WHMIS - Pembina Trails School Division

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WHMIS Stands for…













A Canada-wide system designed to give employers and workers information about hazardous materials used in the workplace. WHMIS standards are coordinated between both Federal and Provincial governments.

Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations sets the WHMIS requirements.


WHMIS has 3 Main Parts

Labels – provide information about the hazards of the product

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) – provide further detailed information about the hazards associated with the product

Education – how to use the information provided in the MSDS and on the Label


The GOAL is…

 Identify 6 Classes of Controlled Products  Understand the Main Hazards associated with each class  Recognize and understand the two types of WHMIS labels  Understand how to use Material Safety Data Sheets

A Controlled Product is…

Any substance or material which meets any of the criteria for inclusion in one or more of the six WHMIS Hazard Classes as defined in the Federal Controlled Product Regulation.

Under WHMIS , there is no comprehensive list of controlled products but only a list of hazard criteria.


WHMIS Does Not Apply

When WHMIS does not apply there may be another Act or regulation that does.

WHMIS does not apply to controlled products that are:

 Wood or a product made of wood  Tobacco or a product made of tobacco  A manufactured item that will not release chemicals  Products transported under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act

When WHMIS Does Not Apply

WHMIS does not apply to products covered by:

 Explosives Act  Food and Drugs Act  Pest Control Products Act  Certain products in the Hazardous Products Act  Nuclear Safety and Control Act

Hazard Classes & Symbols

There are 6 Hazard Classes

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class A : Compressed Gases Risks

 Physical hazard (120kg)  Explosive hazard  Content hazard


 CO 2 cylinders  N 2 cylinders  O 2 cylinders  acetylene

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class A : Compressed Gases Handling and Use

 Secure cylinder upright with valve cap on when not in use  Use gas specific regulator  Test connections for leaks  Avoid heat & ignition sources  Transport using specialized cart  Store in cool ventilated area

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class A : Liquid N 2 & Dry Ice Risks

 Frostbite  Samples may explode  Asphyxiation

Handling and Use

    Avoid skin contact Wear insulated glove and eye protection Store in a well ventilated room Transport securely to prevent accidental spillage

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class B : Flammable & Combustible

There are six Subdivisions

1. Flammable gas 2. Flammable liquid 3. Combustible liquid 4. Flammable solid 5. Flammable aerosol 6. Reactive flammable material

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class B : Flammable & Combustible Risks

 Fire hazard – will burn if ignited  Could ignite spontaneously  Could ignite upon mixing with water or other chemicals  Many are poisonous

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class B : Flammable & Combustible Examples

1. Flammable gas – hydrogen, methane 2. Flammable liquid [flash pt <37.8C] – gasoline, ether 3. Combustible liquid [flash pt >37.8C] – kerosene, varsol 4. Flammable solid – magnesium metal, aluminum dust 5. Flammable aerosol – propane, butane, isobutane 6. Reactive flammable material – phosphorus, sodium metal

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class B : Flammable & Combustible Handling and Use

 Avoid contact with flames, heat, & ignition sources  Cap tightly for storage, vapours are flammable  Avoid inhalation and skin contact  Ground and bond when dispensing from 25L container  Store in flammable storage cabinets if in excess of 30L  Transport separate from oxidizing materials  Transport securely using secondary containment

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class C : Oxidizing Material Risks

 Increase fire and explosion hazard  May cause combustibles to explode or react violently  May burn skin and eyes on contact  Most are corrosive and poisonous


 Peroxides  Nitrates  Persulfates  Hypochlorites (bleach)

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class C : Oxidizing Material Handling and Use

 Wear the recommended protective equipment and clothing  Store away from sources of heat and ignition  Many oxidizers are shock sensitive, handle carefully  Store and transport separately from flammables and organics  Store in non-corroding containers  Transport securely

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class D : Poisonous and Infectious

Division 1 –

Materials Causing Immediate and Serious Toxic Effects (acute) 

Division 2 –

Materials Causing Other Toxic Effects (chronic, delayed) 

Division 3 –

Biohazardous Infectious Material 19

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class D : Poisonous and Infectious Division 1 Risks

 Small quantities may be harmful or lethal  May be toxic not only if ingested but also if inhaled or absorbed through skin or eyes  Many acute toxic compounds act as carcinogens at lower levels


 Carbon monoxide  All halogens  Cyanides

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class D : Poisonous and Infectious Division 2 Risks

 Materials which have harmful effects after repeated exposures or over long periods of time  Damage could include:      Permanent injury or death Birth defects Cancer Organ damage Sensitization and allergies


