Transcript Document

Digging into the Rock Cycle
1. Describe how the granite of a
mountain could change first into
sandstone & then into quartzite.
2.Describe how a collision between
continental plates can result in the
formation of metamorphic rock.
1. Water & weather wear away the
granite of the mountain, & sand
grains from the granite are
deposited on the ocean floor,
where compaction &
cementation change them to
sandstone. If the sandstone is
pushed deeper into the crust,
heat & pressure change it into
2. A collision between
continental plates can push
rocks down deep into the
mantle, where heat &
pressure could change the
rocks to metamorphic rocks.
Memorize the rock cycle;
apply your understanding
of rocks to identify which
content you know & which
you need to learn.
“5 things I still need to learn about
(While working with your partner
today, look for the content that
you do not know.)