Transcript Slide 1

The Three little pigs by
Chloe Hoyle
Once a time there lived 3 little pigs
and there mother said your getting to
big for this house so they went along
The first pig saw a man caring some
straw and said please can I have some of
your straw said the first pig so the man
went “yes you can have some of my
straw” so he went thank you said the first
pig so he went along.
So the seconded little pig did
see a man caring some stick
and said plece can I have
some of your sticks so the
man went yes you can have
some of my stick so he went
along to build his house.
So the thed little pig did see
a man caring some brick and
said plece can I have some
of your brick so the man
went yes you can have some
of my brick so he went along
to build his house.
So the big bad wolf was whching them so he dided to go to the
first little pig home and said little pig little pig let me come in
not by the hair on my chinny chin then ill huff and ill puff and ill
blow your home down and that what he did do
So he went along to go to the anther home and said……little
pig let me come in not by the hair on my chinny chin then ill
huff and ill puff and ill blow your home down and that is what
he did.
So the big bad wolf came to the onther home
and said let me come in not by the hair on my
chinny chin then ill huff and ill puff and ill blow
your home down and that what he don.