Research Piece on CIDA Agriculture Spending in Africa

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Transcript Research Piece on CIDA Agriculture Spending in Africa

CIDA Agriculture
in Africa
Food Security Policy Group
Kioko Munyao
Food Security and Policy Development
(World Vision Canada)
Food Security Policy Group
• The FSPG is a working group of the
Canadian Council for International
Cooperation (CCIC) focusing on two main
areas in relation to food security:
– Development Aid policy
– Trade policy
To provide civil society feedback on the
relevance to poverty reduction of CIDA’s
programming in agriculture in selected CIDA
‘countries of concentration’ with particular
emphasis on the interests of the rural poor,
including small and medium scale
(Ethiopia, Ghana and Mozambique)
• Identify lessons from the three country experiences in
order to inform dialogue in Canada on increasing
effectiveness of CIDA interventions in Agriculture for
poverty reduction
• Provide a better understanding of the relevance of CIDA
supported programs for the agricultural development
priorities of small producers to improve their livelihoods
• In SWAp type programs, identify ways in which CIDA can
strategically influence program design and impact
• Strengthen the support for agriculture in CIDA’s priorities
• Advocate for CIDA to meet its commitments in funding
for agricultural development according to CIDA’s 2003
strategy paper.
Context of CIDA Agricultural Focus
• Prior to 1990 there was recognition of the role of
Agriculture in poverty reduction and as an engine for
development in developing countries (20% of ODA)
• But this changed in the 1990s with overall donor
investment in Agriculture for Africa dropping by 43%
• CIDA’s 2003 policy statement set out to reverse this by
bringing back agriculture as a focus in Canada’s ODA
• CIDA set a target for increasing agriculture expenditure to
$ 500 million/yr by 2007 ( ~ 10% of ODA) from a low of 84
million in 2001
• The FSPG contribution to CIDA’s 2003 strategy focused on:
– Poverty reduction through improved rural livelihoods
– Importance of rural infrastructure and services
prioritizing domestic food security needs
– Sustainable local production for domestic markets
– Gender aspects of agriculture and food security
– Involvement of CIDA in diverse partnerships to improve
capacities of the poor to organize themselves
– Focus of CIDA’s support to governments should
• Promote appropriate agricultural trade and
• Support policies consistent with the principles of the
right to food, local food security and sustainable
Current Scenario
• In 2003/2004 and 2004/2005, CIDA met its commitment
in Agricultural investment as per its 2003 policy paper
• But in 2005/2006 this fell short of the target of $ 300
million by 22% and future projections point to a leveling
off at this current rate which is far below the $ 500 million
target by 2007 set in the 2003 policy
• Concurrently, CIDA Agricultural programming in Africa
increased notably in Ethiopia, Ghana and Mozambique
as a result of the 2003 strategy
Research Process
• View of various stakeholders including farmers
association and civil society organizations on their
governments agricultural programming and priorities
• Agriculture’s position and role in countries PRSP
• Assessment of CIDA supported agricultural programs
and how they fit in with the recipient governments
agricultural priorities
• Civil societies recommendations on how CIDA’s
agricultural programming can be made more effective
• Lesson sharing from the research with CIDA
Country Context
• Ethiopia together with Ghana and Mozambique
are the main recipients of Canadian agricultural
development assistance in Africa.
• They accounted for a large % of the agricultural
development assistance to Africa between 2002
and 2005
• All the three countries have enjoyed relatively
stable economic growth post 2002 averaging at
about 6% annually
• They all have in place a PRSP in which
agricultural development is seen as a major
contributor to rural development
Focus of CIDA’s Country Strategy
• This varies and is guided by CIDA country development
programming frameworks (CDPF) for the three countries:
– in Ghana, where the previous CIDA programming
framework (1999-2004/5) focusing on two program
• Basic Human needs
• Governance
is currently being updated, a discussion document
which provides the rationale and strategy for CIDA
contributions to food security in the northern regions of
Ghana acts as the framework.
CIDA’s Country Strategy Continued….
• In Ethiopia the 2004-2009 CIDA country framework in
operation focuses on:
– Agriculture/Food security
– Governance and capacity building
and aims at supporting the Ethiopian governments
development commitment as elaborated in the second
generation PRSP focusing on:
– Food security and agriculture development led
– Regional decentralization
– Public and private sector capacity building
– Justice system and civil service reforms
• In Mozambique the current CDPF 2004 - 2009 focuses on
Agriculture and Rural Development
It is designed to complement the country's PRSP with its
theme of reducing absolute poverty.
PRSP’s and Coherence to Poverty
• Mozambique's PRSP is the most comprehensive in linking
the aspirations of rural poor to the national level economic
development strategy and also has wide support from
both donors and local civil society.
• Ghana; the PRSP has not taken into consideration the
effects of the SAPs that the country underwent in the
1980’s that reduced investment in public service spending
and negatively affected provision of basic services to the
• Ethiopia; a well designed second generation PRSP and
other national food security and agricultural development
initiatives have recently been jeopardized by the unfolding
political situation in the country and the subsequent
response of the donor community
National Agricultural Policy Initiatives
• Ethiopia has a number of these including:
– Agriculture Development led industrialization strategy
– National Agricultural Input and Output Marketing
– Sustainable Development and poverty reduction
Program (SDPRP)
– Plan for sustainable Development and Poverty
Eradication (PASDEP)
– New Coalition for Food security
Why the Multiplicity of Agricultural Initiatives?
• Some of the national agricultural development initiatives
are as a result of a genuine government commitment to
addressing the recurrent problem of food insecurity and
rural poverty and are well thought out and were very
consultative in their formulation
• Others are a response to donor initiated processes to
mitigate the effects of drought especially the 2001/2002
Horn of Africa drought that affected Ethiopia and the
2000/2 floods in Mozambique
• Likewise some were more geared towards positioning for
donor investment and were in some cases a response to
government expectations of the changing trend in donor
Civil Society views and preliminary
findings from the research
• The five most important areas identified as priorities by
various stakeholders in agriculture were:
Development of small scale irrigation
Access to credit
Improvement in agricultural marketing and value
adding processes
Development of strong community based partnership
for agricultural development
Improvement in agricultural extension and research
Coherence Between Stakeholder Priorities,
Government Focus and CIDA’s Framework
• Of the three countries, Mozambique again has a higher
level of coherence between the above three factors
compared to Ghana and Ethiopia, though it is not
possible to conclusively determine whether this has
ultimately led to better results.
• Ethiopia with its multiplicity of national agricultural
initiatives has had mixed success in this areas due to
both the complexity that this creates as well as the
tension between civil society and government. It is not
possible to conclusively determine whether this has been
as a result of poor design, or as a result of the perceived
high handedness of the government to civil society.
Preliminary Lessons from the Research
• Supporting an agricultural led economic growth oriented
system does not automatically address food security
needs of the hungry poor.
• Though improvement in macro economic performance
has a positive effect in poverty reduction, it does not
automatically address the needs of the poorest and may
even create great wealth disparities. There’s a need to
factor in provision of social services to the poorest.
• The effects of previous donor led initiatives especially
SAP’s need to be addressed concurrently with new
initiatives e.g. the liberalization of strategic national food
reserves and downsizing of agricultural extension
• There is need for coherence between the IPS, CDPF
and the PRSP’s if the aim is to be responsive and align
to recipient country needs
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