Evaluation Summaries:

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Transcript Evaluation Summaries:

Progress on FAS Revisions
 Feedback on revised SFS
 SPF SIG community Survey
 All pre-test data is in – thanks and great
Thanks to those who have worked so
hard on this!
 Module format similar to the SFS
 Modules include a core module
everyone will use and targeted modules
each program can select from as
appropriate for the population served
 6 modules at this point
Module A: Core (83 Q)
 Module B: Parent Child Interaction (27 Q)
 Module C: Family Interaction (12 Q)
 Module D: Coping with Stress (18 Q)
 Module E: Prenatal (24 Q)
 Module F: Teen Parents (27 Q)
Removed a lot of the demographic
 Removed measures of illicit substance
 Added measures prescription drug use
 Added in some additional measures
from other validated instruments.
 As much as possible tried to keep
responses on a 4 pt scale (0-3)
 Added a “Not Applicable” response for
some questions.
Pilot test the various modules and
conduct focus groups (Feb 2009)
 We’ll be asking for your assistance in
doing that.
 Revise as needed (March 2009)
 Write the administration protocol
 Provide training on the revised instrument
(May-June 2009)
 Provide to programs & post on PIMS (for
July 1)
Any problems experienced with the new
 Any kudos?
 Syntax and reporting forms will be sent
out soon.
 Change: No reporting of Partial-Eta
Squares this time but programs with
comparison data will report r-squares
from regression analyses.
A Script for talking with potential
respondents is provided to you in English
and Spanish
 Please go over the script with your
 Please emphasize that the description of
the “consent page” is important to cover
when talking with respondents.
If at a location where not everyone can
be surveyed (e.g, Walmart) recruit the
first person to complete the survey.
Once that person has completed the
survey, put it in the box, and received
their incentive, count 5 people and
approach the 6th person who enters the
location. This strategy should be more
random than what we previously
Respondents can enter up to 6 digits on
the internet survey.
 The first 3 should be site ID assigned to
you by PIRE (printed on the recruitment
 Any additional numbers will reflect
specific locations where you recruited
 Examples: 50501 (Walmart), 50502
(basketball games); 50503 (Smiths) etc.
 You DO NOT have to have additional #’s
All documents are posted on the PIMS
site in case you lose anything.
 Any last minute issues? Insights for
Emails about the CLI should be going out
to the persons designated as responsible
for completing the CLI - should be going
out today.
 In it, should be your login information
and password.
 Please let Martha know if you do not
receive an invitation by the end of the
Start Part I early, as the list must first be approved
before proceeding to Pt. II
Try not to change the type of any intervention if
at all possible.
Do not change CLI reporters if you can help it.
Do calculations consistently from report to report.
Fill in hard copy first, then enter data.
Print a hard copy for every intervention in Part II
Study the tip sheet from Maya-tech
 Use Google Group to share insights with
others - any feedback now?
 Contact Shelly Kowalczyk from
Mayatech with any issues and please cc
Liz or Martha so we can provide any
necessary support.
[email protected]
[email protected] Liz Lilliott
[email protected] Martha Waller