 Asbestos  Formaldehyde, benzene  Ammonia

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class D : Poisonous and Infectious Division 3 Risks

 Infectious materials which may cause disease resulting in illness or death


 Blood, tissue, and body fluids  Tissue culture  Experimental cultures

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class D : Poisonous and Infectious Handling and Use

 Wear protective clothing to avoid all exposures: skin, inhalation, ingestion, and injection  Work in a fume hood or BSC  Avoid creating dust, vapours, and aerosols  Obtain appropriate immunizations  Handle exterior containers as though it is contaminated  Store and transport securely to prevent accidental spillage

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class E : Corrosive Material Risks

 Will burn human tissue including skin, eyes, nose mouth, throat & lungs  Will corrode many lab related materials particularly metals  Fumes may damage the environment


 Strong acids & bases  Hydrogen fluoride  Hydrogen chloride

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class E : Corrosive Material Handling and Use

        Wear appropriate protective clothing When possible work in the fume hood Open containers slowly When diluting acids, always add acid to water Store in non-corroding containers, on non-corroding trays (secondary containers ) Store away from combustibles, organics, and sources of heat and ignition Transport separate from flammables Transport securely using secondary containment

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class F : Dangerously Reactive Risks

     May be unstable or vigorously polymerize May react with water to release a toxic or flammable gas May self-react when shocked or heated Highly reactive with incompatible materials May burn eyes and skin on contact


 Ether  Acrylates  1,3-butadiene  Metal azides

Hazard Classes & Symbols

Class F : Dangerously Reactive Handling and Use

      Follow MSDS recommendations for use and storage Wear protective clothing, especially eye protection Open slowly and carefully & use in fume hood Ensure lab equipment is clean and free of impurities Store away from incompatible chemicals Keep away from heat and ignition sources; avoid sudden  temperature changes May require inhibitors to prevent reaction during storage  Examine storage containers frequently  Store & transport securely

Label Types

Supplier Labels

Workplace Labels



Supplier Labels

The following must be included on a supplier label:  Product Name  WHMIS Symbols  Risk Phrases  Precautionary Measures  First Aid Measures  MSDS Reference  Supplier Name All information must be within a hatched border


Laboratory Supply House - Supplier Label 3) Symbol



Workplace Labels

The following must be included on a workplace label:  Product Name  Risk Phrases  Safe Handling Instructions  Name & Date  MSDS Reference


Workplace Labels Must be present on:

 Products decanted or transferred from an original container  Product where original label is lost or becomes illegible  Products produced and used at the workplace

You can print your own WHMIS workplace labels


Workplace Labels – Hazardous Waste

The following must be included on a hazardous waste label:  Generator Information  Product Name & Concentration  Hazards


Workplace Labels – Hazardous Waste Waste Tags must:

 Be present on containers that do not have a correct supplier label  Must list any chemical over 1% or any quantity if it poses a significant hazard  Use only chemical names (no trade names, abbreviations, or formulas)

Print your own hazardous waste labels

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

 Provide detailed information on the hazards of a controlled product  An important element for developing safe work procedures and control measures  Must be provided by the supplier, or If you have created a product, you must prepare a MSDS  Risk Group 2 and higher biological agents also require a MSDS or a Pathogen Safety Data Sheet (PSDS)

MSDS’s must be replaced every 3 years All MSDS must be kept for a minimum of 30 years WellNet provides this service for PTSD



Information Provided Product Information

This section identifies product name, manufacturer and suppliers names, addresses, and emergency phone numbers, and the intended use of the product.

Hazardous Ingredients

This section lists all potentially hazardous ingredients, with the approximate amount (percent), and toxicity data for the individual ingredients. Information regarding the LD50 and LC50 (the amount of a chemical that is expected to kill 50% of a test animal population within a specified time) will also be given. The lower the value the greater the poisoning potential.


Information Provided Physical Data

Provides information on the physical and chemical properties such as odour, boiling point, and vapour density.

Fire or Explosion Hazard Data

Provides the conditions under which the product may catch fire or explode, as well as information for developing strategies and procedures to deal with fire and explosion hazards.

First Aid Measures

Lists the procedures for emergency first aid.


Information Provided Reactivity Data

Provides information regarding stability, self-reactivity, hazardous decomposition products, and conditions to avoid when using the product.

Toxicological Properties

Identifies how the substance can enter the body and the possible health effects from short term (acute) exposures such as irritation, sensitization; and long-term (chronic) such as liver or kidney damage, sensitization, cancer, or reproductive effects. Known exposure limits will also be given.


