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Tuesday April 7th, 2015
Welcome Back!
Let’s get ready to learn!
Housekeeping Items
● If you were absent when I handed back the vocab quiz
please collect your work from the unclaimed work folder
beside the handout bin.
● If you have not been contributing to the vocabulary
chart on your day, this will be reflected under the
learning skill responsibility on your midterm.
● If you were absent on Thursday, you need to complete
the theme quote section of the theme project on your
own time.
Today’s Agenda
1. Vocabulary
2. Return PPEC Paragraph
3. Theme Project
HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 16 and answer
Vocab and Vocab Check
You will copy down the vocab for Chapters 15-16.
Casselman P.4
Casselman P.5
Return PPEC Paragraphs
Let’s discuss your paragraphs
Please keep your results to yourself
Theme Project-Day 3
● Finish your PPEC Paragraph Draft
● As a group you will write a poem involving your
theme. It is up to you what form the poem will take. It
does not have to directly mention the novel. Your poem
should have at least 5 poetic techniques.
● Remember that this poem will be displayed on your poster.
You will also be performing your play creatively for the
Theme Project - Day 3
Which types of poetry did we learn how to
write in unit one?
Types of Poetry
Limerick - humorous, 5 lines, abba rhyme
scheme, syllable pattern
Haiku - 3 line stanzas, follows a strict
syllable pattern
Narrative poem - one that tells a story
Free verse - rhymed or unrhymed verse, no
Review of Literary Devices
What are some of the literary devices you
learned in unit one?
Let’s come up with some examples!
Theme Project - Work Time!
● Working in your group,
decide which type of poem
you would like to write.
● Each person must contribute
at least ONE poetic device.
● Decide how you will present
your poem.