHY you are keeping the other cards     Round 2 You must throw a card out first You can only pick from the face down pile EXPLAIN to your group why you threw out your card AND why you are keeping the other cards

Next Day’s Class

(after Mate Trait)   Process Lesson & HW See next slides…

Positive / Desirable Traits Negative / Undesirable Traits

Missing Traits you must have

Next Day’s Class

(after Mate Trait)     Process Lesson & HW Goal: Self-evaluation Do YOU possess the desirable traits?

Are you doing things that are “undesirable”?

Peer Intervention

 Peer Intervention Activity (drugs, poor decisions, eating disorders, violent behaviors, etc.)

Intervention - Day 1

Drug Intervention Example / Movie

Key Points to Remember

      ENABLING “Bailing out” a person…keeping them out of trouble Making excuses for somebody Covering up for someone’s mistakes / lies / behavior Ignoring / allowing a problem to happen or continue Giving a person $ to help them continue their problems…

Drug Intervention Practice Role Play   Groups of 5 Using Chrome Book, share with me a document stating the following:  Who will be the addict    What is the “Drug of Choice” Who will be the Therapist / Counselor Roles of the other members of the group

Drug Intervention Practice Role Play   Look up and research “How to do a drug intervention” Then each member of the group will do the


5 Steps for Giving Help

      Refuse to bail the person (user) out Express concern and care but be NON-


Mention only actions & behavior that are the problem Offer support and help Don’t argue or defend your position

Do not accuse or harass the user / addict

6 Helping Skills

       1. Express Concern 2. Identify the problem 3. Explore the alternatives 4. Predict the consequences 5. Ask them what THEY will do 6. Express support & “leave the door open” *** If there is a threat of physical violence, don’t wait, GET HELP ASAP

Help Info

        YES Community Counseling Ctr: 799-3203

LI Crisis Counseling (516) 679-1111 Nassau Alliance for Addiction Services

New York State OASAS (518) 473-3460 South Oaks Comprehensive Outpatient Counseling Services (631) 608-5028

Help Info

       

(for Parents)

(internet safety info)

(internet safety for parents & youth)

tips & interactive e-learning) (prevention

The Purpose of an Intervention     To let an addict know people care To let an addict know there are other ways to deal with their problems / anger / fears / issues Deal with the behavior first. The drug addiction will be dealt with in therapy This is not a therapy session. An intervention is to show care and offer help.

Skit Reminders

 By the time you leave today, you should hand in (all on one sheet of paper)  A list of your group member names  Roles each person will play (therapist, addict, friends, family, etc)    The idea for the setting (place) of your intervention A basic “script” for your intervention  i.e. drug of choice, setting, people involved…


Intervention - Day 2/3

   Day 2 you may want to give more time for the groups to work on their skits So do the role plays on Day 3 (quality over quantity)

The Purpose of an Intervention     To let an addict know people care To let an addict know there are other ways to deal with their problems / anger / fears / issues Deal with the behavior first. The drug addiction will be dealt with in therapy This is not a therapy session. An intervention is to show care and offer help.

Peer Intervention

  Peer Intervention Activity Group Handout Part I Part 2



Skit Reminders

    Addict - write a story about the first time they used and why they currently use  During the skit, the addict will be in denial Therapist - make a list of questions for the addict. Make a game plan for how you want to organize and run the intervention.

Other members – write stories about how your relationship with the addict has changed and why you want them to get help. Remember, you are writing to / speaking to the addict.


Suggestions for Intervention        Intervention should be 5-10 min AT MOST.

Family speaks before therapist does their thing. Why?

Therapist introduce yourself by first name only Deal with the behavior more so than the actual drug itself Therapist “plays off” each story/reading Remember, this is not a therapy session, the goal is to let the addict know people care about them and that there are other ways do deal with their problems.

Family / Friend should get involved with the role play and show care without judging the user

Do’s & Do Not

 Don’t –  Don’t tell an addict how they feel or why they are doing things (they know already)      Attack or harass the addict telling them they have a problem or “What’s wrong with them”.

Don’t call them an addict Don’t interrogate Don’t tell them how they have gone downhill, etc.

Argue with the addict about details / don’t sweat the small stuff

Do’s & Do Not

 DO –     Show concern Use words like: “I care”, “I feel”...

Focus more on what is bothering the addict & how they can deal with their problems in a healthy way Let the addict know that you are there for them when they need someone

How to End the Intervention

   Let the addict know there are people there for them when they need it Let the addict know there is a place where they can get help with their problems Let the addict know people are willing to go with them for support if they want Day 1

Skit Day / Role Plays

     Respect other groups efforts… pay attention… show respect Nobody except for the group doing the skit will talk Do not do other work or work on your own skit while another group is role-playing We may discuss the skit AFTER THE GROUP IS FINISHED  Write down any questions you may have and we will talk about it at the end of the role-play Remember the purpose of an intervention…

The Purpose of an Intervention     To let an addict know people care To let an addict know there are other ways to deal with their problems / anger / fears / issues Deal with the behavior first. The drug addiction will be dealt with in therapy This is not a therapy session. An intervention is to show care and offer help.

Skit Analysis – Group Discussion         skit that was performed as a class  *** This is a critique of the performance, not the people!

What did the group do well?

What do they need to improve upon?

What were the good communication skills used?

Did they show concern and care?

What were the bad communication skills shown?

Were they confrontational?

Remember to be NON-JUDGEMENTAL!


REVIEW OF MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO LEARN AND REMEMBER       Biggest risk factor is EARLY FIRST USE Synergistic Effect & what it is and does Why do people become addicted to drugs Serotonin/dopamine, homeostasis, depression, need to feel normal, need more or different drug to get high, etc.

 What someone can say to get out of a bad situation (refusal skills) Drugs affect a teenager’s brain differently than an adult and why… Interventions…how to help a friend

Intervention Rubric

    15 points _____ /5 pts Preparation / Written Work _____ /5 pts Quality of Story _____ /5 pts Role Play

Important “Must Do’s”

    Make students feel safe in the classroom Use humor in the classroom Save things in PDF format as well Good order to think about when planning units / lessons…    Individual / personal assessment Group activity / group work Whole class review / summary

Group Work / Review

Groups of 4

        Using the supplies given, your group will choose and present 3 of the following… 1. Song / Poem / Rap 2. Poster 3. Skit / Play 4. Newscast 5. Talk Show 6. Infomercial 7. Text Messaging Conversation

Be Original & Creative Assign responsibilities to each group member Will be presenting it to class at the end of the period

       

Groups of 4

Using the supplies given, your group will choose and present 4 CATEGORIES using the following… 1. Songs / Poems / Raps 2. Poster (2 + another category) 3. Skit / Play 4. Newscast 5. Talk Show 6. Infomercial 7. Text Messaging Conversation

Be Original & Creative Assign responsibilities to each group member Will be presenting it to class at the end of the period