Information Provided Preventative Measures

Provides preventive measures you can take to protect yourself from exposure including: extra ventilation, personal protective equipment (PPE), safe use, handling, storage, disposal, transport, and spill control.

Preparation information

Indicated who was responsible for preparation and date of preparation of MSDS. It is 3 years from this date when the MSDS needs to be renewed.

Information may be labeled as Trade Secret if a claim has been filed. The information is released to medical professionals in case of emergency.




Location, Location, Location

  All staff are required to know the location of the MSDS book All staff that use or work in close proximity to chemicals are required to know how to use WellNet to access MSDS information via the PTSD website.

Hazardous Waste Disposal Procedures

 Every year the School Division coordinates a hazardous waste pick up with Miller Environmental.

 Hazardous waste pick up occurs every June.

 Hazardous waste labels and Miller Environmental Hazardous Waste Inventory sheets are available on the PTSD website.

 Science teachers should incorporate waste disposal into lab procedures or experiments  Reminder: NO disposal of Hazardous Waste is permitted down the drain (unless it has been neutralized and pH verified) or regular trash can.

Remember that your end point is someone’s starting point Refer to the PTSD Workplace S&H webpage for details

Spill Clean-up

Chemical or Biological

 If a spill occurs that poses an immediate risk to people, or if someone is injured – it is an EMERGENCY  Minor spills should be cleaned up by trained staff  Spills must never be cleaned up by untrained staff  Under no circumstance shall caretakers be instructed to clean up any lab spills  The best time to learn about and practice cleaning up a spill is before it happens – read the MSDS  S&H Officer is also available to assist with the cleanup of spills beyond the capabilities of available staff Information on spills cleanup can be found on the PTSD Workplace

S&H website

Chemical Storage

General Chemical Organization

 Organize by compatibility not alphabetically  Separate each compatible group   In separate cabinets or on separate shelves Or in secondary containers in same cabinet or shelf  Make sure all containers are properly closed  Containers must be labeled and tightly capped

Chemical Storage

General Chemical Organization

Flammables Bases Oxidizers Acids Store in flammable storage cabinets Store separately Store separately Store in corrosive resistant acid cabinet EXCEPT: chromic, nitric, and perchloric acids which should be stored separately Glacial acetic acid should be stored as a flammable

Chemical Storage

Potentially Explosive Chemicals Picric Acid and Nitro Compounds

 Dry picric acid may explode if subjected to heat, shock, or friction (opening the lid)  Picric acid must be stored under wet.

 Some nitro compounds may have similar requirements

Peroxide Forming Compounds

 Example ethers, dioxanes, sodium amide  Peroxide formation may be initiated by light or air  Peroxides are prone to explosive decomposition when subjected to heat, shock, or friction (opening the lid)

Evaluate the conditions of these chemicals regularly Refer to MSDS for storage and handling requirements

Chemical Storage

General Chemical Segregation Do Not Store:

Oxidizers Alkali metals Acetic Acid Acetone Hypochlorites Chlorine Cyanides (Alkaline) Potassium chlorate Chlorates (ClO 3 ) Hydrogen Sulphide H 2 O 2 Chromic Acid Annhydrous Ammonia Acids (conc.)


Flammables Water, CO 2 , CO, or CCl 4 Chromic, nitric or perchloric acid, peroxides, permanganates, or hydroxides i.e. KOH Concentrated sulphuric or nitric acids Acids Ammonia, acetylene, butadiene, benzene, petroleum derivatives, or sodium carbides Acids Acids Ammonium salts, acids, metal powders, sulphur, or carbon Nitric acid Flammables, Cu, Cr, Fe, or respective salts Acetic acid, alcohol, naphthalene, glycerine, or other flammable liquids Halogens, Hg, HF, or CaClO 4 Bases (conc.)

Chemical Storage

General Chemical Organization & Segregation Do Not:

 Do not place heavy materials, liquid chemicals, and large containers above eye level  Do not store chemicals on the floor  Do not store items in fume hoods  Do not expose stored chemicals to direct heat or sunlight

Chemical Inventory

PTSD Chemical Inventory Database

As part of the Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations, an inventory of chemicals is required at the Division every year.

The Division provides WellNet as a general database for all chemicals used in the Division. It can be accessed from the PTSD Workplace Safety & Health website.


Your principal / vice principal or designate is responsible for work‐site‐specific education that includes:

 Hazard information for the controlled products used at your work site  Safe use, storage and handling of specific controlled products used at your work site  Dealing with fugitive emissions and emergencies at your work site  MSDS location